Tuesday, October 13, 2015

When Murder isn't Murder

Examples of how the self described "progressive" democratic party partisan blog Daily Kos members exhibit cognitive dissonance related to truth and justice.  They're not alone of course.

All of these articles are on (at the time of this writing) the "recommended list", which is where those diaires that garner the most recommendations are placed. These articles (diaries) all speak to illegal, immoral or otherwise nefarious activities perpetrated by humans against other humans. The common theme among the authors and commenters is related to justice. For the woman who fired at suspected shoplifters in Michigan, she's been charged with a crime. Commenters unanimously agreed it's good she's being charged and she deserves punishment. The same basic sentiment applies to the former CIA contract psychologists, those involved should be held accountable.

The other three diaries involved people who are not being charged with crimes, fascist cops, and an evidently terrible person who should be at least shunned and mocked.





The cognitive dissonance comes in relative to actions of Democratic party politicians and officials, particularly President Obama and fomer Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 

Now keep in mind that most of these diarists and commenters are partisan democrats who will support Obama and will vote for Clinton in the upcoming 2016 election. Most of these people believe that George W. Bush and his assortment of neocons and conservative republican parasites committed war crimes with their Iraq war and use of torture. Most of these people believe they should be held accountable, although most certainly don't blame Obama for not doing his duty and arresting the outlaws.

That's one example of their cognitive dissonance, the rationalizations required to exonerate Obama from holding the criminals before him accountable.

The facts are and the evidence is overwhelming that President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton conspired to wage illegal wars, regime changes and country balkanizations, against Libya and Syria. These wars were conducted differently than the Iraq war was conducted by Bush and the neocons in that they used proxy terrorists and mercenaries and proxy countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar to do the dirty work instead of American and NATO soldiers.

These are clear crimes against humanity and violations of international laws of war that have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent humans and the dislocation of millions as seen in the recent manufactured refugee "crisis" hitting Europe. The actions of the Obama administration, and don't forget John Kerry after Clinton, are just as egregious as Bush and just as illegal and horrendous.

These are crimes of psychopaths who have no qualms with playing God with the lives of millions of human beings.

But these partisan democrats who are so rabid in their quest for justice against stupid gun owners, racist cops, Bush era criminals, and terrible Aunts, do not even consider the facts about Obama, Clinton and the Democratic party's complicity in utterly heinous crimes against other humans and countries.

They are able to rationalize that away or ignore it. That's cognitive dissonance.
"Cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. An individual who experiences inconsistency (dissonance) tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and is motivated to try to reduce this dissonance—as well as actively avoid situations and information likely to increase it."

To admit that Obama and Clinton are vicious mass murderers would completely obliterate their worlds. How can one support another person or vote for another person who commits crimes so horrendous that if they did so in their own cities, the entire city would be shutdown in fear and in a veritable police state? How can they claim the republicans are so bad if they really looked at their own party's actions? They can't. They actively avoid information that will cause them to veer from their realities. 

To be clear, it's no different on the other side, the conservatives and republicans. Americans have long been able to excuse the criminally murderous actions of their government as different from everyday crimes.  Somehow murder by government isn't the same as murder by some lower class criminal in Podunk, Idaho.  Somehow theft of trillions of dollars isn't a crime like a Little League secretary's theft of a couple thousand from the LL fund to pay rent.

Somehow we allow mass murderers like Madeleine Albright, George W. Bush and his father, and Henry Kissinger to not only remain free but live the good life, while we foam at the mouth when it's Wesley Allan Dodd down the street. 

Cognitive dissonance, relative to striving for internal consistency, is in us all or we wouldn't be striving for that consistency. Some of us anyway. Most just don't give a shit.

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