Monday, October 26, 2015

Ruling Class Political Parties agree to Shaft the Disabled and Sick while Increasing their Military Empire

Really pissed off to hear this news:

"Congressional leaders and the White House are nearing a deal on a two-year budget agreement that would increase military and domestic spending in exchange for long-term spending cuts to programs like Social Security and Medicare."

It's not a done deal, it still has to go through the fake gauntlet of Congress and Senate approval.  There will be some take gnashing of the teeth from designated Democratic party ruling class representatives and more threats of some bullshit from the Republicans.  But in the end, it's We the Serfs who get the shaft and the Military Empire that will roll along like a Blob that gets bigger the more it consumes. 

Here's why it will pass:

"The legislation would also likely be paired with an increase in the federal borrowing limit through March 2017, preventing a potentially disastrous default next week.

The time frames laid out in the potential deal would also effectively ensure the end to the near constant budget and debt limit fights that have dominated President Obama’s relationship with congressional Republicans by pushing the next set of fiscal deadlines into 2017 when the White House will have a new occupant."

Not only will it let the two ruling class political parties focus on the fake democratic election coming next year, but it will end the sequester cuts and allow for more increases in the military/national security/intelligence budget (imperialism budget) just in time to get back at those EVEEL Russians.

It looks like Obama got what he wanted, some long term cuts to Social Security and Medicare while putting off any talk about the incredible national debt which is approaching $20 Trillion for the next President and Congress. 

"House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said Boehner and Obama had been laying the groundwork for a possible deal for months.

“I think that there’s work that has gone on for several months on this so it just culminated before it had to happen,” he said."

Specifically, the cuts to Social Security and Medicare include:

"The deal would specifically extend the 2 percent payment cut to Medicare under the sequester and create a “flat benefit” for disability recipients, which would be tied to the federal poverty line rather than an individual’s own savings. Budget experts at the Heritage Foundation have championed the flat benefit.

“This would be the first significant reform to Social Security since 1983, and would result in $168 billion long-term savings,” according to a source familiar with the talks."

The HERITAGE FOUNDATION, a pack of traitorous sociopaths intent on creating a trillionaire class on Planet Earth while letting the rest of us live like rats.  The people at the Heritage Foundation should be exiled from this country and placed on a outlier planet in another galaxy.   That's after they're paraded through every small town in America with yokes around their necks and signs that say "Kick me - HARD!" 

I think this further shows that the Bernie Sanders campaign for President is a joke, a fraud.  The next President is going to face a national debt of $20 trillion, a huge budget deficit, and an Empire on the ropes.  That is not a recipe for taking care of the serfs, it's a recipe for austerity like we've seen in Greece.  It's coming here and it's coming hard. There won't be any room for free college and Medicare for all. 

Boycott the 2016 election.  Withdraw Consent.  It's the only option.  We have to withdraw our consent to be governed by these fuckers and tear down their institutions and organizations. 

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