Sunday, October 4, 2015

More Evidence Sanders would be more of the Same, Obama's Third Term

Sanders supporters have fretted somewhat about their perception that he hasn't come out strong on his foreign policy positions.  What they're missing is he's said exactly what he's all about.  The same damn lies used by Obama, Clinton, the neocons, the imperialists, the whole damn bunch of lying imperialist murderers.

The thing is, most will look at this and not get it.  They won't realize he's parroting the false narratives about the United States attack on the country of Syria and it's people, or the false narratives and lies about the U.S. manufactured situation with ISIS.  He clearly is supporting this illegal attack on a country to facilitate another United States of Imperialism regime change.

Sanders says it's a "civil war" like his supporters, most of who still approve of Obama's job performance.  That's a fucking lie, it's been a U.S. (along with Israel/Saudi Arabia) instigated war against Syria from the beginning. The actions of the U.S., and the Obama that Bernie supports, have been illegal, immoral, and crimes against humanity. 

Sanders supporters should be fucking ashamed, but they appear to have no shame about U.S. imperialism when they can get their $15 dollar minimum wage or their pie in the sky Single Payer health care system or "free" college education.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said on Saturday that he opposes a unilateral American no-fly zone in Syria, offering a less hawkish stance on the war-torn region than Hillary Clinton, his chief rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, and a position more in line with President Obama.

“We must be very careful about not making a complex and dangerous situation in Syria even worse,” Sanders said in a statement to The Washington Post. “I support President Obama’s efforts to combat ISIS in Syria while at the same time supporting those in that country trying to remove the brutal dictatorship of Bashar Assad.”

But, Sanders added: “I oppose, at this point, a unilateral American no-fly zone in Syria, which could get us more deeply involved in that horrible civil war and lead to a never-ending U.S. entanglement in that region.”

In a television interview broadcast on Thursday, Clinton advocated additional air power to protect civilians in the multi-front war, in which Syrian rebels and international advocates have said that air patrols in Syria’s north could give civilians a refuge from Assad’s bombing raids."

Lies are lies and Sanders is as full of them as the rest.

That's the danger right there, just as it was with Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner.  Sanders is turning out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Those supporting him are supporting U.S. imperialism and Israeli Zionism. 

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