Sunday, October 25, 2015

Bernie Sanders defends Obama's handling of the Economy, Claims Obama made "Real Progress"

In this speech, Bernie Sanders comes out against the republicans and their handling of the economy under George W. Bush.  Typical ruling class political party language.  But notice how Bernie the Independent seamlessly defends the democratic party and it's war criminal leaders. 

"Everybody knows that thanks to the President and the Vice President we have made real progress in improving our economy" (1:45 mark in the video).

There you have it.  Bernie Sanders is defending Obama and Biden and claiming that their democratic party administration has made "real progress in improving our economy". 

Which is absolute bullshit.  The economy has improved for the top 20% and really, really improved for the top .001%.  The rest of us continue to fall behind, stagnate and suffer because of the criminal activities of "our" ruling class.

Since Obama took office the rich have continued to get richer at an astounding pace.  More people than ever live in poverty, more children live in poverty, more people are dependent on the government for welfare and other subsidies, more people are not working than ever, more people are struggling with debt and more people are facing nearly insurmountable obstacles to find economic security. 

Obama and Biden haven't done shit to stop the bleeding, absolutely nothing has been done to end the criminal financial enterprises that are fleecing the public.  There are clear indications that we're heading for an even worse recession than 2008 which was caused not only by the Bush administration but the Democratic party Clinton administration before it.

10 Charts Which Show We Are Much Worse Off Than Just Before The Last Economic Crisis

Bernie Sanders just proved once again that he's just another one of "them".  One of the sycophant ruling class politicians who will lie and deceive to get you to vote for their ruling class political parties.   He's placed his reputation on economic matters while flailing about on foreign policy because he's an imperialist for all practical purposes.  But now, with his defending of Obama's performance on the economy he has shown he is no better on economic issues and just another political party attack dog. 

And isn't it a bit odd that he's been saying that all the wealth is going to the top and how terrible the wealth inequality situation is and how nothing has been done to stop it, and now he's saying "real progress" has been made? 

Nothing but more hopey changey bullshit.

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