Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Most Important Issue - Democracy

Many of Bernie Sanders supporters have been saying he's talking about the most important issue - wealth inequality.

I disagree. 

I think the most important issue is democracy.  We don't have it.  Because of that we have the rampant wealth inequality.  Because of that we have permanent war and U.S. imperialism and a fascist police state.  There is a cause and effect for all this and it's at the top, the people who rule over us in this oligarchy/plutocracy we live in.

Unless you believe that even if we had a democracy the people would have chosen this path anyway.  I don't believe that. 

So really, the most important issue is democracy itself. 

The thing nobody, not even Bernie Sanders and his supporters, seem to want to talk about.

I was watching a baseball game last night and before the game they had the obligatory singing of the Star Spangled Banner.  I watched as the people placed their hands over their hearts and sang along, becoming louder at certain points in the song, like when the "bombs were bursting in air".  The loudest cheers during the song came at the key points, "land of the free" and "home of the brave". 

It was like watching a North Korean documentary.

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