Friday, October 23, 2015

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) is a Western Intelligence Propaganda Source

The SOHR, which I've written about a few times, is one man with links to MI6 acting as a western propaganda source for the illegal war the U.S. and friends are waging on Syria.   

It's been known since the beginning of the Syria war that SOHR was actually just one dude named Rami Abdulrahman.

He's the one credited with reporting the supposed bombing by Russia of a Syria field hospital. 

"AFP, a French media outlet, was responsible for publishing a piece titled 13 Dead as Russia strike hits Syria field hospital: monitor. The source in the story was identified as the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is run by one man – Rami Abdulrahman. Just recently, Abdulrahman told RT that the last time he had been in Syria was 15 years ago and that all the information for his reports is taken from “some of the Observatory activists” who he knows “through common friends.”
In the past, Rahman has said he relies on sources on the ground, who are among the US funded Syrian rebels.

 Shortly after the report appeared, a video emerged showcasing the exact moment of the alleged Russian hospital strike. The video was uploaded by activists known as White Helmets – a rebel group which has already been caught faking evidence of civilian deaths supposedly caused by Russian strikes. "

I see many progressives, not wanting to be seen as supporting Putting and Russia as it tries to defend the Syrian people from United States genocide, still believe the information credited from SOHR. 

When will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn. 

When it comes to Syria especially, don't believe anything in the ruling class media and anything in the alternative media that doesn't challenge the propaganda from the SOHR.  If they don't point out who SOHR really is, it's propaganda, plain and simple.

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