Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Henry Kissinger and 9/11 Truth

A couple articles highlighting what needs to be done for our freedom, for human society to progress beyond the madness. 

They have to do with truth and justice.  Without truth and justice, the human race will never reach it's potential, if there is such a thing.  There will never be true peace, harmony, fairness, or equality.  Dark secrets and hidden crimes will forever prevent real progress. 

The first asks why Henry Kissinger, recognized as a war criminal throughout the world, is still walking around free.  The author outlines some of Kissinger's war crimes and crimes against humanity and also warns that we have to get them all, the Clinton's, Bush's, Obama, and all the accessories to imperialist crimes. 

The second is about 9/11, the false flag attack on the United States perpetrated by the Neocon/Zionist cartel that took over the country via the Bush Presidency.  The psychopaths that wanted a "New Pearl Harbor" so they could implement their insidious and destructive plan for a "New American Century. 

Crimes against Humanity: Why Is Henry Kissinger Walking Around Free?

"If the United States is ever to become a democratic society, and if we are ever to enter the international community as a responsible party willing to wage peace instead of war, to foster cooperation and mutual aid rather than domination, we will have to account for the crimes of those who claim to act in our names like Kissinger. Our outrage at the crimes of murderous thugs who are official enemies like Pol Pot is not enough. A cabal of American mis-leaders from Kennedy on caused for far more Indochinese deaths than the Khmer Rouge, after all, and those responsible should be judged and treated accordingly.

The urgency of the task is underscored as US aggression proliferates at an alarming rate. Millions of people around the world, most notably in an invigorated Latin America, are working to end the “might makes right” ethos the US has lived by since its inception. The 99 percent of us here who have no vested interest in empire would do well to join them." 

"More pressure is needed, and allies of the US engaged in war crimes like Paul Kagame should be dealt with as Pinochet was. More important perhaps for those of in the US is that we hound Rumsfeld, both Clintons, Rice, Albright and Powell, to name a few, for their crimes against humanity every time they show themselves in public just as Petraeus has been. That holds especially for our two most recent War-Criminals-in-Chief, Barack Bush and George W. Obama."

Truth about 9/11 would take down the US as a global empire: Scholar

"The truth about the September 11, 2001 terror attacks would not only destabilize the American political system but it would also take down the US as a global empire, an American scholar says.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday, while commenting on the ongoing feud between Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Jeb Bush over the 9/11 attacks."


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