Sunday, October 18, 2015

Bernie Sanders' plan for Free College and other Stuff

Bernie Sanders was on the Zionist Bill Maher ruling class television show last week and was questioned by Zionist Maher on how he would pay for some of his suggested programs like free college and Medicare for All. 

Sanders is relying on funding most of his programs by taxing the rich. 

So Democratic Socialism is defined as this:

Empire Proclamation:

-the rich and powerful get to keep and maintain control of all their institutions like Gangster Capitalism, Wall Street, the Federal Reserve System, and the Republican and Democratic parties.  They can continue seeking to control the rest of the planet via U.S. imperialism to include and not limited to waging the eternal War OF Terror, starting new wars, conducting regime changes, sanctioning other countries, and murdering innocent people to further and protect their interests.  They will maintain their control over the people of the United States of America.  

-In return the rich are to donate a small part of their booty to the serfs in order to provide them a more human existence and keep them pacified in their ruling class systems.   This includes a 1% tax on the illegal casino style Wall Street financial transactions that have helped the 1% accumulate over half of the country's wealth and a small increases in personal and corporate income taxes, mostly coming from faux enforcement of current laws and regulations regarding taxes.   

-the natives are getting restless.  That requires pacification and alms for the poor. 

Ya, it's all part of the theatrical performance we're being treated to.  We get Bernie Sanders and the Pope taking the place of the people (remember Occupy), and then everything will be all right.  Just sit back, stop you're stupid protesting and take your medicine like the good boys and girls you are. 
Then get back in your pen until next time.

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