Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Far Left Man, Far Left

In the broadest vernacular used to divide the people, left/right, I suppose I'm a far lefty.  On some issues I'm so far left I can see Russia from my kitchen window. 

According to whoever wrote the entry in Wikipedia, the far left:

"The far left seeks equality of outcome and the dismantlement of all forms of social stratification.[1] Most far leftists seek to abolish all forms of hierarchy, particularly the inequitable distribution of wealth and power.[1] The far left seeks a society in which everyone is provided equal economic and social opportunities, and no one has more wealth or power than anyone else.[1]

The far left typically believes that inegalitarian systems must be overthrown through revolution in order to establish egalitarian societies, while the centre left works within the system to achieve egalitarianism."[1]

Sounds about right.  I'm not hung up on socialism or Marxism or any other ism per se.  I think we need some kind of hybrid system of capitalism and socialism with checks and balances.  If we ever get to the point as a civilization that we decide to change our way of life, I trust the experts to offer the proper options.   Whatever we might come up with has to be as "human proof" as possible because we humans have proven ourselves to be as greedy, cruel and power hungry as any science fiction writer has been able to imagine. 

There are a lot of people like me, those on the far left of the spectrum.

Most of those I see are not going to vote for either of the two major political parties.  We're not going to give our consent to be governed by the ruling class via politicians of their two political parties.  We believe working within the ruling class systems is fruitless and the only chance for an egalitarian society is to overthrow the ruling class and overturn their systems. 

And I think when you get down to it, there are a lot of people who don't identify as far left that would be in favor of an egalitarian society if they really took the time to understand the options and possibilities.  Perhaps a majority of the country, who knows.  The divisions of the left/right, republican/democrat, conservative/liberal type are largely manufactured.  Studies have shown, including a recent one, that a large majority (75-80%) of humans are inherently good. 

Last election only 37% of the voting public voted, an all time low.  Granted it was a "off year" election, i.e., non Presidential election year, which typically see a lower turnout, but it was a record. nonetheless.  And it probably portends future turnout results as well.  The turnout for the 2016 election will be larger than in 2014 but it could very well set low turnout records for a Presidential year election.  In fact, we need to make sure it does as I'll explain below.  And so on and so on until the system is changed. 

I see the partisans of the Democratic party fighting amongst themselves over Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Some are pleading with both factions to lay aside their differences and pull together for the good of the party.  Some use the terms left and far left to describe those who should join hands and sing Kumbaya for the ruling class Democratic party.  Now remember, those partisans and those on board for Clinton and Sanders so far only equate to about 10-15% of the voting public.  All the polling results and discussion in print and the media are so far considering what amounts to about 10-15% of the voting public.  The republican side has about the same numbers. The rest are either completely disgusted or not paying attention at all.  The partisans are people playing amongst themselves, deluded in their beliefs that it matters to the serfs. 

Well, they can forget about the far left, it's not happening.  I would guess that extends farther within   the left and captures many who aren't quite far left but somewhere at the center left and beyond. When talking about who votes for who it's easy to forget that the vast majority (63% in the last election is a vast majority, or super majority in political terms) of Americans eligible to vote did not vote.  That includes people on the left, right and center.  So a large percentage of the left did not vote and will not vote in the next election.  That includes more than the far left.   But at this point I would wager that at least 90% of the far left if not more have decided what should have been decided decades ago, refuse to play and withdraw their consent to being governed by these ruling class sycophants. 

It's time for the super majority of this country to be counted and the only way to do that is with an organized election boycott.  Left unorganized and publicized, the sixty percent of the voting public that has realized the system is hopelessly corrupt. will continue to be counted as apathetic citizens who don't want to participate in this faux democracy we call the United States of America. And we'll continue to allow the deluded 40% to perpetuate a system that is as undemocratic as they come. 

Organized and publicized we can demand the end of Rule by the Rich and a change to a system that represents all of us.

Participate in the Great Election Boycott of 2016, and you'll be able to tell your grandchildren what you did for them. 

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