Thursday, October 8, 2015

Sanders supporters and the Democratic party can't Handle the Truth

This Bernie save the World stuff is pretty amazing.  I thought for sure Obama would have been the last straw, but the Sandernista's are proving me wrong.

First they were arguing that Sanders is not officially a democrat when they heard people criticize him for running as a Democratic party candidate.

Now they're proudly proclaiming he really is a Democrat and that this is a "moment of truth" for the Democrats and the Democratic party.  At least now they're admitting what was clear from the beginning, Sanders is the Democratic party and so are his supporters, the same supporters who still support Obama the war criminal by the tune of over 80%!

Like the Democratic party could handle the truth. 

Some of these people, like the diarist of the linked article, are even claiming they're antiwar and that's why they're supporting Sanders.  Even though they've been warned Sanders is a military industrial complex imperialist who supports the War OF Terror, the Cold War against Russia, the fake war against ISIS, and the false narrative that the U.S. needs the world's largest military to maintain democracy and peace.  Sanders has spread the same lies spread by all of our imperialist politicians. 

What a sad, pathetic country we live in.

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