Sunday, October 25, 2015

Does Hillary Clinton have a Laughing Medical Condition?

Hillary Clinton was laughing again.  This time at the Benghazi off-Broadway theatrical performance called a "hearing". 

She does seem to have a problem with laughing at inappropriate times.  Remember this one?

I suppose it's no laughing matter though.  There are many people that have moderate to serious problems relative to inappropriate laughter. 

But I wonder, could Hillary Clinton have "Pseudobulbar affect (PBA), emotional lability, labile affect, or emotional incontinence which refers to a neurologic disorder characterized by involuntary crying or uncontrollable episodes of crying and/or laughing, or other emotional displays."

Common cause include:
Drug intoxication
Substance abuse
Temporal lobe injury
Alcohol intoxication

Tic disorders
Tourette syndrome
Social anxiety
Angelman syndrome
Pseudobulbar palsy
Gelastic epilepsy
Brain tumors
Multiple sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
I've not seen her cry though and evidently she doesn't sweat.  That could also indicate a medical condition.

Hey, I'm not saying medical conditions should bar people from seeking political office.  Hell no.  I've got my own medical conditions.  If anyone reading this doesn't have any medical conditions, consider yourself lucky and keep your fingers crossed.  But the President of the United States is a one of a kind job that carries with it special responsibilities. 

What if Hillary Clinton became President and when giving her inauguration address she started laughing hysterically when talking about the future of this country?  What if she started cackling like a hyena when giving an address in front of the nation announcing the bombing of Iran?  What if the Secret Service has to carry her out of the Oval Office during a weekly address because she's worked herself to tears and starts rolling on the Oval Office rug?  What if she starts laughing uncontrollably when talking on the phone to Vladimir Putin? 

It wouldn't look good for Americans to have this happen. 

Maybe she needs to be checked out.

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