Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Joe Biden - What a Joke

So Joe Biden might enter the race.  What a joke.

Has there ever been anyone more fake than Joe Biden? 

Ya, tough question, but he's up there in the very top percentile of fake humans since time began. 

He's just as fake as Obama who is as fake as they come.

Obviously if he enters the race, or even the publicized process of deciding whether to enter, it's all a political ploy from some in the Democratic party because he has no chance of winning.  So what are he/they up to? 

It appears to me his entry is based on the possibility that he could shape Hillary Clinton in a manner that would be helpful during the general election against the Republicans.  It sure can't be to help Bernie Sanders. 

Either way, another joke on the American people, the fake Joe Biden.  Maybe I'll call him FakeMan.  There goes FakeMan, hero of fake people everywhere.

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