Thursday, October 1, 2015

Propaganda? What Propaganda?

So far today I've been called a fool and an idiot by Bernie Sanders supporters.  I've seen others called worse, and that's just today.  Sanders supporters are lining up to surpass the sycophancy of the Obamabots.  Not a good thing.  When I see people saying hallelujah and speaking in tongues, I'm getting out of town.

Here's a good example of how people, even those who have been warned time and time again that the ruling class media is full of propaganda, will fall for it every time.

The link is to a ruling class media story by the ruling class news organization, the Associated Press (AP) titled, "Emails: Russia linked hackers tried to access Clinton server". 

The rabid democratic partisans of course focused on the red meat thrown their way about Hillary Clinton.  But not a single commenter or the diarist questioned the primary propaganda point, "RUSSIA!"

None questioned the unproven assertion that the hackers were "Russia linked".  They appear to just take that part of the story as fact, nothing to even think about.  Of course it was the Russians. 

The western ruling class and it's media are working at full speed spreading propaganda about Russia and Putin to support their quest to tame the Bear.  There are warnings of a nuclear war, World War III, all sorts of gloomsday scenarios because of the psychopaths in charge wanting to take down Russia and China to protect their "New American Century". 

Propaganda is everywhere but these people at the Daily Kos seem to absorb it like oxygen.  Breath in, breath out, take it in, let it slowly melt into your brain.  Say it three times, "Russia did it, Russia did it, Russia did it".

It never ceases to amaze me.  But we're animals, part of the animal kingdom.  We have our faults, our tendencies, our traits.  It's been proven over and over, humans can be manipulated almost at will.

Just remember, Russia did it.

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