Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sheepdog Sanders Serves Solution to Clinton Conundrum

As I've explained earlier, these email/Benghazi scandals involving Hillary Clinton have been as manufactured as a Chinese made American flag, and front and center in the cause and effect equation has been Hillary herself. 

The debate tonight not only nailed that shut for those able to see through the fog, but also the fact the Bernie Sanders is running as a sheepdog for the Democratic party.  For those that don't know, a "sheepdog" is one who pretends to be a serious contender for the crown but in reality is garnering supporters to be transferred to the real contender and political party, in this case Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party. 

What proved that is the interchange Clinton and Sanders had concerning the email scandal.

"COOPER: Secretary Clinton, Secretary Clinton, with all due respect, it's a little hard -- I mean, isn't it a little bit hard to call this just a partisan issue? There's an FBI investigation, and President Obama himself just two days ago said this is a legitimate issue.

CLINTON: Well, I never said it wasn't legitimate. I said that I have answered all the questions and I will certainly be doing so again before this committee.

But I think it would be really unfair not to look at the entire picture. This committee has spent $4.5 million of taxpayer money, and they said that they were trying to figure out what we could do better to protect our diplomats so that something like Benghazi wouldn't happen again. There were already seven committee reports about what to do. So I think it's pretty clear what their obvious goal is.

COOPER: Thank you.

CLINTON: But I'll be there. I'll answer their questions. But tonight, I want to talk not about my e-mails, but about what the American people want from the next president of the United States.

COOPER: Senator Sanders?

SANDERS: Let me say this.
Let me say -- let me say something that may not be great politics. But I think the secretary is right, and that is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails.

CLINTON: Thank you. Me, too. Me, too.

SANDERS: You know? The middle class -- Anderson, and let me say something about the media, as well. I go around the country, talk to a whole lot of people. Middle class in this country is collapsing. We have 27 million people living in poverty. We have massive wealth and income inequality. Our trade policies have cost us millions of decent jobs. The American people want to know whether we're going to have a democracy or an oligarchy as a result of Citizens Union. Enough of the e-mails. Let's talk about the real issues facing America.

CLINTON: Thank you, Bernie. Thank you.

This proves that Sanders is nothing but a sheepdog and that Clinton, or the Clinton's, manufactured the email scandal along with their oligarchy friends all for political purposes related to the presidential campaign.  There's no way this wasn't a scripted moment both parties knew exactly how to handle for the Party. 

As stated by Larry Nichols, former Clinton insider very familiar with their criminal ways stated, they engineered the email scandal as a way of changing Clinton's inevitability status as the Democratic nominee because they tried that in 2008 and it backfired.  They knew they had to take her down a notch before bringing her back up and that's exactly what happened tonight, with the help of Bernie Sanders. 

Naturally the partisan democrats will paint that a different way, praising Bernie for his ability to stick to his message and not get into attacking other Democrats.  They'll also believe that Clinton is the victim in all this which will only help her as this farce proceeds in the coming months.  But no, that's not American politics, we should know that by now.

Ya, it's all so fucking obvious.

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