Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Yes Virginia, Hillary Clinton is More Evil than Bernie

Ya, I can't quite go there.  As much as Bernie's positions on U.S. imperialism and Israeli Zionism disgust me because of the results of those positions, i.e., millions die, politicians lie, I can't place him ahead of Hillary Clinton on the Evilness Ladder.   For that I can point to one reason and one reason only.

Hillary Clinton is a war criminal responsible for the crimes of premeditated mass murder and other crimes against humanity.

She ascended that ladder through her service as Secretary of State and in particular during her roles related to the U.S. led wars against the sovereign nations of Libya and Syria.   

And the people say, "whoa, isn't that a bit harsh and unrealistic?  She's running for President of the United States.  And he's the President of the United States!  You can't call them murderers!"

Yes I can and I will.  I don't see how what they've done is any different from what Wesley Allan Dodd did back in 1989, right down the road from my house.  Notice how most mass murdering serial killers are referred to by all three given names?

When people die because of the premeditated, purposeful actions of others, that's called murder.  And Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton are up to their necks in the blood of their victims.  Wesley Allan Dodd murdered children.  So have Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

It's no different than Henry Alfred Kissinger and Madeleine Jana Albright.  They're known and wanted war criminals for the crimes of premeditated mass murder.  Their bosses at the time, Richard Milhous Nixon and William Jefferson Clinton are also war criminals for their roles in United States government premeditated murders and crimes against humanity.

So Bernie is the lesser evil.   He can't hang with that stuff.  Arguably, some of his votes, like all of our corrupted representatives, on war and imperialism related acts, laws, and bills can also be labeled crimes.  Aiding and abetting premeditated mass murder and other crimes against humanity.  Granted, he didn't voted for the 2003 Iraq war, but he's gone along with most everything else. 

If we really wanted justice for the crimes of U.S. imperialism, there would be few, if any, U.S. politicians who could escape.  But what is justice if we allow these criminals a free pass for these heinous crimes while arresting 1,700 people per day for the simple act of possessing some marijuana?

Whoever succeeds Barack Hussein Obama as the next president of the Imperial United States, they will also join the exclusive American club of Imperialist mass murderers and assorted crimes against humanity.  That is the nature of U.S. imperialism.   It's been documented til the cows come home, there is no rational way to dispute it. 

As I said in an earlier post, the cat is out of the bag.  It's running around the yard now and the bag has been recycled so there's no going back in for the feline felon. 

Maybe the trick is getting the cat to sit still long enough for us to figure out what to do with it.

One thing is for sure, without justice there will be no progress.  If the lies are allowed to continue, there is no progress.  If we continue to let these mass murdering war criminals walk free, act free, and actually continue their crimes, there can be no progress. 

Maybe we need to look at ourselves too.

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