Monday, September 14, 2015

Liberals - Accessories to the Crimes

Driving today I came to a stop sign within a large shopping complex. In an area of grass adjacent to the stop sign was a young family, a father, mother and three very young children. The father was holding up a sign saying they needed money for rent and food, etc. I immediately pulled over and handed the man a five dollar bill through my car window. He profusely thanked me in Spanish while his wife did the same in the background. All I could say was good luck to you. Then my fucking bleeding heart really took over.

These people are refugees.

I had always considered myself a liberal until I ran across other people who also called themselves liberals. Those people weren't like me, and I didn't want to be like them. Those people supported politicians who waged war and killed children. I couldn't imagine how anyone who called themselves a liberal could support anything that had to do with harming to innocent people, especially children.  So I quit calling myself a liberal. I struggled with it for awhile because I not only considered myself a liberal but a "bleeding heart" liberal. It's not that I don't have some conservative or quasi-conservative viewpoints on some issues, but overall I tend to exhibit what are typically defined as liberal tendencies. My heart doesn't bleed for everyone. If Dick Cheney passed around a hat for donations for a new heart, I'd steal from the damn hat.  But I give money to those on the corner; I give a room to those who are about to become homeless; and I speak to those others avoid. 

But I refuse to call myself a liberal or a bleeding heart liberal because of what those other people have done to the label. Those people support the elected politicians who wage war and cause utter heartbreak like what we're seeing in (and out of) Syria. Those people blame the Syria war, which is 100% on Obama and the United States (not that others haven't participated but it would not have happened without Obama and the United States government) on Assad or others without looking themselves in the eye. They did the same thing with Libya, are doing the same thing with Yemen, the War OF Terror, the Afghanistan war, and everywhere else U.S. imperialism lays it's evil tentacles.  They support U.S. imperialism and all of it's impacts because they support the politicians and government officials who take those actions. 

I won't look past that. They claim their hearts are bleeding from what they see coming out of Obama's Syria war, but their hearts aren't bleeding red, they're bleeding hypocritical black. They're accessories to what's happening through their hapless support so the cries of "oh the humanity" are outrageously hypocritical. These are people so wrapped up in their little worlds created by their masters that they will vote for Hillary Clinton for President, the very war criminal who helped create the Syrian refugee crisis along with Obama, the greatest fraud in human history.

The next day after my encounter with the refugee family on the street corner, I went back to the street corner prepared to give money and perhaps shelter to them.  They weren't there.  There was nothing I could do.  I should have done it yesterday.  The lament of a bleeding heart.  I hope someone else helps them better than I could.  Or better than I did.  Another lament of the bleeding heart.

But don't call me a liberal.  Fuck that.  Don't even call me a bleeding heart liberal.  Fuck that too. Those labels are tainted beyond repair, or like we used to say in the military, FUBAR - fucked up beyond all recognition.


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