Monday, February 17, 2020

C99 Bernie Bros (and Bernie Bros Everywhere) Support War and Imperialism (via Bernie Himself)

Check this out.  Not that it's anything new to those of us in the know.  But it's further verification of the hypocrisy of the Bernie Bros nation, Justice Democrats, Caucus99Percent and other democratic party blogs.

"Sanders is no more an apostle of peace than he is a representative of the working class. Both in foreign and domestic policy, he is an instrument of the ruling class for channeling the growing movement of the working class and opposition to capitalism back behind the Democratic Party and the two-party system of capitalist rule in America."

Ya, Sanders is the best choice we've got. Right. Here we go again.  Next up, Tulsi Gabbard, her fans can't wait, and neither can the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Caucus99Percent Blog Now Full On Democratic Party Blog

Just an update to the very few outcasts from C99 that might read this.  I visit that supposedly "non-partisan" political blog less and less now, hadn't checked it for a week or so until today.  It appears from the articles that EVERY article is about the democratic party.  Pretty hilarious because the hypocritical blog owner still keeps insisting that HIS blog is non-partisan.

What a joke.  He purged all those who wouldn't toe the democratic party line and yet claims to want a non-partisan blog. Now he's just like the little CIA dude from Daily Kos, only without the Tesla.

Well, whatever.  After looking at the essays posted on there today I couldn't help railing on it.  It's so obviously a democratic party blog that to say otherwise is downright delusional.

That's what we're dealing with on both sides of the aisle, a whole lot of Americans who can't see outside the two party box.  I was just talking with my sister this morning and mentioned that after all Trump has done, and hasn't done, 65-70 million "adult" Americans will still vote for him. Of course, the same could be said of Biden or Hillary if she decides to jump in.  Sanders appears to be the only one who could challenge Trump now, however he's nothing but Obama lite.  So if you want more Obama, vote for Sanders.  If you want more of Trump, vote for Trump. Yay.

P.S., have an idea for a real non-partisan blog, one that will not feature non-stop articles about one or the other corrupt oligarchy political parties.  We've actually already started it, my brother, sister and I, just haven't transferred the content to a blog.  Thinking of how to do that.  But it centers around a back and forth between the two general sides in this country, i.e., liberal/progressive/democratic vs conservative/republican and finding ways for common ground.  This morning we started a debate/discussion about socialism vs. capitalism.  We learn as we go, that's the purpose.

More to come hopefully.