Friday, September 25, 2015

Bush vs. Clinton and the Saudi Arabia Human Rights Panel

This is perfect. I think we can run with it, maybe a little editing in that third scene and try to spruce up the ending appropriate with the buildup. 

"After it was revealed earlier this week that Saudi Arabia would chair the key UN Human Rights panel, many were shocked by the inherent hypocrisy behind the decision. Writing for the Daily Beast, Salil Tripathi pointed out that the "Saudi government is unelected and run by one large family, or clan," which "executes prisoners with particular relish, turning their executions into a public spectacle."

Director of the Human Rights Action Center Jack Healey also indicated his surprise. "In essence, there has to be a human rights council," he told Sputnik. "But the human rights protection will depend upon those who are interested in promoting human rights. And the government of Saudi Arabia has a long history of not allowing human rights activists to monitor in their own country."

One entity not particularly shocked or surprised by Riyadh’s appointment is the US State Department. During a briefing on Tuesday afternoon, Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner revealed the US position during an exchange with Associated Press reporter Matt Lee.

"Again, I don’t have any comment, don’t have any reaction to it," Toner said. "I mean, frankly, it’s – we would welcome it. We’re close allies."

"We're close allies". 

I don't know why they call these government liars "spokesman" or "spokespeople". They should be called Designated Government Liars. 

Close allies my ass. These murdering, torturing, beheading, crucifying psychopaths are not "our" allies, they're muderering, torturing, beheading, crucifying psychopaths. They might be allies of the muderering, torturing, rampaging evil ruling class of the fading U.S. empire when it serves their needs, but you're no spokesman for me or the United States of America you little lying scumbag bastard, Deputy Designated Liar Mark Toner.   

Someone once said, "First you have to get angry". You know who it was. I'm a firm believer in that. Anger is a good motivator when channeled in the right direction. Even Gandhi got angry.

So we're going to have Bush vs. Clinton and Saudi Arabia heading the United Nations (that's the entire fucking world) Human Rights panel, and War of the Worlds is waiting in the wings. George Orwell has been reincarnated and named Steven George King Orwell Vonnegut Bradbury and the red fire engines are on their way. Hide the books man.


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