Monday, November 30, 2015

Daily Kos Jumps the Idiot Warmonger Imperialist Shark

This is beyond description.  I can't find the right words to describe how unbelievably stupid dangerous ridiculous ignorant mind boggling depressing it is to read this.
Polls show democrats approve of Obama's job performance at an 80% rate.  That's just as depressing. 

I was watching an interview with John Pilger, noted alternative journalist, and he said the level of propaganda coming from the 90% ruling class owned mainstream media is higher and more effective than ever.  Which makes sense because they're always seeking to improve on that sort of thing, like the Military Industrial Complex and it's weapons or the Security and Intelligence Industrial complexes.  It's all the same now.  Too many people remain fucking stupid.

It's useless man. Run for the hills.


Here are the reasons given by the DAILY KOS contributor:

"POTUS avoided a war with Iran.
POTUS established diplomatic ties with Cuba.
POTUS is applying smart power to target terrorism.
He is the first POTUS to visit a federal penitentiary.
He is the first POTUS to hire a transgender White House staffer.
He applauded the same sex marriage decision by SCOTUS.
He oversaw ACA and ARRA.
He’s building a legacy with climate change.
Gitmo could close."

When you really think about the people in this world, it becomes very difficult, you know what I mean?

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Sheeple Demand the War OF Terror Come Home

Here's how the American sheeple, here typified by partisan Democrats, help to expand and perpetuate their Ruling Class' War OF Terror. 

They demand it be brought home.

Ya, that's the ticket.  Join in on the fun they're having in Syria and Libya and Iraq.  Go ahead and agree to call every act of violence a terrorist act and see what that gets them.  The War OF Terror right here at home. 

Of course it's already been here.  It was here when we let our political "representatives" implement the Patriot Act and create the Department of "Homeland" Security after the false flag attack on 9/11.    

But now the people want more.  They want the War OF Terror to expand to include the criminals terrorists in America, land of the free and home of the chickenshit sheeple.

That's what they'll get.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Bernie Sanders - Capitalist/Imperialist

I'm just going to put this up for the record, maybe expand on it.  Two articles from Paul Street, WorldSocialistWebsite, who has been all over the Bernie thing since before it started. 

He shows how Bernie's own words tell the story that most Bernie supporters don't really want o hear.

Bernie Sanders lines up with Middle East war drive

Sanders outlines pro-capitalist, pro-war positions in speech on “democratic socialism”

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Operation Gladio

Everyone should know about Operation Gladio. 

It's real, it's not a conspiracy theory as the ruling class and it's traitorous defenders want everyone to believe.

It's even in Wikipedia and if it's in Wikipedia you can be sure it's been properly vetted by the CIA and others. 

"Secret for over 40 years, Gladio is a NATO-backed network of armed soldiers inside the nations of Europe which bypasses the control of nation governments. Ostensibly intended for use only in case of a Soviet invasion, Gladio has in fact carried out a string of false flag terror attacks. In 1990, the European parliament called for national political investigations, but most national governments have chosen not to investigate it."

Those who are serious about the truth should refresh their knowledge about Operation Gladio.

Their agenda is a "Strategy of Tension"

Sunday, November 15, 2015

War OF Terror Has to End or it's Over for All of Us

I'm seeing a lot of comments and articles indicating a feeling amongst those of us that KNOW (the truth), that the War OF Terror took a giant leap forward with the western/Zionist intelligence manufactured terrorist event in France. 

The prevailing sentiment is that now it really will never end, they've got us right where they want us. 

Even many of those against war, imperialism and militarism are again (like 9/11) afraid to even think that this event could be a false flag.  Many are so upset that others are labeling this a false flag they simply cannot hold back their venom at the people who would believe such things. 

While they believe the stories and words from the proven liars, the Obamas and Hollandes and all the rest of our rotten to the core political leaders who lie with such brazenness it's beyond adequate description.  Not to mention the ruling class media splashing it's lies, false narratives and social conditioning themes on every channel and website it owns, which is about 90% of the media.

I don't know, it's hard to have hope today.  The antiwar movement is almost dead and here we have the greatest need for an antiwar movement in the history of the human race. 

I can see only one hope, that all the people who are really against war and imperialism rise up now and join TOGETHER to demand truth, justice and an end to the war OF terror and imperialism lies.  If we don't come together, it just can't happen. 

It can't happen if they're fighting for fifteen bucks an hour.  There has to be one focus and it has to be soon.

I've said it many times, the ruling class psychopaths are not going to stop.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

France Terror Attack - False Flag for the New World Order

Once again, the western/Zionist ruling classes have pulled off a false flag attack to further their New World Order agenda. 

I won't even go into details as to why and who and how, but there's no doubt in my mind this was another manipulated and manufactured event by the western/Zionist intelligence agencies. 

If one looks at and understands the big picture, there's no doubt.  ISIS/Al Qaeda is the CIA/Mossad. This could not have happened without the involvement of the CIA and Mossad along with other allied intelligence agencies.  No way.

So now we're really fucked.  The ruling class has succeeded in elevating their New World Order plans to the next level.  Everything else will be forgotten and the fascist police state will enclose around us until we can no longer breath.  Austerity will rule the land, serfs will be forever controlled and manipulated by one event after another.  They can do these things whenever they want and get away with it.

The people cannot see. 

This is an incredibly sad day for those of us hoping for truth and justice for ruling class crimes against humanity.  They've managed to commit another crime against humanity that will solidify their plans for world hegemony and insure more war, more killing and more fascist police state actions.  

There is no end to their madness.

The people just can't see.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Easy Solution to the Debt Crisis - Don't pay it Back

Check this out.

"Public Debt Is Soaring
Global debt has soared to $199 trillion dollars.

The debt to GDP ratio for the entire world is 286%.  In other words, global debt is almost 3 times the size of the world economy. (William Banzai sarcastically suggests we send out a space beacon asking aliens tobail us out.)

The Hill reports:
The former U.S. comptroller general says the real U.S. debt is closer to about $65 trillion than the oft-cited figure of $18 trillion.
Dave Walker, who headed the Government Accountability Office (GAO) under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, said when you add up all of the nation’s unfunded liabilities, the national debt is more than three times the number generally advertised.
If you end up adding to that $18.5 trillion the unfunded civilian and military pensions and retiree healthcare, the additional underfunding for Social Security, the additional underfunding for Medicare, various commitments and contingencies that the federal government has, the real number is about $65 trillion rather than $18 trillion, and it’s growing automatically absent reforms ….
But former Senior Economist for the President’s Council of Economic Advisers and current Boston University economics professor Laurence Kotlikoff says that – when unfunded liabilities are taken into account – the fiscal gap for the U.S. is actually 3 times higher … $205 trillion."

Who is all this debt owed to?  It isn't me.  It's not to any of my family or friends or anybody that I know.  I imagine it's not to anyone who might read this article or the linked article. 

Who is all this debt owed to? 

Rich people.  Well. some might say the banks or this or that, but in the end it's people, rich people.

Fuck that.  Really, why should we tolerate this situation where the world is going to literally bust apart because everybody on earth owes the rich people money, 

Fuck the rich and fuck their debt, it's that simple. 

Simple solutions to simple problems. 

General Smedley Butler

I went to dinner last night with a few people.  It was Veteran's Day so the conversation turned to the issue of war at one point.   

I asked if anyone knew who General Smedley Butler was.  Nobody.  I explained, they listened. 

Then silence. 

They didn't know what to do with that information. 

What, ALL war is a Racket? 


But what about ISIS they ask?

They're not REALLY listening, 

Maybe it's like algebra, some people get it, some don't. 


I Know Things, but Few will LIsten.

I can read a story like this and see through it.  But most people can't do that because they just don't know.  And you know what, most people just don't want to know.  That's a fact.

Activists like on Popular Resistance and most of the so called progressive/leftist blogs and organizations don't want to boycott the 2016 election.  They don't want to do anything really except the same old stuff.  Organize a protest in D.C., vote for the Greens, etc.

Like I've said many times, these bastards are not going to stop. The criminals controlling our government are not going to stop their insane quest for power, they're not going to stop lying, killing, and stealing.  They are not. 

No one will read this.  If they did, I would tell them to look at that story. 

And I'd ask if they can see what I see. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I am Veteran, Hero, God, Greatest American of them All

Is it me or has the veteran hero worship reached absolutely absurd levels?

Do people even think about what these humans we call veterans actually did while they were employees of the United States government. That's what they are, employees of the U.S. government.

"Greatest Americans of all." I just heard that on Monday NIght Football. The main announcer, Mike Tirico, and the entire production of MNF poured it on hard. I'm surprised they haven't called us GODS.

We're GODS man, not just heroes or great Murikans. We're damn GODS! Lets get that straight and clear!  We want total worship, not just free steaks one day a year.  I want a free steak every day!

Ya, that's right, full disclosure, I'm a Vet. I served in the U.S. Navy near the official end of the Vietnam war and received an honorable discharrge. I served on s nuclear fast attack submarine stationed out of Pearl Harbor. Officially I'm a Vietnam "Era" Veteran. I point this out not because I want more people to thank me, call me a hero or worship me as a God, but to show that my sarcastic criticisms and opinions about veterans apply to myself as well. And If I'm a hero and a God, I surely have the right to speak my mind.

"So we can live free." That's right, what I did allowed you to live free, except for the spying and taxes and oligarchy and plutocracy and Patriot Act and CIA and the national debt. 

Some of the heroic things I did when I was in the Navy that allow Americnas to live FREE:

-During boot camp,in San Diego when our company was given weekend leave near the end, I was with a group of sailors as we patrolled the downtown streets. While walking to another bar, an American citizen with long hair approached the group and asked if we wanted to buy some weed. We all agreed that was a good idea so two in the group accompanied the long haired dude to a nearby building to complete the transaction. The two sailors came back quickly with the bag of weed and we all inspecetd it carefully.  But it was me, as I was the most experienced in the group, that discovered it wasn't weed after all, but parsley. Back then Mexican weed and parsley look pretty similar.  My actions contributed to our group not smoking that shit and messing uiup our getting giant headaches, thereby faciilitating other heroic actions thoughout our Navy stints.

-While attending Submarine School in New Groten, Conn. after boot camp, I was with a friend when we were sampling some of the local watering holes. My friend had way too much to drink and I only had too much to drink so I convinced him we should sleep in his MGB-GT that was parked in the parking lot of the bar we closed. That action not only saved my life but my friend's life who went on to become one of the first U.S. sailors to take windowpane acid while out at sea on a Boomer submarine.

-When on a submarine upkeep stay in Guam, our crew was tasked with moving the submarine from a submarine tender to the submarine dock. This occurred at 0600 AM after most of the crew had experienced the local cocktail establishments until 0400 AM after a 60 day run at sea. Oscar, one of the seamen crew, lost his balance while transporting a couple ballast tank covers aft for storage and went into the water between the sub tender and our sub. He was carrying two tank covers each weighing over fifty pounds and we had been warned by the salty Chief of the Boat that if we lost one in the water he'd personally kill all of us. Oscar didn't let go of the covers and was madly kicking his legs looking up at us with his head about 2 feet under water. Andy jumped in and grabbed him around the waist while I took a line attached to the sail and shimmied down the side to retrieve the tank covers. We saved both of them and Oscar and lived to complete our tours, thereby insuring the freedom of all Americans.

I could go on but there are literally hundreds of examples like these to show the American people that I really am a God, a Hero, and worthy of free steaks once a year for the rest of my life.


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Tony Blair is the answer to Peace on Earth

Could Tony Blair be prosecuted for Iraq war crimes without George W. Bush standing right next to him? 

Is that possible?  It appears Tony Blair just might be getting closer to having his bloody little hands placed in handcuffs and his scrawny ass hauled off to the Hague for his role in the illegal and immoral Iraq war.

But could that happen without George W. Bush also being put on trial?  It can't.  If they get Blair, Bush has to go also. There is just no rational way to formally indict Blair and not Bush, there's no way to explain it. 

And extend that out to Obama who has continued the illegal war of aggression against Iraq as well as illegal wars against Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia.  We can add to that David Cameron, the war  crimes successor to Blair. 

Could Blair be prosecuted for war crimes without the whole house of cards coming down? 

It doesn't seem likely, which is why it doesn't seem likely that Blair will be formally charged by the International Court for war crimes against the country of Iraq and the Iraqi people.

But Blair might be the weak brick in a wall that could come tumbling down.  These government "leaders" have committed crimes so heinous and horrible that it stains the entire human race to allow their crimes to remain unanswered.  It's possible. 

With justice there is truth and with truth there is Peace.  

Maybe Tony Blair is the answer to Peace on Earth.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

General Wesley Clark should be Questioned by the U.S. Congress NOW!

Why hasn't Congress convened an investigative committee concerning the statements of General Wesley Clark?

Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan. 

This proves our Congress is completely on board, no matter who is elected, with U.S. imperialism and the goal of destroying any country that gets in it's way.  The fact that such a statement by the former Supreme Allied Commander NATO Europe can be made without the U.S. Congress questioning him about it and investigating the nature of the claim shows this unanimous allegiance to the U.S. military Empire. 

Demand General Wesley Clark be brought before Congress to explain his statement and that Congress investigate the fact that this plan has been carried out by not only the Bush administration but the Obama administration. 

Screw Sanders Supporters and their "War is a Last Resort" Bullshit. Bunch of deluded Democratic Party Enablers

My blog has been hit by the Russian mob.  Or whoever it is over in Russia that likes to mess with people's lives. 

So I'll probably either drop this one and start a new one or wait awhile and see if they go away.

For now, I just wanted to say what I said in my last article, Bernie Sanders, AND HIS SUPPORTERS, warmonger imperialists. 

Bernie Sanders is a liar about U.S. foreign policy, just like every other U.S. politician.  None will admit what the U.S. government and it's accessories are really up to, which is the same bullshit General Smedley Butler described in his famous book, "War is a Racket". 

War is not a last resort, it's a damn RACKET!

"War is a last resort" is the supreme copout in that they've ALWAYS said that STUPIDOS!  What, you think any politician has said war is a first resort?  And the fact is, U.S. war is permanent and ongoing via U.S. imperialism so it's ridiculous to bring out this bullshit meme about war being a last resort when it is the STANDARD policy of the United States of Fall for the Lying Politicians Again.

So anyway, it will be interesting to see these Bernie supporters when he's done.  What will they do?  Maybe then we can have a REAL antiwar, anti-imperialism movement? 

Hell no, if they can't see it now, they won't see it then.