Saturday, September 19, 2015

Clinton Email Scandal used to place her in the Underdog Status?

There have been a number of books and videos put out about the Clinton crime family.  The video below is a recently released effort from Infowars titled "The New Clinton Chronicles 2015".      

The primary feature of this video is testimony by Larry Nichols, a former Clinton "insider", who was with the Clinton's during their Arkansas years and evidently performed many nefarious acts for the Clintons including participation in drug smuggling and even as a hit man.   He's obviously been around awhile and has made his accusations known well before this.  Of course the ruling class machine and it's sycophants have done their best to discredit him and his messages.   So take Larry Nichols as you will.  But relative to the following claim one only has to use their own common sense and logic to determine if it makes sense.

He claims that the email scandal was actually manufactured by the Clinton's and their associates to place Clinton in an underdog position instead of the overwhelming favorite (the anointed one) and to get it out of the way before the Republicans can use it in the General election.   He points out that the email scandal was broken by the NY Times which as he puts it "has never been anything but a PR firm for the Clintons"  He says, "there's no way the NY Times would break a story that could do damage to her. 

"They have used the email scandal to catapult them into the underdog status."

He makes other claims in the video that I won't focus on now.  For instance, he claims after Clinton is elected, within 6 months she will appoint Bill as Ambassador to the U.N. and after another 6 months engineer his escalation to the position of Secretary General of the U.N., using their work with the Clinton Foundation to pave the way.   I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that one.  It sure wouldn't surprise me.

But relative to the email scandal, his theory actually makes a lot of sense and correlates with the path it's taken.  Not only has Clinton become something of an underdog but the email scandal seems to be shaping up to be water off a duck's back.  And think about the collusion necessary to pull something like that off.  From the Justice Department to the ruling class media to the Democratic party leadership to well, even Bernie Sanders himself, the knowledge of and participation in such political theater is not only quite amazing but perfectly logical and fitting with the evil and manipulative political system in this country. 

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