Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sanders doesn't talk about U.S. Imperialism because his Supporters "don't truly care about it"

This is typical of Bernie Sanders supporters, evidently more so among the younger set. 
"Elizabeth Siyuan Lee, a junior at Middlebury College and the founder of College Students for Bernie, argued in a recent New York Times op-ed that "age becomes meaningless when candidates emphasize the right principles."
"He has strong student support because he focuses on the issues that young people truly care about," she wrote of Sanders."
"Focuses on the issues that young people truly care about". 
Recently more have questioned the lack of elaboration from Bernie Sanders regarding his foreign policy positions.  Up until now it's been obvious that he's almost entirely focused his campaign, speeches and appearances on Wall Street greed and income and wealth inequality.  That's where he's making his fans, certainly not for his foreign policy issues. 
So think about what that young person said about her and other young people supporting Bernie Sanders,
"he focuses on the issues that young people truly care about".   
So the obvious inference is that young people don't truly care about their government and country rampaging around the planet killing people.  Typical Americans.  Of course it's not just young people, most Sanders supporters have lent that support because of what he says he can do for them.
"Hey, fifteen bucks an hour man, I don't care about the War OF Terror".  
Sounds kind of selfish to me.  While U.S. imperialism, which Sanders fully supports, rapes and pillages the world, killing innocent humans, causing millions to flee their homes, causing babies and children to drown as they're trying to escape the ravages of U.S. imperialism, the young Sanders supporters don't give a damn because those aren't issues they "truly care about". 
And we wonder what the fuck is wrong with our country.

This article from Counterpunch goes deeper:

The Sanders’ campaign, like the Obama phenomenon before it, does not offer a program or strategic direction for addressing the current crisis and contradictions of Western capitalist societies. Instead, it is an expression of the moral and political crisis of Western radicalism. This crisis – which is reflective of the loss of direction needed to inform vision, and fashion a creative program for radical change – is even more acute in the U.S. than Western Europe. Yet, what unites both radical experiences is a tacit commitment to Eurocentrism and the assumptions of normalized white supremacy.

In their desperate attempt to defend Sanders and paint his critics as dogmatists and purists, the Sanders supporters have not only fallen into the ideological trap of a form of narrow “left” nativism, but also the white supremacist ethical contradiction that reinforces racist cynicism in which some lives are disposable for the greater good of the West.

And as much as the ‘Sandernistas ’ attempt to disarticulate Sanders “progressive” domestic policies from his documented support for empire (even the Obamaite aphorism “The perfect is the enemy of the good” is unashamedly deployed), it should be obvious that his campaign is an ideological prop – albeit from a center/left position – of the logic and interests of the capitalist-imperialist settler state.

The silence of the left on Yemen is not a trivial matter. The fact that so many white leftist supporters of Sanders can politically and psychologically disconnect his domestic program from his foreign policy positions that objectively support U.S. and Western neoliberal hegemony means that not only have they found a way to be comfortable collaborating with imperialism, but that they have also decided that they can support the implicit hierarchy that determines from an imperial perspective that lives in the White West matter more than others."

He wraps it up with a biting criticism of the left for it's support for Bernie Sanders, U.S. Imperialism and the ruling class Democratic party.

"It means that if today leftists in the U.S. can find a way to reconcile the suffering of the people of Yemen and Gaza and all of occupied Palestine for the greater good of electing Sanders, tomorrow my life and the movement that I am a part of that is committed to fighting this corrupt, degenerate, white supremacist monstrosity called the United States, can be labeled as enemies of the state and subjected to brutal repression with the same level of silence from these leftists.

And since tomorrow has already happened in the past with the repression of the Black Liberation Movement, when it happens again we will not be surprised – but this time we will be ready."

There are serious divisions on the left at this point regardless the wonderment from the Sanders supporters because they can't imagine how others on the left can't see he's the "only hope left".  It reminds me of an old union song, "Which Side are you on?"


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