Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Sheeple Play the Game

"Yea!! Look at all that money!  We're going to win!!"

The amount of money being spent by the candidates for President of the United States of Imperialism for the 2016 election is fucking obscene, like all things ruling class. There are indications the total amount spent, and raised, by the candidates will surpass $2 billion. 

Ya I know, what's a billion here or a billion there when half the kids in the country survive on food stamps. 

But the sheeple, they care not how much it takes, they play the game to win, whether it's raising more money than their opponents, or accepting U.S. imperialism and the deaths of millions as a tradeoff for a possible chicken in their pot.  What's an Indian or a slave worth when they can get their blood money.

Here's the sheeple in action playing the ruling class game of "Let's Pretend we live in a Democracy!" 

"Tremendous hauls by both (6+ / 0-)
I thought Clinton would come in lower frankly.
Sent a lot of time on the Super PAC, raised 40MM there.
Good job both campaigns!"

"The drop in Hillary's take is impressive (47+ / 0-)
I begin to understand why she's spending most of her time at fundraisers, those "small voter group" "listening tours" her supporters tout.  Her donors max out with one donation -- to a much larger extent than Sanders' donors -- so she can't go back to them for more.  Almost all of Sanders' supporters can -- and will -- keep donating, because most of us can't afford to max out.
Sanders raised $7.5 million a month in his first two months, and looks like he'll probably raise around $8 million a month in this quarter if these numbers hold.  Clinton's numbers will drop over $6 million a month if these numbers are accurate.
COH numbers won't likely be kind to Clinton either, since she's running a far more expensive campaign than Sanders, so far to negative effect.   There's a story about a tortoise and a hare that may have some relevance here.
Our form of democracy is bribery, on the highest scale. --Gore Vidal Join and donate to Bernie Sanders' campaign "
All that money going to what?  A presidential election campaign in an oligarchy?  Do these people playing this game know they're being played?   I mean look at that statement:  "Our form of democracy is bribery, on the highest scale."  Followed by "Join and donate to Bernie Sanders campaign"   Those closest to the problem usually don't see the obvious disconnect. 
It's a shame all that money can't go to a better cause.  But it's their money I guess.  They can do with it what they want.  The problem is they complain about the system on the one hand, then feed it with the other.  There's a disconnect there only sheeple can truly exhibit. 
Only 13 more months until the next bought and paid for election.  Isn't it exciting?  I wonder how many kids $2 billion could feed and cloth?   Or if not that, I wonder what kind of a real independent movement against the ruling class we could fund with $2 billion?  That must not be the revolution Bernie Sanders is talking about.

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