Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Bernie Sanders Doesn't Need Help on his Foreign Policies

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." 
Declaration of Independence

I see some are trying to "help" Bernie Sanders with his foreign policy positions. 

What they aren't getting is that as long as Sanders' positions are based on the false narratives and lies of U.S. imperialism, he can't and won't change anything. There is no room for change.

What do you people expect him to change if he supports U.S. imperialism?

They (the ruling class) are going into a period where they need MORE money for their military imperialism. Since the U.S. War on the World started after 9/11/01, the U.S. has been at war for over 14 years. That takes a toll on military readiness. For example, there are calls to "revitalize" the Sixth Fleet. All of the military Secretaries are calling for more funds to modernize and upgrade capabilities and improve maintenance. Since the false flag attack by Israel on the United States of America on 9/11/01, the U.S./western ruling class has also re-started it's Cold/Hot War with Russia and has officially declared both Russia and China as threats to their national interests. So not only is the United States of Imperialism waging a permanent Global War OF Terror on the rest of the planet, it is threatening Russia and China, "pivoting" to Asia and further encircling those countries with it's massive military might.

("US military leaders call Russia ‘greatest threat’, demand more funding")

Bernie Sanders has labeled Putin a threat that the "world has to deal with" and has long been against China's rise as a challenge to U.S. economic power. Do people really think he's going to CUT the military when the cards call for a different imperialist play? 

The official U.S. policy is Full Spectrum Dominance.  Ever heard Bernie say anything about that?  Ever heard any of the politicians say anything about that?   

Sanders is not getting into the foreign policy arena because he is not in it to win it. He has no intention of becoming President, that is why he's not focusing on foreign policies. Think about it. He's running for President of the United States, the greatest military power in the history of the world. The ruling class of this country has embarked on a "New American Century", one that seeks to complete and maintain it's hegemony over the rest of the planet by using it's overwhelmingly military force. One that threatens, blackmails, or murders anyone that gets in its' way.  And Bernie Sanders, one of the ruling class Democratic Party front runners, is not talking about it.  Even after 25,000 of his would be supporters signed a petition, he still remains vague and noncommittal about this crucial issue. 

Why? Because that's not why he entered the race. If he did enter the race to win, he would be fully on board with talking about this crucial aspect of United States hegemony, it would be a cornerstone of his debates. But that's not his role in this kabuki theater of a Presidential election. His role is to focus the angst of the public regarding the incredible ruling class theft resulting in massive wealth inequality toward the worthless spectacle of an election and the Democratic party instead of an independent movement to overturn the power. HIs role is to provide Clinton with a path to beat the Republicans so the Democrats can retain the Presidency.

He can serve up all the general populist slogans about wealth inequality and billionaires that he wants, but he can't and won't challenge the miitary Empire.

So Bernie doesn't need any help with figuring out his foreign policies. He's 74 years old for crissakes, he's developed his opinions about U.S. empire and he's already stated in plain English what he believes. He believes in the War OF Terror, the renewed Cold War, and the New American Century.

With that, there is no room for change, only continued expansion of the military empire and the fascist police state at home.

A vote for Bernie, like a vote for Hillary or Donald or Jeb, is a vote for more U.S. imperialism, more global militarism, and more war.  That's just the way it is until We the People can figure out a way to change it.   

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