Sunday, September 20, 2015

Occupy Peace?

A "Peace" movement calling itself "Occupy Peace" is formally launching today at a rally in Kingston, NY.

The "movement" is being organized by the Trends Research Institute and it's owner Gerald Celente, an American trends researcher who evidently thinks one of the next trends is going to be Peace. 

The rollout today in New York, which is a long way from Peoria and even farther from Seattle, includes notable celebrity Peace activists Ralph Nadar and Cindy Sheehan who will speak to the crowd on the street.  Such notable retreads should inspire tens of people to carry forward the message of Peace throughout the world. 

The mission:

"The institute will work with inspiring and peace-minded historians and other experts to create a program that provides the tools to make peace a driving force in the halls of government and in the living rooms of Americans. Most notably, the movement will promote these tenets:

» No foreign entanglements.
» Wage war only when imminent threat exists.
» Zero tolerance for illegal wars based on lies and retreaded failed reasoning.
» Build communities here, not foreign nations elsewhere.
» Let the people vote on whether to fund wars.",3541

Let's take a closer look at those "tenets". 

-No foreign entanglements.  Pretty vague and says nothing about color revolutions and regime changes, the CIA, NSA, State Department and all the NGOs and other organizations that seek to destabilize countries around the world for power and greed.

-Wage war only when imminent threat exists.  OK, all they have to do is lie, which is every time.

-Zero tolerance for illegal wars.  Again, all they have to do is make sure their lies work, which they always do.

-Build communities here, not foreign nations elsewhere.  This is confusing because the Empire isn't out there building communities in foreign nations.  It's out there destroying foreign nations.

Let the people vote on whether to fund wars.  Does this mean the Syria war?  No, it doesn't because it's not a U.S. war according to the U.S. government, it's ruling class media and the vast majority of the sheeple public.  How are the people going to vote on CIA and State Department operations to destabilize countries and governments?

I like the idea of the people voting on the issue of war.  That's called democracy, direct democracy.   I can't argue with that one.  The problem is war is so disguised nowadays.  The ruling class has innumerable ways to spread violence, i.e., the opposite of Peace, across the globe with it's Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine and the lies and false narratives that are drilled into the sheeple's heads by the ruling class owned media.   But if they can find a way to create a direct democracy approach to official war, their efforts would be fully worth it.

No mention in these tenets of U.S. imperialism and Empire or of Full Spectrum Dominance.  Therefore it won't work.  Unless we address the primary focus of U.S. foreign policies, which is to maintain the U.S. as the preeminent superpower on the planet, i.e., Supremo Empire, nothing can be done because the actions of the Empire can be disguised as other than aggressive Empire actions, such as we're seeing in Syria, Ukraine and Yemen and saw clearly in the now devastated Libya.  

Under these tenets the War OF Terror can be justified because it's supposedly not based on lies (even though it is) and an imminent threat can always be made to exist.

So good try Gerald, I wish you and Cindy and Ralph luck, but this isn't going anywhere.  But hey, it's better than Bernie Sanders' plan for Peace which includes a kinder and gentler drone program and using Saudi Arabia and terrorists to fight U.S. wars and destroy countries.   Maybe it can provide a spark.  All we need is a spark.

No guts no glory.

Say it Gerald.   IMPERIALISM.

Ah heck, I don't want to be too critical.  All they are saying is . . .

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