Monday, May 23, 2016

Neocons Issue Hillary Clinton her Foreign Policy Gameplan

Remember PNAC, the Project for a New American Century?  It was a neocon/zionist think tank created in 1997 that issued the now infamous report, "Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America's Defenses". 

I wrote an article a number of years ago about PNAC, disbanded in 2006 and it's successor think tank, Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI), founded in 2009.  After forming, the first action was to pen a letter to President Clinton.
"1/16/98 – PNAC drafts an open letter to President Clinton urging him to remove Saddam Hussein from power. They emphasized Saddam’s stockpile of WMDs. They argued that an Iraq war would be justified by Hussein's defiance of UN "containment" policy and his persistent threat to U.S. interests.
Later that year the Congress passed HR 4655. Which Bernie Sanders voted yea for by the way.
"10/31/98 – HR 4655 - Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 - Declares that it should be the policy of the United States to seek to remove the Saddam Hussein regime from power in Iraq and to replace it with a democratic government."

Then in September 2000 PNAC issued their seminal New World Order/Greater Israel report.
"September 2000, PNAC published a controversial 90-page report entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources For a New Century. The report expanded on their original Statement and reaffirmed their goals, "from the belief that America should seek to preserve and extend its position of global leadership by maintaining the preeminence of U.S. military forces.  In the 76 page report, PNAC outlines the military and foreign policy agenda the United States should implement.”

In that report PNAC flat out stated it would require a "New Pearl Harbor", i.e., an attack on the United States of America, to convince the American sheeple that its government should begin a never-ending global war OF terror as cover for achieving its "New American Century".   One year after that report 9/11 happened and the War OF Terror, currently in its 15th year, began.  Imagine that, what a coincidence.  George W. Bush called it a "Crusade that would take awhile".  The report recommended the large increases in "defense" (imperialism) spending that would be necessary to "rebuild America's defenses" sufficiently to handle ruling the world and such increases did occur during the first decade.  The total defense, intelligence and (homeland) security spending at the national level now exceeds $1 Trillion per year.
In my article I listed a number of letters, reports and opinion papers issued by PNAC that were followed by supportive or outright identical actions/policies by our government.  The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) (think about that name for a second) is another successor think tank to PNAC.  It has issued a new report titled “Extending American Power: Strategies to Expand US Engagement in a Competitive World Order.”  It was coproduced by PNAC co-founder Robert Kagan whose wife of course is Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland who has been instrumental in orchestrating the U.S. led regime change operation and opening Cold War Two salvo against Russia in Ukraine.

Kagan is one of the prominent neocons supporting Hillary Clinton for President and Nuland could be in line to become the next war crminal Secretary of State shouild Clinton become President. 

Evidently a whole bunch of these neocon/neolib creatures met once a month for a year to produce the report. "to help shape the national conversation on America’s role in the world during the run-up to the November 2016 presidential election."

Basically the report outlines why and how the U.S. should rule the world and destroy any country or government that gets in its way, not exactly in those words but close enough.  Its a definite continuation/update of the original PNAC plan to rule the world issued in 2000.
"The best way to ensure the survival of a system favorable to the US “is to extend American power and US leadership in Asia, Europe, and the Greater Middle East.”
The financial expenditures this would require are “well within our means,” they say, since the US economy has proven itself to be dynamic and resilient in face of global crisis.

Implementing the Trans-pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade pacts will preserve US economic leadership, the authors concluded."

You think Obama hasn't been following the neocon plan? 

They talk about containing China, Russia and Iran, i.e., more military, more bases, more weapons, more regime change operations.   Here's what they have to say about Syria:
"Any political solution to the Syrian civil war “must include the departure of Bashar al-Assad,” they say. To accomplish this, the US “must employ the necessary military power, including an appropriately designed no-fly zone, to create a safe space in which Syrians can relocate without fear of being killed by Assad’s forces and where moderate opposition militias can arm, train, and organize.”
So basically this will be the Hillary Clinton plan.  CNAS has issued it just in time to "help shape the conversation" of the presidential election.  This is what we can expect to hear from Clinton and probably a more garbled version from Trump.  This is more than just a neocon plan, to rule the world, this is the understood and accepted plan for the United States by all U.S. politicians, major corporations, Wall Street and the Banks, and the Deep State that rules over us.  It's their Manifest Destiny.

As I said regarding my earlier article, what these neocon think tanks (Kagan is with the Brookings Institute) write invariably ends up as policy.  We'll see how this plays out in the coming months during the general election and by the Obama administration's actions.  These are crazy people, wanting to rule the world.  It means they'll do whatever it takes, there can be no other way.  How can you rule the world if you aren't prepared to do whatever it takes.  They've already proven that.  Many feel we are actually in a World War III right now.  If it isn't the overall situation, with the provocations against Russia and China, the continued regime change operation in Syria which will lead to another regime change in Iran, is as dangerous as any since the end of WWII.

They aren't stopping.  The New American Century plan is going into another stage, an expanded stage if you can believe that. 

If Clinton is the democratic party nominee there needs to be some kind of boycott or protest against her specifically,  She's received her marching orders which are a danger to the planet, and she can't be allowed to implement.them  I'm against Trump as well, I believe he will fall in line with this "Washington Consensus" regarding sole superpower status so I can't recommend voting for him as a way to stop Clinton.  The show will go on no matter which one becomes President. 

This is a fucking nightmare.  How do we get out of this mess?

Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Absurdity of the Home of the Brave

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself".

Think about that statement.  Not for what FDR meant then but for what it means now. 
"America is exceptional alright. It is the most frightened nation on Earth, subjected to hysterical propaganda over decades warning about foreign enemies and ideologies. No wonder its supposed democratic freedom is in so appallingly bad shape, when the preponderant population is imprisoned by their rulers in a virtual cage of fear."

I've been saying since the War OF Terror began after the neocon orchestrated New Pearl Harbor and the resulting attack on our freedom that the American people were nothing but scared little sheeple.  I don't know how many times I told someone who supported the manufactured Global War OF Terror that they should stay under their fucking beds instead of subjecting the rest of the planet to their bullshit war on terror.

We go to the airport and stand in lines for hours, take off our shoes, lower our pants, all because our government is keeping us safe.  How absurd is that?  Shit, it makes me feel like we're just fucking animals on an Animal Farm.  We allow our government to wage endless wars, to implement unreal domestic security and intelligence actions like spying on everything we do.  We let them create a Department of Homeland Security that has now invaded every aspect of our society.

The fear has made us prisoners. 

FDR was right, we do have nothing to fear but fear itself.  Fear is keeping us shackled in chains while those sowing it commit their heinous crimes against humanity.  Fear has ruined this country.

I grew up in the sixties and remember all the John Wayne, Chevrolet and apple pie bullshit, American the land of the free, home of the brave. 

Home of the Brave.  What a fucking joke.  Home of the scared shitless is more like it.  And the ones who think they're the bravest are the ones most likely to be the most scared shitless.  The ones who are afraid of the Moooslims coming across the border and murdering them in their beds.  The ones who believe all the propaganda and lies our government and the ruling class media spread while they drive their trucks with gun racks in the back window.
"Clooney dismissed Trump as a demagogue sowing fear and divisive tensions along racial and xenophobic lines. Which is fair enough. Of interest here is not so much the actor’s views on Trump’s chances of political success. Rather, it is Clooney’s premise that Americans would not succumb to reactionary fear peddling.
Seated at the press conference alongside his American co-star Julia Roberts and film director Jody Foster, Clooney told his Cannes audience: "Fear is not going to drive our country… we’re not afraid of anything."

Clooney, another Hollywood liberal asshole, a supporter of war criminal Hillary Clinton, says "we're" not afraid of anything.  Go make a movie or something George.  You're as scared shitless as the rest of them if you're supporting Hillary Clinton for President.  At this point in time, is there anyone thought of as a warmonger ON THE PLANET more than Hillary Clinton? 

American scared sheeple.  Ya, that's the problem.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Trump, Blair made a Mistake and Bibi is a Great Guy

The billionaire Trump has been speaking out of both sides of his mouth during his campaign for President of the Empire.  He'll say some sensible things about foreign policies but then he'll show his true colors. 

Here's what he's said about Israel and the Zionists like Adelson who are supporting him and Israel's own war criminal extraordinaire Netanyahoo. 

“And we’re going to take great care of Israel. We’re going to cherish and protect Israel.”
He said Israel has every right to keep the West Bank settlements because:

“There are thousands of missiles being launched into Israel. Who would put up with that? Who would stand for it?"

Absolute bullshit.

“I’m very close to Israel . . .very close. I have a great relationship, very close. Far better than our president has. I know Bibi very well. In fact, he asked me if I’d do a commercial for him. In fact, I’m the only so-called celebrity that did a commercial for him.”

Zionist Israel is a primary reason for the Middle East/North Africa wars and the War OF Terror.  I wonder if Trump even knows about the Oded Yinon plan.  It's true many of the neocons are not lining up behind Trump, but it's not like he wouldn't do their bidding once he got in office.

He's talked about bringing back a "helluva lot worse than waterboarding" and expanding the War OF Terror to get the Muslims, ignoring or not understanding what the War OF Terror is really about.
Now he says this about the war criminal Blair,

"The presumptive Republican presidential nominee said Blair did a "terrible job" by invading Iraq, adding that he should have stood up to Bush. He also warned the Chilcot inquiry will be a "disaster" for the Labour Party’s prime minister.

So he's saying something sensible on the one hand, that the British leaders shouldn't be subservient to the White House, but then he says invading Iraq was a "terrible job" and did not constitute war crimes.

"I don't see it as war crimes," Trump said. "I just think he goes down as somebody who did a terrible job. Bush got us into it, that's a terrible, terrible thing that happened."

I can't imagine how the Iraqi people feel to have to hear that shit.  I can't imagine how pissed off that makes the people seriously going after that scumbag war criminal Blair, and there are more than a few.  Here they are trying to bring to justice a psycho murdering bastard and along comes Trump the Empire Presidential candidate saying killing over a million people isn't an evil war crime, an ultimate crime against humanity, but a terrible mistake.  This fucker is so clueless it makes him all the more dangerous.

Fuck you Trump.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Why Do We Need a President?

And why isn't anyone (except me and maybe a few others) asking that?

We Need to End Rule by the Rich, Unless You want to Remain Slaves Forvever

All these discussions about Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders and how they're challenging the status quo and opening up more people's eyes to the ruling elite's games are just a waste of time. 

Here's the bottom line.  Humans have always operated by Rule by the Rich.  Those with the power and wealth own everyone else.  That's thousands of years of Rule by the Rich.

The presidential election in the United States of America in the year 2016 is not going to change that. 

The only thing that can change it if enough humans on the planet want it changed and make it happen. 

The way things are going if we don't do it the rich are going to take us all down, the human race and the planet.

That's what we should be discussing.  How to end Rule by the Rich.

Regime Change in the United States?

The king of regime changes, the United States of Manifest Destiny, is the one country on earth that really needs it most.  A flash from the past gives those of us desperate to have the oligarchy criminals brought to bear outlines the crimes and a proposed solution.  It was written in 2002 and geared toward the Bush administration but it obviously could apply to the equally criminal Obama administration.   This is from Global Research, a go to blog for those seeking the truth.  Here's the setup:
"This text written in 2002 predicts with foresight what is happening today: the contours of a global military agenda which seeks to enforce US hegemony Worldwide.
While the proposal contained in this article may sound total unrealistic under present     circumstances, it should nonetheless be addressed  by those committed to reversing the tide of global warfare, destruction and economic destabilization."

Since the Iraq war the United States has embarked on regime changes in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ecuador, Brazil, Venezuela, and Ukraine while waging its illegal "global" war OF terror justified by the false flag attack on 9/11 perpetrated by the CIA and the Mossad with help from Saudi Arabia.  The Obama administration has literally taken the world into World War III, a amazing point in history from the President with the Nobel Peace Prize.   The need for regime change is greater than ever and critical to the welfare of this country and the well being of the entire planet. 
"Rather than adopting the suggested regime change in Iraq through military force, the United Nations must instead consider an entirely different course of action. This new course is based upon the facts alone, rather than political pressure. A regime change is indeed necessary, but not in Iraq. The primary regime which needs to be changed, is the one found in Washington DC."
As Global Research stated earlier, the proposal sounds completely unrealistic and impossible to implement, but it is an important discussion point for those interested in Peace and Justice.  Those not interested in Peace and Justice will simply scoff and go vote for Bernie, Hillary or the Billionaire.     
"For these reasons and others, it is hereby proposed that:
A United Nations resolution be created for the purpose of disarming and otherwise rendering harmless, the major threat to world peace which the United States has become. Toward this end the necessity of ousting its current dictator, George W. Bush, and the legislative bodies of that government which currently parrot him without serious debate, is self evident.
The functional means necessary to achieve this goal are hereby suggested. They include;
1) Economic sanctions and trade tariffs, aimed at undermining the U.S. economy, thereby depriving its monstrous military apparatus of the necessary life blood to function.
2) The insistence of a complete withdrawal of all U.S. military forces from wherever they may be stationed around the world. This includes U.S. occupation forces already in conquered countries, (such as Afghanistan).
3) The elimination of world petroleum exports to the United States, as well as the necessary raw materials which make it’s industrial-military apparatus possible.
4) The withdrawal of foreign investment in U.S. companies, and their various enterprises. This includes the canceling of existing contracts with U.S. companies, especially those involved with the extraction of petroleum, the mining of precious metals, deforestation, sweat shop industries of clothing, plastics, electronics and other manufacture, as well as other vital resources from lands not within their territorial domain.
5) That U.S. military and civil leaders, especially George W. Bush and his entire cabinet, be brought to justice for their heinous participations in war crimes and crimes against humanity the world over, by the international courts. World leaders must understand that no one country can both make the rules and break them, when it comes to international justice.
6) The use of joint military force if necessary, to curb, restrict and otherwise prevent the American advance toward world domination. America must be deprived of what it most desires, which are the resources of others to fuel an extravagant lifestyle, and the support of bribed or bullied foreign leaders to accomplish a singularly selfish, unilateral agenda.
"In effect, the United States must feel the full pressure of the  ”community of nations”,  as it expresses its refusal of US imperialism around the globe.
The author rightly calls out the magnitude of the crimes committed by the United States of Sheeple.  The war criminals produced take a back seat to no one in human history with millions and millions slaughtered for greed and power.
"The United States must also understand that its anti-humanitarian, corporate-minded, industrial-military schemes for global dominance are nothing short of those employed by Hitler, and other fascist dictators and governments, throughout the course of history. [Constantly declaring war and occupying one country after the next demonstrates this."

Saturday, May 14, 2016

U.S. Imperialism and the Progressive Left

“What do nations care about the cost of war, if by spending a few hundred millions in steel and gunpowder they can gain a thousand millions in diamonds and cocoa?”
― W.E.B. Du Bois

I read a good article about U.S. imperialism putting in perspective the intractable nature of it at this time.  The author provides a good summary of its history from the "internal" Manifest Destiny imperialism involving wiping out the savage Indians, forcing the few that remained onto reservations basically ending with the massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890.  Then attention was fully turned to external imperialism starting in Cuba and the Phillipines. 

"Then, something utterly dreadful happened in 1917—a successful social revolution in Russia, the second major after the French in 1789, to try to redistribute the wealth of the few to the advantage of the many. The rulers of the world—US, Britain, France and sundry acolytes—put aside their differences and united to stem the awful threat of popular democracy rising and spreading. They invaded Russia, fomented a civil war, funding and arming the counter-revolutionary forces, failed, and tried again in 1939. But Hitler’s war of extermination on the USSR ended in a spectacular victory for Moscow."

After WWII there was the Cold War against communism and the Soviet Union starting with the insanely cruel Korean war, then the Vietnam war and finally the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. 

The next stage of U.S. imperialism was aimed at insuring and solidifying the U.S. as the sole superpower on the planet.  Democratic President Bill Clinton started out with the obviously misleading "Humanitarian" war doctrine leading to inhumane sanctions against Iraq killing 500,000 innocent children, absolutely astounding and something that should be included in the annals of history's most evil crimes.  Then the illegal Kosovo war, by the way, voted for by Bernie Sanders, which was secured by its "Mafia" strong-armed influence over the United Nations.

The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) plan, along with their false flag attack on New York City and the Pentagon on 9/11 ushered in the hyper imperialism stage we're still experiencing fifteen years later.  Democratic and Republican Presidents and administrations have been equal partners and there is a solid "Washington Consensus" behind the neocon plan to insure the U.S. remains the one "indispensable" nation on earth. 

So in reality what we have is a long term institution of imperialism in this country that has reached an end game stage at the beginning of the 21st century.  It is part of the "soul" of this country since it's inception and the current stage is an intractable as it can get.  The military industrial complex and now the incredible homeland security and spying complexes combined with an emerging fascist police state are ingrained deeply into all aspects of American life and sheepishly accepted by the masses of serfs brainwashed to the hilt since early childhood. 

The author of the article had this to say at the end:

"In this scenario, no potential presidential candidate—even establishment-party dissenter—who does not call for both the end of the bi-partisan “Washington Consensus” and the end of bipartisan militarist aggression can reverse the totality of the “international wrong” or stem the domestic descent into social brutalization. If none calls this foreign policy debacle “imperialism,” elections will be a sleepwalker’s exercise. Nothing will change. Except, almost certainly, for the worse."

None of the Presidential contenders will say the word imperialism.  They all maintain we should have the largest, most powerful military on earth.  None can challenge the long history of U.S. imperialism or the Washington Consensus for global hegemony.  None will challenge the power of the deep state and the alphabet agencies that do their deeds, the CIA, NSA, NGOs, institutions, and foundations.  It just won't happen within our political system.  I could say we need to take to the streets to demand its end but its going to take much more than that.  The history of U.S. imperialism is long and cruel and won't die easily.

It sure won't happen if much of the progressive left continues to pay it lip service without actually saying the damn word.  Take the so far signature event for the left for 2016, the "People's Summit".  Go to the website and here's what they're fighting for (besides the Democratic party): 

"The Summit itself will include plenary and workshop sessions devoted to key issues such as the Fight for 15, mass incarceration and criminal justice reform, voting rights and expanding democratic participation, a tax on Wall Street speculation to fund human needs and jobs, climate justice toward a sustainable economy, improved Medicare for All, the fight for free and debt-free higher education, secure retirement through expanding social security, ending HIV/AIDS, achieving Constitutional pay equity for women, and ending deportations and support for DREAMers, among others."

Not a single word about imperialism, not even any props about stopping war or militarism.  What the fuck.  I don't get it.  It's not even about Bernie Sanders so the excuse that Sanders can't say the fucking word because then he couldn't become President doesn't even apply.  And they still can't say the damn word.  Americans have long accepted U.S. imperialism because its contributed to their American way of life, the vaunted American dream built on the murder of people in other countries and the taking of their wealth.  The W.E.B. Dubois quote above shows that.  Here we are again with the People's Summit seeking higher wages and better health care as their share of the imperialist bounty.

The incongruity is that without ending U.S. imperialism and the accompanying one trillion dollar per year pricetag, there will never be any of that the people behind the Summit are seeking. And then there's the killing and the ruining of millions of people's lives.  It's estimated U.S. imperialism has been responsible for the deaths of 30 million people since the end of WWII.  Apparently the number is too large to make an impact.  Maybe if U.S. imperialism was responsible for the deaths of twenty daycare children in Kansas people would pay attention. 

The United States of Empire if currently fucking with South America, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Russia, China and even Europe.  The Obama administration has advanced the imperialist stage started by the neocons and there's plenty more to be done.  Many believe we're closer to WWIII then at anytime since the early 60's of the Cold War.  Certainly the chaos and misery being spread for the filthy rich bastards benefiting most from U.S. imperialism is astounding and increasing and flat out evil.  These are criminals of the highest order.  Think of Tony Blair, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, John Kerry, all scumbags that should be in orange jumpsuits in prison. 

There must be a push to end U.S. imperialism.  Everything else depends on it.    

Are Young People Energized, or is it just Memorex?

Are young people energized?  I’ve heard this theme since early on in Sanders’ campaign, that at the very least he’s energized a bunch of young people to go forth and slay the dragons. 

Well you know, I say bullshit.  Not that there hasn’t been a bunch of young people new to the game who have joined the neverending quest to fight the power.  The problem is there are always a bunch of young people that become active or involved in politics and other sorts of activism.  Now isn’t any different.  It’s no different than the 60’s when a bunch of young people protested the Vietnam war and the draft.  It's no different than when young people staged anti-nuclear protests in the 70's and 80's.  It’s no different than in 1999 when a bunch of young people protested the World Trade Organization.  It’s no different than 2003 when a bunch of young people protested the Iraq war. It’s no different than 2011 when a bunch of young people joined the Occupy movement.

Then they get older, have families or not and become older people hoping the young people will fucking do something!  Do something young people dammit!!  We did!  Sort of.  Except here we are in the year 2016 and things are basically FUBAR with no end in sight to the madness.  Whatever was done certainly wasn't enough. 

People say more and more are awakening to the situation at hand, the rigged and corrupt political system, the incredible growing wealth inequality, the rigged and unbalanced economy and financial system, capitalism itself.  Maybe so, but I don't see that translating into a revolution and I still see the lemmings stand at attention and screaming with delight when the national anthem is played while the jets roar overhead off to kill someone, anyone, so the American Dream can remain a dream. 

That’s sound cynical I know, but is it true?  Is what is happening SSDD (same shit different day)?  I think so.  I don’t see anything that’s any different and I see the serfs accepting their fate in the end just like always.  I see either Clinton or Trump in the White House with a Republican majority Congress, no end in sight to the endless political bullshit that has Americans approving of Congress at absurd levels below ten percent. Even if Sanders ends up winning I don't see any change worth talking about, not relative to the change we need.  I see continuation of the endless wars, U.S. imperialism, austerity for the masses, wealth inequality, and the ruling elite gaining more and more power and control.  And I see the next election when we do it all over again.

I don’t see anything different, I don’t feel it. That's not against those feeling the "Bern".  I just don't see anyone doing anything that hasn't been done countless times before while the noose continues to tighten.  While the crimes go on.  That's the thing, people are being hurt as we speak.  Its more than with drones and proxy terrorists, look at what's happened to Brazil and Venezuela.  Far from the Middle East, U.S. imperialism is waging war on those countries and the governments the ruling class doesn't want.  This hurts real people.  It causes poverty, anguish and despair among the serfs.  The western ruling class is a ruthless mafia that will take down anyone that doesn't cooperate and hurt anyone in their way.  These are crimes of immense magnitude and yet we seem powerless to stop them.  

There’s talk about this “People’s Summit” in Chicago, a far cry from the 2011 Occupy happening.  The same old people affiliated with the democratic party and the establishment talking about the same old things, campaign finance reform, a higher minimum wage, stopping the TPP, saving the Whales.  Not a thing about ending the power of the super rich and powerful, ending imperialism, ending capitalism, seeking freedom and real democracy.   More speeches, more books, more conferences, while the Beat Goes On. 

How about Bernie’s “Revolution”?  What’s to become of that after he tells his supporters they need to get behind Clinton so she can beat Trump?  Many are hopeful it will morph into some kind of independent people’s movement or a valid third party effort. 


Many Sanders supporters won’t like this level of cynicism.  They truly believe “there’s something happening here", even if "what it is ain’t exactly clear”.  I don’t, not now.  Not when Sanders is going to endorse Clinton and the Democratic Party.  Not when the only people organizing anything
significant are the astroturfs and democratic party affiliated liberals and progressives who enable the war crimes and backstabbing of the people by the Democratic party.   The cooptation of any type of independent movement from the left has already happened and it’s working, again.

So why am I saying this?  I’m saying it because I believe we can’t accept the same old thing, we have got to look at things differently.  The power those that rule over us have is astounding.  Look at what they can do to an elected government of a sovereign country, like Venezuela or Brazil.  They can tear countries apart without a single shot from the tanks or jets because their war machine is much larger and broader than an enormous military.  They can stage fake protests, color revolutions, murders, anything they want to overcome any real people’s movement.

It’s no different here.  If Bernie did become President and tried to do anything the ruling elite didn't want, they'd simply take the same measures in this country they did in Brazil or Venezuela or Ukraine.  They have the power, not some measly President.  They can take down Presidents any fucking time they want. 

Regardless of how some feel about the Occupy movement, it was coopted and crushed by the ruling class.  As I said earlier, it’s already happening now with the efforts to riff off Sanders' Democratic party campaign.  I see the same thing with the upcoming “People’s Summit” and whatever else is on the horizon this year.  Efforts will revolve around working within the system because that’s how the cooptation works.  They will guide and steer participants and activists into the veal pen until the next election campaigning starts, then we’ll start over again.   Here's what the People's Summit is about, beside heavy democratic party flavor:

"The Summit itself will include plenary and workshop sessions devoted to key issues such as the Fight for 15, mass incarceration and criminal justice reform, voting rights and expanding democratic participation, a tax on Wall Street speculation to fund human needs and jobs, climate justice toward a sustainable economy, improved Medicare for All, the fight for free and debt-free higher education, secure retirement through expanding social security, ending HIV/AIDS, achieving Constitutional pay equity for women, and ending deportations and support for DREAMers, among others."

We need radical, we don’t need the same old shit.  We need to take away the power the ruling elite have and give it to We the People.  We need real Democracy.  I don’t see any effort like that happening or even being talked about.  Radical discussions to overturn the power, really overturn the power, i.e., revolucion!, are dismissed, discounted, and even ridiculed so the course can stay on the straight and narrow.  "We just have to elect better progressives at all levels", "we need to get money out of politics", "we need campaign finance reform" "We need fifteen bucks an hour!".  I've heard that shit for years and years while the treachery of the ruling elite gets ever more sinister and brazen.  While hedge fund managers make over ONE BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.  That's not what we need, we need to throw the criminals in jail, overturn the power and implement real democracy.  We have to try to end the madness for the sake of the human race and the planet.  We can't settle for peanuts here, this is a fight for humanity, not Medicare for all or free college.

I have hope.  I do agree more and more have awakened to what we're facing, they know the evil that permeates the earth must be exorcised. There's a real revolution waiting to happen and people waiting to join.  But it won't happen with elections or campaign finance reform or rescission of Citizen's United.  It won't happen with more conferences held by the astroturfers and Democratic party activists.  That's why I'm saying this, to try to head off another failed opportunity.  We have Trump vs. Clinton.  Some people call that a travesty, which is true.  But its also an opportunity because there could be no better matchup to expose the false illusions of this country. 

Others have to step forward.  We don't need a People's Summit with more Pete Seeger songs, lectures from Naomi Klein and Juan Cole and appearances by Cornel West and Code Pink. We need the people who are angry and will not compromise and want nothing less than freedom from tyranny.  It will happen, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.