Monday, September 21, 2015

Marijuana in Legal is Washington State! Well, not Exactly

We're in a vortex, a marijuana/war OF drugs (like the War OF Terror) vortex where up is down and right is wrong and legal is a felony.

"A prosecutor in southeastern Washington has charged three teens with felonies for marijuana possession, saying a new law demands the higher level of offense.
The Lewiston Tribune in Idaho reports the teens ages 14, 15 and 17 have been charged in nearby Asotin County with felonies that could net them up to five years in prison. The offense was previously a misdemeanor with a maximum 90-day jail sentence.
Asotin County Prosecutor Ben Nichols said Senate Bill 5052, which the Legislature passed and Gov. Jay Inslee signed into law this year, contains the new language.
"If you are a minor, a person under 21, it's a felony no matter what," Nichols said.
The bill's sponsor, Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center, said the tougher penalty was designed to deter minors from trying an adult drug.
"We have to send a message to our kids: This will hurt you in more ways than one if you decide to participate," Rivers said."

Hey well, fuck you Ann Rivers, R-La Center, and you too Jay Inslee for signing that piece of shit war OF drugs legislation.  (It's my blog, I'll curse if I want to - besides you fuckers sent me to the Navy during the Vietnam war where they taught me to curse, so you'll have to live with it.)

Besides, what do you say to such fucking ignorance!  

I wonder if it ever occurred to Ann Rivers, R-La Center that the people of Washington State, at least those with brains who voted against the War OF Drugs to not really legalize marijuana, did so because of the insane penalties the ruling class has enacted on the serfs because of the weed?
Evidently not because she's still living in the Stoned Age. Or maybe it should be the UnStoned Age.

Do we put kids in jail if they're caught smoking cigarettes? 

Did you know La Center is a Casino town?  Ya, poker and booze, booze and poker all the time.  Anytime you want it, step right up and La Center will get you drunk and steal your money.  And you can smoke cigarettes until your lungs fall out in nice designated smoking legal cigarettes areas outside the casino doors.  I know because it's right up the road from where I live. What?  Hypocrites you say?   Damn right.  I've never heard of this Ann Rivers but now that I have, maybe I can put a fly in her ointment.  Let's see, a letter to the editor of the Columbian might do it.  If they'll publish it. 

So Inslee tries to walk it back.  What did he think he was signing?  Does he sign all his stuff while his head is in the sink?

"An Inslee spokeswoman told The Tribune, however, the felony charge for minors is not what he intended in a law focused on regulating the state's medical marijuana system.
"I can only tell you that this was not the intention that the governor had when working with legislators on this bill," Inslee spokeswoman Jaime Smith said.
Smith said parties had agreed at the time that keeping marijuana out of the hands of minors was a priority, "but there are other ways to do that without charging them with felonies."


That's far from the only problem with saying marijuana is legal in Washington State.  It's only legal if you follow the rules setup by whoever decided on the language of the reeferendum as voted by the sheeple.  If you have too much (over one ounce), if you grow your own in the back bedroom, or if you smoke it in the wrong place, you are still a wanted criminal in the War OF Drugs.   

Some say progress.  Ya, I guess so.  But not from the stupidity.   The War OF Drugs continues full steam ahead.  People need to wake up.

Speaking of Stoned.

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