Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Sheeple Play the Game

"Yea!! Look at all that money!  We're going to win!!"

The amount of money being spent by the candidates for President of the United States of Imperialism for the 2016 election is fucking obscene, like all things ruling class. There are indications the total amount spent, and raised, by the candidates will surpass $2 billion. 

Ya I know, what's a billion here or a billion there when half the kids in the country survive on food stamps. 

But the sheeple, they care not how much it takes, they play the game to win, whether it's raising more money than their opponents, or accepting U.S. imperialism and the deaths of millions as a tradeoff for a possible chicken in their pot.  What's an Indian or a slave worth when they can get their blood money.

Here's the sheeple in action playing the ruling class game of "Let's Pretend we live in a Democracy!" 

"Tremendous hauls by both (6+ / 0-)
I thought Clinton would come in lower frankly.
Sent a lot of time on the Super PAC, raised 40MM there.
Good job both campaigns!"

"The drop in Hillary's take is impressive (47+ / 0-)
I begin to understand why she's spending most of her time at fundraisers, those "small voter group" "listening tours" her supporters tout.  Her donors max out with one donation -- to a much larger extent than Sanders' donors -- so she can't go back to them for more.  Almost all of Sanders' supporters can -- and will -- keep donating, because most of us can't afford to max out.
Sanders raised $7.5 million a month in his first two months, and looks like he'll probably raise around $8 million a month in this quarter if these numbers hold.  Clinton's numbers will drop over $6 million a month if these numbers are accurate.
COH numbers won't likely be kind to Clinton either, since she's running a far more expensive campaign than Sanders, so far to negative effect.   There's a story about a tortoise and a hare that may have some relevance here.
Our form of democracy is bribery, on the highest scale. --Gore Vidal Join and donate to Bernie Sanders' campaign "
All that money going to what?  A presidential election campaign in an oligarchy?  Do these people playing this game know they're being played?   I mean look at that statement:  "Our form of democracy is bribery, on the highest scale."  Followed by "Join and donate to Bernie Sanders campaign"   Those closest to the problem usually don't see the obvious disconnect. 
It's a shame all that money can't go to a better cause.  But it's their money I guess.  They can do with it what they want.  The problem is they complain about the system on the one hand, then feed it with the other.  There's a disconnect there only sheeple can truly exhibit. 
Only 13 more months until the next bought and paid for election.  Isn't it exciting?  I wonder how many kids $2 billion could feed and cloth?   Or if not that, I wonder what kind of a real independent movement against the ruling class we could fund with $2 billion?  That must not be the revolution Bernie Sanders is talking about.

Yes Virginia, Hillary Clinton is More Evil than Bernie

Ya, I can't quite go there.  As much as Bernie's positions on U.S. imperialism and Israeli Zionism disgust me because of the results of those positions, i.e., millions die, politicians lie, I can't place him ahead of Hillary Clinton on the Evilness Ladder.   For that I can point to one reason and one reason only.

Hillary Clinton is a war criminal responsible for the crimes of premeditated mass murder and other crimes against humanity.

She ascended that ladder through her service as Secretary of State and in particular during her roles related to the U.S. led wars against the sovereign nations of Libya and Syria.   

And the people say, "whoa, isn't that a bit harsh and unrealistic?  She's running for President of the United States.  And he's the President of the United States!  You can't call them murderers!"

Yes I can and I will.  I don't see how what they've done is any different from what Wesley Allan Dodd did back in 1989, right down the road from my house.  Notice how most mass murdering serial killers are referred to by all three given names?

When people die because of the premeditated, purposeful actions of others, that's called murder.  And Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton are up to their necks in the blood of their victims.  Wesley Allan Dodd murdered children.  So have Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

It's no different than Henry Alfred Kissinger and Madeleine Jana Albright.  They're known and wanted war criminals for the crimes of premeditated mass murder.  Their bosses at the time, Richard Milhous Nixon and William Jefferson Clinton are also war criminals for their roles in United States government premeditated murders and crimes against humanity.

So Bernie is the lesser evil.   He can't hang with that stuff.  Arguably, some of his votes, like all of our corrupted representatives, on war and imperialism related acts, laws, and bills can also be labeled crimes.  Aiding and abetting premeditated mass murder and other crimes against humanity.  Granted, he didn't voted for the 2003 Iraq war, but he's gone along with most everything else. 

If we really wanted justice for the crimes of U.S. imperialism, there would be few, if any, U.S. politicians who could escape.  But what is justice if we allow these criminals a free pass for these heinous crimes while arresting 1,700 people per day for the simple act of possessing some marijuana?

Whoever succeeds Barack Hussein Obama as the next president of the Imperial United States, they will also join the exclusive American club of Imperialist mass murderers and assorted crimes against humanity.  That is the nature of U.S. imperialism.   It's been documented til the cows come home, there is no rational way to dispute it. 

As I said in an earlier post, the cat is out of the bag.  It's running around the yard now and the bag has been recycled so there's no going back in for the feline felon. 

Maybe the trick is getting the cat to sit still long enough for us to figure out what to do with it.

One thing is for sure, without justice there will be no progress.  If the lies are allowed to continue, there is no progress.  If we continue to let these mass murdering war criminals walk free, act free, and actually continue their crimes, there can be no progress. 

Maybe we need to look at ourselves too.

1,700 Per day Arrested for Weed Possession

1,700 people were arrested for marijuana possession every day during the year of our War on Drugs 2014. 

That's 70 per hour or just over one every minute. 

Whoops, there's another one.

I took my first toke way back in 1973 as a high school senior.  In 1973 approximately 250,000 people were arrested for weed possession.   That's less than a third arrested in 2014.

I never, ever would have thought that by the year 2015 the war against marijuana would still be so insane.  But I suppose it's kind of like all war.  I never would have thought that we'd have never-ending military wars either.   The War of Terror is like the War of Drugs, it just keeps getting bigger as time goes on. 

Whoops, there's another one.  Wonder where it was at?  Maybe right here in my town. 

The War OF Drugs is everywhere.

Like the War OF Terror.

The War OF Drugs is still going strong at forty plus years.

The War OF Terror is only 14 years old. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Have we Reached a Turning Point? Or are those Storm Clouds of Desperatiion I See?

How crazy are they?  In other words, what will the western/zionist ruling class and especially those controlling the government of the United States do now that the cat is completely out of the bag?

This is absolutely astounding.  President Putin of Russia was asked a question during some kind of pre U.N gathering with U.S. and international reporters.  His response was utterly frank and truthful and carried a message that the world can't ignore. 

I'll transcribe some of it below.

"Another threat that President Obama mentioned was ISIS.
Well, who on earth armed them?  Who armed the Syrians that were fighting Assad.  Who created the necessary political/informational climate that facilitated this situation?  Who pushed for the delivery of arms to the area? 

Do you really not understand as to who is fighting in Syria?

They are mercenaries, mostly.  Do you understand that they are paid money.  Mercenaries fight for whichever side pays them more.  So they arm them and pay them a certain amount.  I even know what the amounts are. 

I consider this absolutely unprofessional politics.  It is not grounded in facts, in the real world.  Can they not think a step ahead?  We don't stand for this kind of politics of the U.S.  It harms all parties, including you (USA). 

But do not look for someone to blame when it is you making these decisions.  You must do the opposite, rise above the endless desire to dominate.  You must stop acting out of imperialistic ambitions.  Do not poison the consciousness of millions of people, like there can be no other way but imperialistic politics." 

BlackLivesMatter, Except in Africa?

"She says, "Hey, babe,
Take a walk on the wild side."

Lou Reed

There has been considerable discussion recently about the BlackLivesMatter movement and it's interactions with the Presidential candidates, particularly Bernie Sanders. Part of that discussion moved into the subject of U.S. imperialism relative to pressuring Sanders on his foreign policy positions, i.e., same as BLM has supposedly moved his meter on that issue.

It brings up an interesting dilemma. 

"The defense budget allocations for AFRICOM have increased substantially since the advent of the Obama administration. In many respects this U.S. war in Africa has remained hidden from both domestic and international news coverage often being depicted as targeted Special Forces commando and drone strikes against individual operatives of designated terrorist organizations.


Turse writes of this expanding imperialist militarism saying, "For years, the U.S. military has publicly insisted that its efforts in Africa are negligible, intentionally leaving the American people, not to mention most Africans, in the dark about the true size, scale and scope of its operations there. AFRICOM public affairs personnel and commanders have repeatedly claimed no more than a 'light footprint' on the continent."

If BlackLivesMatter, what about those in Africa? There are many more black humans in Africa than there are in the United States of Imperialism, and many more who are in greater peril from violence and poverty than in the U.S. Do they matter too?

Of course they do. And it's incumbent on those involved in the U.S. BLM movement to recognize that now. 

"Only a revolutionary movement emanating from the continent in alliance with anti-imperialist forces in the West can reverse the current trajectory of destabilization which has characterized the situation in Africa. This book provides a useful tool for those who recognize that this burgeoning war must be stopped for the benefit of Africa as well as oppressed and working people around the world."

There's the dilemma.  Bernie Sanders might seem somewhat accommodating to the demands of the BLM movement but he is not at all interested in talking about, or doing anything about, the U.S, imperialist assault on Africa that has been going on for centuries. 

And as for the BLM movement, what about that?  Are they ready for a revolutionary movement that also addresses U.S. imperialism and the destruction of black lives on other continents?  Are they ready to form an alliance with other people of color to confront the Manifest Destiny of the Anglo Saxon western ruling class?

And the white liberals go, "Doo do doo do doo do do doo..."

Bernie Sanders Doesn't Need Help on his Foreign Policies

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." 
Declaration of Independence

I see some are trying to "help" Bernie Sanders with his foreign policy positions. 

What they aren't getting is that as long as Sanders' positions are based on the false narratives and lies of U.S. imperialism, he can't and won't change anything. There is no room for change.

What do you people expect him to change if he supports U.S. imperialism?

They (the ruling class) are going into a period where they need MORE money for their military imperialism. Since the U.S. War on the World started after 9/11/01, the U.S. has been at war for over 14 years. That takes a toll on military readiness. For example, there are calls to "revitalize" the Sixth Fleet. All of the military Secretaries are calling for more funds to modernize and upgrade capabilities and improve maintenance. Since the false flag attack by Israel on the United States of America on 9/11/01, the U.S./western ruling class has also re-started it's Cold/Hot War with Russia and has officially declared both Russia and China as threats to their national interests. So not only is the United States of Imperialism waging a permanent Global War OF Terror on the rest of the planet, it is threatening Russia and China, "pivoting" to Asia and further encircling those countries with it's massive military might.

("US military leaders call Russia ‘greatest threat’, demand more funding")

Bernie Sanders has labeled Putin a threat that the "world has to deal with" and has long been against China's rise as a challenge to U.S. economic power. Do people really think he's going to CUT the military when the cards call for a different imperialist play? 

The official U.S. policy is Full Spectrum Dominance.  Ever heard Bernie say anything about that?  Ever heard any of the politicians say anything about that?   

Sanders is not getting into the foreign policy arena because he is not in it to win it. He has no intention of becoming President, that is why he's not focusing on foreign policies. Think about it. He's running for President of the United States, the greatest military power in the history of the world. The ruling class of this country has embarked on a "New American Century", one that seeks to complete and maintain it's hegemony over the rest of the planet by using it's overwhelmingly military force. One that threatens, blackmails, or murders anyone that gets in its' way.  And Bernie Sanders, one of the ruling class Democratic Party front runners, is not talking about it.  Even after 25,000 of his would be supporters signed a petition, he still remains vague and noncommittal about this crucial issue. 

Why? Because that's not why he entered the race. If he did enter the race to win, he would be fully on board with talking about this crucial aspect of United States hegemony, it would be a cornerstone of his debates. But that's not his role in this kabuki theater of a Presidential election. His role is to focus the angst of the public regarding the incredible ruling class theft resulting in massive wealth inequality toward the worthless spectacle of an election and the Democratic party instead of an independent movement to overturn the power. HIs role is to provide Clinton with a path to beat the Republicans so the Democrats can retain the Presidency.

He can serve up all the general populist slogans about wealth inequality and billionaires that he wants, but he can't and won't challenge the miitary Empire.

So Bernie doesn't need any help with figuring out his foreign policies. He's 74 years old for crissakes, he's developed his opinions about U.S. empire and he's already stated in plain English what he believes. He believes in the War OF Terror, the renewed Cold War, and the New American Century.

With that, there is no room for change, only continued expansion of the military empire and the fascist police state at home.

A vote for Bernie, like a vote for Hillary or Donald or Jeb, is a vote for more U.S. imperialism, more global militarism, and more war.  That's just the way it is until We the People can figure out a way to change it.   

Monday, September 28, 2015

Bernie Sanders - "Saudi Arabia needs to get it's hands Dirty"

“This war is a battle for the soul of Islam and it’s going to have to be the Muslim countries who are stepping up. These are billionaire families all over that region. They’ve got to get their hands dirty. They’ve got to get their troops on the ground. They’ve got to win that war with our support. We cannot be leading the effort.”
Bernie Sanders 2015

Bernie Sanders, the new favorite politician of the faux left, is on record saying that Saudi Arabia should do more of the dirty work in the Middle East for the western ruling elite, to take a little pressure off of them, and him. 

That is fucking despicable no matter how it's painted.  That alone should disqualify Sanders from seeking the Office of President of the United States.  Then again, that alone shows why he would be no different than Obama, Bush and any other tool put into the position by the western ruling class.

As David Swanson said (linked below):

"Who has dirtier hands than Saudi Arabia? Is this some kind of a sick joke?"

More Than 1,000 Children Killed, Injured In “Brutal” Yemen Conflict – U.N.

"More than 1.3 million people have been forced to flee their homes since March, and nearly 10 million children – 80 percent of the country's under-18 population – need urgent humanitarian aid, UNICEF said in a report released on Wednesday."


"Sanders nonetheless brought it back to Saudi Arabia and insisted that Saudi Arabia should “get their hands dirty” and take a much bigger role in a war against ISIS and generally lead the wars with U.S. support."

I'll say it.  Fuck you Bernie Sanders and your Saudi Arabia friends.  Saudi Arabia, with the help of Imperial America, is killing innocent children with their fucking dirty hands.  And you want them to get them even more dirty?  

This is what Sanders supporters are supporting.

From the Tax Wall Street Party.

"Crypto-Warmonger Bernie Sanders Blathers About Trivial Process Reforms While His Saudi Friends Escalate Their Campaign of Genocide Against the People of Yemen With Daily Bombing Atrocities And Six Million People on the Edge of Starvation; Vermont Senator Wants Saudi Butchers To “Get Their Hands Dirty”; Left-Liberal Mush-Heads Applaud His Orwellian Doublethink Performance."

Bernie Sanders will be a War Criminal if Elected President

"Oh when will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn"

The overall framework of Bernie Sanders foreign policy ideology is no different from the rest of the D.C. ruling class establishment.  He favors U.S. imperialism, he supports imperialist Zionism, and he is a proponent of the Military Industrial Complex and militarization of the planet. 

If by some miracle he did become President, he would become an immediate war criminal by virtue of the FACT that U.S. imperialism is by and large against international law and regularly constitutes war crimes as defined by international law.   He would do absolutely nothing to alter those facts. 

Those supporting him are either ignoring those facts, are willing to accept what in their minds is a lesser evil, or they also support U.S. imperialism and imperialist Zionism. 

It's going to come out in the end, Bernie the Sheepdog will drop out of the race either on his own or by losing in the Primary election, then Hillary Clinton will be the test for these lesser evil voters.  Will they continue that trend and vote for Hillary against the Republican party?  Or does their lesser evilism only go so far?  Evidently warmongering and imperialism isn't a factor in their decisions, only the rhetoric of Bernie against the billionaires and the seeking of alms for the poor (instead of actual power to the people). 

Here's a list of Bernie's voting record and other actions related to foreign policies.

In 1993, Bernie voted YEA on HR 2446 - Military Construction Fiscal Year 1994 Appropriations Bill, which provided $3.63 billion for military construction.

That same year, he also voted in favor of S J Res 45 - Authorization for Use of US Armed Forces in Somalia, which authorized President Bill Clinton to use US troops in Somalia for the purpose of providing logistical support to the United Nations peacekeeping force.

In 1994, Bernie voted in favor of HR 4453 - Military Construction FY95 Appropriations bill, which provided $2.52 billion for military construction.

The following year, Bernie voted in favor of HR 3107 - Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996, which "imposes sanctions on persons exporting certain goods or technology that would enhance Iran's ability to explore for, extract, refine, or transport by pipeline petroleum resources, and for other purposes."

In 1997, Bernie voted for HR 2159 - Foreign Operations FY98 Appropriations bill, which included: $3 billion for Israel, including $1.8 billion in military assistance and $1.2 billion in economic assistance; $2.12 billion for Egypt, including $1.3 billion in military assistance and $815 million in economic assistance; $770 million for former Soviet Republics; and $215 million for international narcotics control and law enforcement.

He also voted for HR 4059 - Military Construction FY99 Appropriations bill, which provided $2.82 billion for general military construction.

In 1998, Bernie's name was included as a YEA vote on HR 4655, the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998, which expressed the sense of Congress that it should be the aim of the United States to remove Saddam Hussein from power. President George W. Bush later used the Iraqi Liberation Act to provide justification for military action for the 2003 invasion.

In 1999, Bernie voted for HR 2465, which provided $4 billion for military construction, and he voted for HR 3196, which provided: $2.16 billion for military and economic assistance to Israel; $760 million for military and economic assistance to Egypt; $535 million for Eastern European and the Baltic States, including $150 million for assistance to Kosovo; $300 million for military and economic assistance to Jordan; and $285 million for international narcotics control.

Bernie's was a staunch support for Clinton's 100-day bombing of Yugoslavia and Kosovo in 1999. These were war crimes.

In 2001, Bernie supported HR 1954, which extended the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act of 1996.

Following the 9/11 attacks, Bernie voted in favor of H J Res 64 - Authorization for Use of Military Force, which allowed President Bush to use the United States Armed Forces against anyone involved with 9/11 and any nation that harbors these individuals.

In 2003, Bernie supported HR 5010, which provided $355.1 billion in appropriations for the Defense Department for fiscal year 2003 - an increase of $37.5 billion from 2002 - as well as: $71.6 billion for procurement of aircraft, missiles, weapons, combat vehicles and shipbuilding; $7.4 billion for ballistic missile defense; and $58.4 million for foreign aid, which includes humanitarian assistance, foreign disaster relief and de-mining programs.

He also voted in favor of HR 2800 - Foreign Operations Appropriations, FY 2004 bill, which granted $1.8 billion in military and economic assistance to Egypt and $2.2 billion for Israeli military assistance.

In 2004, Bernie supported HR 4613, which allocated $25 billion for emergency defense spending for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and $77.4 billion for the procurement of new weapons.

In 2005, Sanders supported HR 2863 - Defense Department FY2006 Appropriations Bill, which provided $50 billion for ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In 2006, Bernie voted for HR 5631, which provided $70 billion for ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In 2007, he supported HR 1585 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, which granted $187.14 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan operations.

In 2009, he voted in favor of HR 2647, which authorized $309 million for research and evaluation, procurement, or deployment of an alternative Missile Defense System in Europe, and also allowed the Secretary of Defense to increase the active-duty number for the US Army to a number greater than otherwise allowed by law up to the 2010 baseline plus 30,000 troops.

During the same year, he called closing the torturous gulag at Guantanamo a "complicated issue" and ultimately rejected a proposal to shut it down.

In 2011, Bernie co-sponsored S. Res. 85, which urged the UN Security Council to take action to protect civilians in Libya from attack, including the possible imposition of a no-fly zone over Libyan territory.

In 2014, Bernie came out in favor of levying economic sanctions (an act of war) against Russia: "The entire world has got to stand up to Putin," he said. "We've got to deal with sanctions."

Bernie also didn't object to having his name included - by unanimous consent - in S.498, which backed Israel's brutal, summer-long military assault against Gaza.


1) Sanders supports Israel and has supported Israel's aggression against Palestine- Sanders supports US military support of Israel;

2) Sanders supports an increase in Saudi Arabia's attacks on Yemen;

3) Sanders supports the US Military Industrial Complex;

4) Sanders supported US attacks on Kosovo;

5) Sanders supports US attacks on ISIS and the entire narrative;

6) Sanders backed the buildup in the Persian Gulf during GHWB Gulf War;

7) Sanders supported sanctions in Iraq even as the Iraqi body count passed 1.5 million;

8) Sanders supported Bill Clinton when he sent military units to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in October, 1994- Bernie supported this because "we cannot tolerate aggression."

9) He supported US intervention in Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Liberia, Zaire (Congo), Albania, Sudan, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia.

10) Sanders has voted for appropriations bills to fund the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan;

11) Sanders supported pro-war measures--such as a March 21, 2003, resolution stating, "Congress expresses the unequivocal support and appreciation of the nation to the President as Commander-in-Chief for his firm leadership and decisive action in the conduct of military operations in Iraq as part of the ongoing Global War on Terrorism";

12) Sanders opposed immediate withdrawal from Iraq;

13) Sanders opposed any action on a wave of Bush impeachment resolutions that swept Vermont towns in 2006;

14) Sanders defends the Lockheed Martin F-35 program the epitome of Pentagon waste;

15) Sanders approved a $1 billion aid package to the coup government in Ukraine, aiding and abetting Nazis;

16) Sanders supported he objectively racist and mass-incarcerationist Federal Crime bill;

17) Votes with Democrats 96% of the time and caucuses with them actively working against third party candidates who challenge Democrats;

18) Has expressed admiration for Hillary Clinton and has stated he will support her if she gets the nomination

Sunday, September 27, 2015

France War Crimes. Hollande is a War Criminal

Not news per se, relative to Hollande  being a War Criminal, but this article in the ruling class media provides more evidence. 

"The French military has carried out its first airstrikes against ISIS in Syria, according to a statement from the office of France's presidency.

The country had announced earlier this month that it would expand its aerial campaign against ISIS in Iraq -- which it began a year ago -- to include the militant group's positions in Syria.
The French president's office said that the strikes in Syria, which began Sunday, were based on intelligence gathered from air surveillance operations conducted over Syria during the past two weeks.
"Our country confirms its firm commitment to the fight against the terrorist threat Daesh (ISIS). We will strike whenever our national security is at stake," the statement read."

So evidently France has their own AUMF for a Global War OF Terror?  That's the only explanation, Hollande is saying the same thing as Bush and Obama, that they will strike wherever they feel their "national interests" are at stake. 

I'm assuming they didn't ask Assad if they could fly into his country and drop bombs.  I know they didn't go to the U.N. to ask permission. 

Therefore these are war crimes.  But notice there's no mention of that in the ruling class media article.  Nothing, not even an inference or a question about who the hell said they could do that. 

Does that mean now if France feels it's national interests are threatened by a militia in Oregon they will bomb the town of Creswell? 

This comes directly after Hollande declared himself a global assassin just like Obama, able to kill anyone, anywhere, anytime, for any reason. 

This is 14 years after the false flag attack on 9/11 that started the fake War OF Terror. 

What the fuck is going on?

Taking it Personal

I've been accused of painting Bernie Sanders' supporters too harshly because of Sanders support for U.S. imperialism and Israeli Zionism. I've been told that it's now personal because I've labeled the Sanders supporters as "Don't get fooled again" white moderate retreads who are selfishly putting fifteen dollar minimum wage and the dream of Single Payer ahead of the U.S. imperialism killing fields.

Well, I take the death of Aylan Kurdi personal. I take it personal that this country I live in, the government some of the people in this country "elect", rampages the earth creating genocides and massive refugee situations. I take it personal that the government of this country so deviously supports a racist country that keeps nearly two million people literally in prison, depriving them of freedom and necessary supplies for their insane religious fantasm of Greater Israel. 

I take it personal that people support politicians that support U.S. imperialism and Israeli Zionism, especially when they've been told time and time again that these politicians are nothing but ruling class "gangsters for capitalism" who will not challenge the murdering road show that is U.S. imperialism.

So Sanders supporters, go ahead and take it personal. That's politics, that's imperialism, that's zionism, that's genocide and murder, it is personal. It's always going to be personal. If you want to support a politician, and Sanders is no different than all the rest in this regard, that continues the racist and murderous policy of Manifest Destiny that seeks to control and subjugate people of color and those without money and power, then it is going to be personal.

It's going to be as personal for the democrats that support Bernie Sanders as it is the republicans that support Jeb Bush or Donald Trump. Sanders supporters somehow believe their guy is different, their guy is a good guy.  Most of these "supporters" are the same ones who supported Obama and look where that got them.  Most of these Sanders' supporters STILL support the War Criminal Obama.

Good guys don't support U.S. imperialism and Israeli Zionism. No they don't. Good guys don't want anything to do with killing millions of people just so they can have higher wages or better medical care. Good guys don't sacrifice their fucking souls on the backs of Palestinians over a quest for land and power.

Take a look at the pictures of Aylan Kurdi and all the other children that have been literally blown to bits by U.S. weapons of mass destruction. Take a look at the fathers trying to save their children from the fucking psychopaths that rule the western world while Americans go about their lives staring at their Iphones and getting indignant when criticized for their support of the killing, maiming and stealing.

Take a real good look. It's personal all right. It's gone on far too long and it will end, with or without Sanders' supporters.  

Whose side are you really on?


Friday, September 25, 2015

Afghanistan, Graveyard of Empires - Would you hurry it up a little Please?

I'm officially a Vietnam Era Veteran. I served in the U.S. Navy during the officially designated timeline of the Vietnam war, from August 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975. According to the "rules", if you served at least 180 days of active duty during that time period and received an honorable (or general?) discharge, you are considered a Vietnam Era Vet.  If you served in a combat role or support combat role in Vietnam you are considered a Vietnam Vet.

That's almost eleven years. Of course the imperialist rape and destruction of Vietnam lasted much longer than that, just like Afghanistan.  Now we have the Afghanistan war (and Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Venezuela, Ukraine, Lebanon, and 135 countries with special forces operations in them, but this is about Afghanistan) at 14 years and counting. 

But that's not enough.  It will never be enough.

"The top international commander in Afghanistan, U.S. Army Gen. John Campbell, has sent five different recommendations to the Pentagon and to North Atlantic Treaty Organization officials in Brussels, each with its own risk assessment, officials said.

The options include keeping the current U.S. presence at or near 10,000; reducing it slightly to 8,000; cutting the force roughly in half; and continuing with current plans to draw down to a force of several hundred troops by the end of 2016.

Some officials worry that too large a cut could cause the Afghan government to come under increased pressure from the Taliban and other militants, officials said. Others believe a smaller force of several thousand Americans still could be effective at backing the Afghan government.

Looming over the debate are the lessons of the Iraq withdrawal of 2011 and the rise of the Islamic State extremist group. Many critics and some officials believe that the Iraqi military would have been able to better fight off the Islamic State’s advance last year had the U.S. maintained a force of at least several thousand advisers in the country."

Here we go again, round and round we go, how many troops remain, nobody knows. Until President War Criminal Obama makes a decision based on the "best options". 

I wonder if sometimes the dude can't wait for his 8 years to end so he doesn't have to carry on with some of these lies? But that's probably not the case since he seems to enjoy lying and will simply carry on with the lying when he's done at the White House. Maybe he doesn't even know he's lying, maybe he really is one of the lizard people being given direct telepathic orders from the great lizard in the sky.

I remember when Occupy was getting ready to start, they had made the keystone of the effort the demand to end the war in Afghanistan. That was over four years ago now.

This was the original mission statement that came with a pledge:
"October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of the Afghanistan war and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. It is time to light the spark that sets off a true democratic, nonviolent transition to a world in which people are freed to create just and sustainable solutions.
We call on people of conscience and courage—all who seek peace, economic justice, human rights and a healthy environment—to join together in Washington, D.C., beginning on Oct. 6, 2011, in nonviolent resistance similar to the Arab Spring and the Midwest awakening.
A concert, rally and protest will kick off a powerful and sustained nonviolent resistance to the corporate criminals that dominate our government."

And the Pledge:
"I pledge that if any U.S. troops, contractors, or mercenaries remain in Afghanistan on Thursday, October 6, 2011, as that criminal occupation goes into its 11th year, I will commit to being in Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., with others on that day with the intention of making it our Tahrir Square, Cairo, our Madison, Wisconsin, where we will NONVIOLENTLY resist the corporate machine to demand that our resources are invested in human needs and environmental protection instead of war and exploitation. We can do this together. We will be the beginning ."
Somehow that changed from early August to sometime in September to Occupy Wall Street without any focus on ending the Afghanistan war.

I've always wondered what happened with that. My feeling is that is when the Occupy movement was coopted, but I have no direct evidence.

At any rate, the Afghanistan war was not ended and here we are over four years later and they're going to extend it again. As I've said many times, they can't leave Afghanistan with unfinished business. That unfinished business includes remaking the Middle East and paving the way for the Zionist's Greater Israel, destabilizing the Caucusus states and Russia, and completing the quest for a New World Order. For the U.S. government and it's Murder, Inc. military machine, Afghanistan has always been about location, location, location. It's been described as the world's largest land based aircraft carrier.

What can we do?  I don't know man, looks like we lost our chance.  And try getting an antiwar movement rev'd up now during a fraudulent and manipulative presidential election, especially with all those nominally opposed to war supporting Imperialist Bernie Sanders. 

Rock and a hard place.


War Criminal Obama and the Pope Having Some Laughs

Obama:  "I've bombed innocent people in seven countries"

Pope:  "You still have more time."

Some things never change. 

The Pope is going around asking the rich people to give alms to the poor.  Actually, so is Bernie Sanders.

Screw that. We don't want no alms man.  We want the power.

Power to the People!!

Bush vs. Clinton and the Saudi Arabia Human Rights Panel

This is perfect. I think we can run with it, maybe a little editing in that third scene and try to spruce up the ending appropriate with the buildup. 

"After it was revealed earlier this week that Saudi Arabia would chair the key UN Human Rights panel, many were shocked by the inherent hypocrisy behind the decision. Writing for the Daily Beast, Salil Tripathi pointed out that the "Saudi government is unelected and run by one large family, or clan," which "executes prisoners with particular relish, turning their executions into a public spectacle."

Director of the Human Rights Action Center Jack Healey also indicated his surprise. "In essence, there has to be a human rights council," he told Sputnik. "But the human rights protection will depend upon those who are interested in promoting human rights. And the government of Saudi Arabia has a long history of not allowing human rights activists to monitor in their own country."

One entity not particularly shocked or surprised by Riyadh’s appointment is the US State Department. During a briefing on Tuesday afternoon, Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner revealed the US position during an exchange with Associated Press reporter Matt Lee.

"Again, I don’t have any comment, don’t have any reaction to it," Toner said. "I mean, frankly, it’s – we would welcome it. We’re close allies."

"We're close allies". 

I don't know why they call these government liars "spokesman" or "spokespeople". They should be called Designated Government Liars. 

Close allies my ass. These murdering, torturing, beheading, crucifying psychopaths are not "our" allies, they're muderering, torturing, beheading, crucifying psychopaths. They might be allies of the muderering, torturing, rampaging evil ruling class of the fading U.S. empire when it serves their needs, but you're no spokesman for me or the United States of America you little lying scumbag bastard, Deputy Designated Liar Mark Toner.   

Someone once said, "First you have to get angry". You know who it was. I'm a firm believer in that. Anger is a good motivator when channeled in the right direction. Even Gandhi got angry.

So we're going to have Bush vs. Clinton and Saudi Arabia heading the United Nations (that's the entire fucking world) Human Rights panel, and War of the Worlds is waiting in the wings. George Orwell has been reincarnated and named Steven George King Orwell Vonnegut Bradbury and the red fire engines are on their way. Hide the books man.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Obama the Democratic Party Absolute War Criminal is Absolutely a Democratic Party War Criminal

"The news that the United States asked both Greece and Bulgaria to block Russian flights over their air space headed for Syria is a logical extension of the criminality of the aggression against Syria being conducted by the NATO powers and their allies in the region. The NATO alliance has been conducting a war of aggression against Syria since 2011 when it succeeded in destroying Libya and it was responsible for the waves of humanity who fled the NATO bombing and who now flee the Takfiri militants NATO used as their auxiliaries."

The NATO alliance of course is led by the United States of Imperialism and the United States of Imperialism is led by President Barack "War Criminal" Obama.  This man who is incredibly still supported by over 80% of Democrats!!

Maybe I'm reading that wrong.  It gives a number of sources that say polls indicate 80-90% of Democrats approve of Obama's job performance.

My God.

This is the same Democratic Party Bernie Sanders is running for President under.  This means that a very large percentage of those supporting Bernie Sanders for Democratic Party President, by virtue of being Democrats of which over 80% support War Criminal Barack Hussein Obama, support an absolute war criminal responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of innocent humans and the displacement of millions. 

Think about that.  Over 80% of all Democrats approve of the job performance of a murderous War Criminal and now they're supporting Bernie Sanders. 

And they're complaining about the far left pissing on their movement? 

What movement?  More war crimes?  Is that the Bernie Sanders movement, "we will continue Obama's war crimes because we approve of Obama's job performance and Bernie will do just as well if not better". 

Ya, vote for the Democratic War Criminal Party.


What about the TPP?  Did not these Democrats hear about Obama's role in the TPP?  And they still support him and his war criminal, New World Order ways?

I think this shows just how toxic the Democratic party and it's supporters really are.  If they overwhelmingly approve of the job performance of a President who has committed war crime after war crime, who is responsible for the deaths of innocent women and children, CHILDREN, and who has championed the evil TPP for his New World Order bosses, then they are not on the side of justice and freedom.  They are on the side of evil.

Time to Boycott Professional Sports

I get a kick out of some people who rail on about CEO pay and hedge fund billionaires and then they turn around and cheer on their favorite sports team and the new contract for $200 million over seven years given to it's star player. 

Consistent with overall wealth inequality in this country are the contracts being given to professional athletes.  

Just over the wire, a role player on the Cleveland Cavaliers professional basketball team "agreed" to a 3 year contract for $53 million.  That's $18 million per year to play basketball.  He's on the same team as Lebron James, professional sports next billionaire (behind Michael Jordan) who makes at least $75 million per year with basketball contract and corporate endorsements combined.  It will soon be common for the very top athletes to be "making" $100 million per year in total compensation and not long after that where we'll have a plethora of athlete billionaires on our hands. 

Listening to the TV analysts talk about how "reasonable" this deal was and how important it was for the Cleveland team about makes you sick, unless you're a completely brainwashed serf, which unfortunately are plentiful. 

These high paid court jesters are nothing but play things for the very rich who are quite happy to allow a few of them into their club.  Court jesters not colosseum gladiators, these athletes are becoming nothing but jokes with their entry into the .01%.

I used to complain about the high costs of attending professional sports games and stopped attending over a decade ago.  Now the money being thrown around is almost comical.  Those in the fight against wealth inequality better put this on the list, it can't be untouched and in ways can be a focal point.   Most of these athletes don't come from the ruling class ranks, they're put their by their acceptance into the club.  Maybe some of them can be reached and become voices we need. 

Professional sports have become a harbinger of what's to come in the United States of Wealth Inequality.  People better start paying attention. 

Better yet, people better start boycotting this farce if they want their children and grand children to grow up in a fair and just world. 

No Compromise on U.S. Imperialism


Some things people are not going to agree on. It's going to require some to over power the opinions of others to get what they want. Take slavery for example. A whole lot of people, even to this day, didn't want slavery abolished. But it was abolished. 
As much as half the country didn't want Jim Crow and segregation ended, but it was anyway.

Many people don't want gay marriage, but we have that anyway. Many people don't want marijuana legalized, but we have that anyway.

In the end, what does it boil down to?

It was the right thing to do. It got done regardless the opinions of those opposed because it was the right thing to do.

Did it take the 99% to accomplish it? Of course not, much of the 99% was opposed. So there wasn't solidarity amongst the 99%, but there was solidarity amongst those who were fighting for what was right.

How many does it take? Who knows, but it was a minority of people in each case that got it done. Maybe a majority of the public approved of the change, but a minority of the people did the work to get it done.

American cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead once said:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Much of the public is either in favor of U.S. imperialism or pragmatically accepting for various reasons or they don't even know what the damn word means.

But ending U.S. imperialism and Empire is the right thing to do. So it's going to get done. It has to get done.  And it's going to get done by a minority of the people, even a small group as Margaret Mead inferred.

It takes the people that will not compromise on the issue to get it done. That's how it works. There was no compromise for many on slavery, civil rights for blacks, gay marriage, and marijuana legalization. There can't be compromise or it won't get done.

We must end U.S. imperialism.  It is crucial to this country and the world.  There can be no compromise on that. 

Hillary Clinton won't end it.  Donald Trump won't end it.  Bernie Sanders won't end it.  Our political representatives WILL NOT END IT.

Only we can end it and all the killing. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Bernie Sanders and the Battle of the Left

Some of the Bernie Sanders supporters are resorting to calling the far left or "ultra-left" childish for our obstructing the "movement" of all movements. It's like Obamacare dammit, it's just a start of something big, soon we'll have single payer!

We're compared to those during Trotsky and Lenin's time as obstructionists to the good of the movement. Not just childish but infantile. 

"Lenin wrote about the same ultraleft obstructionism in the early days of the Russian Revolution—he called it "an infantile disorder." Infantile indeed—like children, certain far-left pontificators are lost in their private dreamworld of stark reds and blacks, of clean polarities and heroic resolutions, stubbornly insulated from the grimy real world of grays and halftones, of swarming strife, complexity, and perversity."

I don't know what these people don't understand.

Bernie Sanders supports U.S. imperialism, lock, stock and barrel. I haven't seen a single Sanders' supporter say otherwise. Some fabricate the notion that he will reduce military spending and alter the Empire's vicious and racist imperialist agenda, but there is no evidence for that in his words or his deeds. He's a zionist who will support the Zionist quest for Greater Israel, just like Bush and Obama have. He's a military industrial complex adherent who will stay the course on the militarization of every corner of the planet.

But the moderate/conservative white left think it's all worth it because Sanders is fighting against wealth inequality and promises Single Payer. As well described by John V. Walsh at Counterpunch:

"So the question must be put. Is it moral to support a candidate to get some more goodies in return for the sacrifice of ever more lives by the US military machine? Or if this moral appeal does not move the Sanders supporters, then the prospect of a new World War with Russia and/or China should give them pause. As a decades long worker for Single Payer, I am not willing to gain Single Payer as Bernie promises at the cost of more war, death to innocents in the developing world and perhaps annihilation of humanity. The task for Bernie supporters is to demand and get an antiwar stance or drop their support. Not only is this a winning strategy as opposed to the losing strategy Sanders is now pursuing; it is the ethical position."

People are dying, countries are being destroyed including our own because of U.S. imperalism. It's nothing but racist anglo-saxon white supremacy redeux in the 21st century to support any politician that supports and adhers to U.S. imperialism.  American exceptionalism rampaging the world so it's citizens can dream about Single Payer and fifteen bucks an hour minimum wage. The ruling class that controls the U.S, government, and Bernie Sanders, appears to be barreling uninhibited toward World War III.   Call it childish, infantile, whatever. Those blindly supporting Sanders while he continues with his advocacy of U.S. imperialism and Israeli Zionism are the childish ones.  No, childish isn't the word for that.  It's out and out support for imperialist murder and racist apartheid.  

So screw that William Kaufman and other Sanders (and THEREFORE Democratic party) supporters and your solidarity for your fake movement. It's not that fucking complicated.  I'm not signing up for any more imperialism and will not take part in any movement to continue it. You want solidarity for a movement, try joining the far left's movement of no more compromise.  It's big, it's getting bigger and I can guarantee you they aren't voting for Bernie Sanders.  Dream on about Bernie Sanders changing his position on U.S. imperialism.  It won't happen, live with it.  When you find your morals let us know.  Maybe when you have to vote for Clinton you'll wake up.  But I doubt it, you had seven years of Obama and still don't get it.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Marijuana in Legal is Washington State! Well, not Exactly

We're in a vortex, a marijuana/war OF drugs (like the War OF Terror) vortex where up is down and right is wrong and legal is a felony.

"A prosecutor in southeastern Washington has charged three teens with felonies for marijuana possession, saying a new law demands the higher level of offense.
The Lewiston Tribune in Idaho reports the teens ages 14, 15 and 17 have been charged in nearby Asotin County with felonies that could net them up to five years in prison. The offense was previously a misdemeanor with a maximum 90-day jail sentence.
Asotin County Prosecutor Ben Nichols said Senate Bill 5052, which the Legislature passed and Gov. Jay Inslee signed into law this year, contains the new language.
"If you are a minor, a person under 21, it's a felony no matter what," Nichols said.
The bill's sponsor, Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center, said the tougher penalty was designed to deter minors from trying an adult drug.
"We have to send a message to our kids: This will hurt you in more ways than one if you decide to participate," Rivers said."

Hey well, fuck you Ann Rivers, R-La Center, and you too Jay Inslee for signing that piece of shit war OF drugs legislation.  (It's my blog, I'll curse if I want to - besides you fuckers sent me to the Navy during the Vietnam war where they taught me to curse, so you'll have to live with it.)

Besides, what do you say to such fucking ignorance!  

I wonder if it ever occurred to Ann Rivers, R-La Center that the people of Washington State, at least those with brains who voted against the War OF Drugs to not really legalize marijuana, did so because of the insane penalties the ruling class has enacted on the serfs because of the weed?
Evidently not because she's still living in the Stoned Age. Or maybe it should be the UnStoned Age.

Do we put kids in jail if they're caught smoking cigarettes? 

Did you know La Center is a Casino town?  Ya, poker and booze, booze and poker all the time.  Anytime you want it, step right up and La Center will get you drunk and steal your money.  And you can smoke cigarettes until your lungs fall out in nice designated smoking legal cigarettes areas outside the casino doors.  I know because it's right up the road from where I live. What?  Hypocrites you say?   Damn right.  I've never heard of this Ann Rivers but now that I have, maybe I can put a fly in her ointment.  Let's see, a letter to the editor of the Columbian might do it.  If they'll publish it. 

So Inslee tries to walk it back.  What did he think he was signing?  Does he sign all his stuff while his head is in the sink?

"An Inslee spokeswoman told The Tribune, however, the felony charge for minors is not what he intended in a law focused on regulating the state's medical marijuana system.
"I can only tell you that this was not the intention that the governor had when working with legislators on this bill," Inslee spokeswoman Jaime Smith said.
Smith said parties had agreed at the time that keeping marijuana out of the hands of minors was a priority, "but there are other ways to do that without charging them with felonies."


That's far from the only problem with saying marijuana is legal in Washington State.  It's only legal if you follow the rules setup by whoever decided on the language of the reeferendum as voted by the sheeple.  If you have too much (over one ounce), if you grow your own in the back bedroom, or if you smoke it in the wrong place, you are still a wanted criminal in the War OF Drugs.   

Some say progress.  Ya, I guess so.  But not from the stupidity.   The War OF Drugs continues full steam ahead.  People need to wake up.

Speaking of Stoned.

Minerals and Oil and Natural Gas, Oh My!

Something for the equation.

Recent reports indicate Iran's mineral reserves rank in the top ten in the world.

"Iran possesses 7% of the world’s total mineral reserves worth about $700 billion but this figure could rise to $1.4 trillion with new discoveries, a mining official says. 

The country is one of the top 10 mineral-rich countries where 68 types of minerals have been identified so far, including the world’s largest deposits of copper, zinc and iron ore."

And that could be just the tip of the iceberg:

"Bozorgmehr said Iran’s known mineral reserves have been found on explorations over only 7% of Iran’s total area. “This figure shows very well that our known and unknown potentials in the mining sector are high.”

Combine that with Iran's oil reserves, ranked number four in the world.

And guess who leads the list of countries with the largest natural gas reserves?  Yep, Iran, although some disagree and think Russia is numero uno.  Either way huh.

Now Class, does anyone think that the psychopathic western ruling class which has been pillaging the earth for oil and other natural resources for well over a century, particularly in the Middle East, are going to leave Iran alone and let it manage all it's rich resources all on it's own? 

Nobody?   Good!  Everyone seems to be catching on this morning. 

Next class we'll discuss Venezuela.  That country is ranked number two on the world's oil reserves list.   We'll talk about when a blessing is really a curse. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

BREAKING! United States of America is at WAR!

"If everyone who said they wanted Peace, really wanted Peace, we would have Peace"

Sometimes I feel like the people of this country don't even know we're officially in a "State of War" where all civil liberties can be taken from the serfs if the ruling class believes it's necessary for their War.

"The President explained that terrorist actions "continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy and economy of the United States."

  • "I have sent to the Federal Register… the enclosed notice stating that the national emergency with respect to persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorism declared in Executive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001, is to continue in effect beyond September 23, 2015," Obama stated in a letter sent on Friday.
  • The letter was sent to Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner and to Vice President Joe Biden in his role as President of the Senate, the White House Press Office stated.
  • "The crisis constituted by the grave acts of terrorism and threats of terrorism committed by foreign terrorists, including the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001… has not been resolved," Obama stated.
Obama noted the state of emergency needed to be continued, but did not offer any date or estimate as to when, if ever, it might be lifted."
Why is this not an issue with the people, especially those that say they want Peace?  Why are the Bernie Sanders supporters giving Bernie a pass on his support for the War OF Terror?  
The never ending War OF Terror is never ending. 

Occupy Peace?

A "Peace" movement calling itself "Occupy Peace" is formally launching today at a rally in Kingston, NY.

The "movement" is being organized by the Trends Research Institute and it's owner Gerald Celente, an American trends researcher who evidently thinks one of the next trends is going to be Peace. 

The rollout today in New York, which is a long way from Peoria and even farther from Seattle, includes notable celebrity Peace activists Ralph Nadar and Cindy Sheehan who will speak to the crowd on the street.  Such notable retreads should inspire tens of people to carry forward the message of Peace throughout the world. 

The mission:

"The institute will work with inspiring and peace-minded historians and other experts to create a program that provides the tools to make peace a driving force in the halls of government and in the living rooms of Americans. Most notably, the movement will promote these tenets:

» No foreign entanglements.
» Wage war only when imminent threat exists.
» Zero tolerance for illegal wars based on lies and retreaded failed reasoning.
» Build communities here, not foreign nations elsewhere.
» Let the people vote on whether to fund wars.",3541

Let's take a closer look at those "tenets". 

-No foreign entanglements.  Pretty vague and says nothing about color revolutions and regime changes, the CIA, NSA, State Department and all the NGOs and other organizations that seek to destabilize countries around the world for power and greed.

-Wage war only when imminent threat exists.  OK, all they have to do is lie, which is every time.

-Zero tolerance for illegal wars.  Again, all they have to do is make sure their lies work, which they always do.

-Build communities here, not foreign nations elsewhere.  This is confusing because the Empire isn't out there building communities in foreign nations.  It's out there destroying foreign nations.

Let the people vote on whether to fund wars.  Does this mean the Syria war?  No, it doesn't because it's not a U.S. war according to the U.S. government, it's ruling class media and the vast majority of the sheeple public.  How are the people going to vote on CIA and State Department operations to destabilize countries and governments?

I like the idea of the people voting on the issue of war.  That's called democracy, direct democracy.   I can't argue with that one.  The problem is war is so disguised nowadays.  The ruling class has innumerable ways to spread violence, i.e., the opposite of Peace, across the globe with it's Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine and the lies and false narratives that are drilled into the sheeple's heads by the ruling class owned media.   But if they can find a way to create a direct democracy approach to official war, their efforts would be fully worth it.

No mention in these tenets of U.S. imperialism and Empire or of Full Spectrum Dominance.  Therefore it won't work.  Unless we address the primary focus of U.S. foreign policies, which is to maintain the U.S. as the preeminent superpower on the planet, i.e., Supremo Empire, nothing can be done because the actions of the Empire can be disguised as other than aggressive Empire actions, such as we're seeing in Syria, Ukraine and Yemen and saw clearly in the now devastated Libya.  

Under these tenets the War OF Terror can be justified because it's supposedly not based on lies (even though it is) and an imminent threat can always be made to exist.

So good try Gerald, I wish you and Cindy and Ralph luck, but this isn't going anywhere.  But hey, it's better than Bernie Sanders' plan for Peace which includes a kinder and gentler drone program and using Saudi Arabia and terrorists to fight U.S. wars and destroy countries.   Maybe it can provide a spark.  All we need is a spark.

No guts no glory.

Say it Gerald.   IMPERIALISM.

Ah heck, I don't want to be too critical.  All they are saying is . . .

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Clinton Email Scandal used to place her in the Underdog Status?

There have been a number of books and videos put out about the Clinton crime family.  The video below is a recently released effort from Infowars titled "The New Clinton Chronicles 2015".      

The primary feature of this video is testimony by Larry Nichols, a former Clinton "insider", who was with the Clinton's during their Arkansas years and evidently performed many nefarious acts for the Clintons including participation in drug smuggling and even as a hit man.   He's obviously been around awhile and has made his accusations known well before this.  Of course the ruling class machine and it's sycophants have done their best to discredit him and his messages.   So take Larry Nichols as you will.  But relative to the following claim one only has to use their own common sense and logic to determine if it makes sense.

He claims that the email scandal was actually manufactured by the Clinton's and their associates to place Clinton in an underdog position instead of the overwhelming favorite (the anointed one) and to get it out of the way before the Republicans can use it in the General election.   He points out that the email scandal was broken by the NY Times which as he puts it "has never been anything but a PR firm for the Clintons"  He says, "there's no way the NY Times would break a story that could do damage to her. 

"They have used the email scandal to catapult them into the underdog status."

He makes other claims in the video that I won't focus on now.  For instance, he claims after Clinton is elected, within 6 months she will appoint Bill as Ambassador to the U.N. and after another 6 months engineer his escalation to the position of Secretary General of the U.N., using their work with the Clinton Foundation to pave the way.   I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that one.  It sure wouldn't surprise me.

But relative to the email scandal, his theory actually makes a lot of sense and correlates with the path it's taken.  Not only has Clinton become something of an underdog but the email scandal seems to be shaping up to be water off a duck's back.  And think about the collusion necessary to pull something like that off.  From the Justice Department to the ruling class media to the Democratic party leadership to well, even Bernie Sanders himself, the knowledge of and participation in such political theater is not only quite amazing but perfectly logical and fitting with the evil and manipulative political system in this country.