Saturday, October 24, 2015

Sanders Supporters Justify their Support of U.S. Imperialism

Here's another example of the ignorance and close mindedness being displayed by the Sanders supporters, identical to the Obama supporters (many are one and the same), regarding war, antiwar, imperialism, and foreign policies. 

As I've said numerous times, Bernie Sanders is an imperialist, a Zionist, and an adherent to the military industrial complex.  He spouts the same lies and false narratives about the war OF terror, the Afghanistan war, the Iraq war (regardless of how he voted), the wars in Syria, Libya, and Yemen, and the new and improved Cold war between Russia and the U.S..  It is impossible to be "antiwar" when adhering to the same lies that come out of the neocons mouths regarding our supposed "enemies". 

He is not antiwar, he says he is anti-bad war but that is a fucking copout.  

But the Sanders supporters, those that recommended the following diary, know no bounds when it comes to supporting their imperialist Democratic party ruling class representatives.

"He's the only candidate who talks about, let alone understands, the "true costs of war."

This is a dangerous sentiment to carry forward when the people should be in the streets protesting U.S. imperialism.  It shows that the Sanders supporters, the Sanders "revolution", and the Democratic party are major impediments to Peace in this world and the curtailment of U.S. imperialism. 

There must be a counter "revolution" to stop their lies.

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