Sunday, October 25, 2015

Laugh of the Day from Bernie Sanders Supporters

Here's a rather hilarious bit from a Daily Kos Bernie Sanders supporter in a diary about Chris Hedges accusing Sanders of being an AIPAC windup doll and a democratic party sellout. 

"Hedges opposed Obama both in 2008 and 2012 (1+ / 0-)
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in the general election. Why should anyone on DKos pay any attention to him?

Why indeed.   I'm sure that's someone who doesn't get his own joke.  What was that song?  "I started a joke, that got the whole world laughing, but I didn't see, that the joke was on me".
That ladies and gentlemen is a typical Bernie Sanders supporter, i.e., an Obamabot looking for more of that hopey changey stuff and willing to excuse more than a Bush family member at Thanksgiving. 
Not to be outdone by himself, this Bernie supporter doubled down his bet with this one:
"And it certainly is NOT progressive (0+ / 0-)

to be on the side of violent misogynist homophobic anti-Semitic fundamentalist religious terrorists who started a war in which every almost every one of their acts of war was a war crime. Bernie Sanders told hecklers who took that position to "Shut up" and he was right.  

That was in reference to the video of Bernie Sanders telling protesters to "Shut up" while defending Israel's illegal and inhumane attack on the human beings in Gaza in Israel's 2014 "Operation Protective Edge. " 
Hey Bernie, it was the Indian's own damn fault wasn't it?  They shouldn't have been in our country, the fools. 

To top it off with another excuse why Bernie can't say this or that (until he's elected of course, then he'll become, you guessed it, Superman!), this Sanders supporter makes the case that if Bernie came out supporting the Palestinians he'd have no chance at getting elected.  Sound familiar?  It's the same line given relative to Bernie's foreign policy stances.  He just can't say what he wants because then he wouldn't get elected.  Which is bullshit of course.  Like Hedges said, Sanders is an AIPAC windup doll, i.e., a Zionist, as well as an imperialist. 

It's funny how he can call out the billionaires and wealth inequality and presumably still get elected but can't call out the illegal wars of aggression, U.S. imperialism, and Israeli apartheid of these same billionaires because then he couldn't get elected.  Ya, funny. 

"I don't think an overtly pro-Palestine (0+ / 0-)

candidate could ever get nominated from either party, much less elected.
Israel has America's total backing, and everybody knows that.
I know you believe you understood what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. -- S.I. Hayakawa.
Viva la Revolucion!

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