Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hillary Clinton is Presidential material - She's already a War Criminal

How many Democrats would, at this time, approve of George W. Bush's job performance as President? 

Not many.  Most would cite the illegal and immoral Iraq war as their number one reason.  That war, which is in effect still going, has resulted in the deaths of at least one million people, the displacement of millions, and the cost to U.S. taxpayers of at least four trillion dollars and 5,000 of their God Bless America soldiers. 

Now it's come out that the Benghazi Committee investigation was all a witch hunt to go after Hillary Clinton and hurt her chances to become President.

Imagine that. No one could have predicted. Except about 1000 people who wrote articles and said so, including myself. That's why I never paid any attention to it, it was all a theaterical performance from the start. It had to be because it purposefully obfuscated the primary point which is the United States of America, led by Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton (the mass murderer three given names thing) illegally attacked and ruined a sovereign nation and government resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the displacement of millions.

They are war criminals on the same order as George W. Bush and company with their Iraq war. They even lied their asses off at the United Nations just like Bush Co.

Now the obvious (except the obfuscation of the illegality of and culpability for the war) has been explained to the Democratic party sheeple so Hillary Clinton can move on with her campaign and the crimes against humanity can be ignored by our government, the ruling class media, and the voting sheeple.

The Democratic Party has put out this "Fact Sheet", as celebrated at the partisan Democratic party blog Daily Kos.


How the Benghazi Committee Targeted Hillary Clinton

Gowdy Cancelled All Planned Hearings Other Than Hillary Clinton’s After NYT Email Story

Before the New York Times broke its story on March 2 about Hillary’s Clinton’s emails, Gowdy had sent to Committee Members an investigative plan that set out monthly hearings with all the different agencies involved in preparing for and responding to the attacks in Benghazi, including the State Department, the Defense Department, and the Intelligence Community.

After the New York Times’ email story broke on March 2, however, Gowdy completely abandoned this plan and began focusing almost exclusively on Hillary Clinton."

Naturally, the partisan focus isn't on the illegality and devastation of the Clinton led war, but on how they can use it to their advantage in the fraudulent 2016 Presidential election.

"And boom goes the dynamite. Seems like a smart call to direct attention toward Gowdy, and away from McCarthy, who accidentally told the truth a few days ago about the actual partisan purpose of the committee. They can always revisit McCarthy's "gaffe" if need be."


Amazingly, these people, most of whom have had the truth about Libya at least float by thier eyes if not put right in front of them, are able to completely ignore the facts about the Libya war.  They will vote for HIllary Clinton without blinking an eye while focusing their ire on the republicans and this Gowdy fellow who is now the "criminal".  It couldn't be more disgusting, unless it was the republicans and Bush.  Same thing only different.   

"If reason and justice prevailed in this country, you’d think that the recent series of articles in the Washington Times concerning the U.S.-NATO attack on Libya in 2011 would torpedo Hillary Clinton’s presidential prospects.

Clinton as U.S. Secretary of State at that time knew that Libya was no threat to the U.S. She knew that Muammar Gadhafi had been closely cooperating with the U.S. in combating Islamist extremism. She probably realized that Gadhafi had a certain social base due in part to what by Middle Eastern standards was the relatively equitable distribution of oil income in Libya.

But she wanted to topple Gadhafi. Over the objections of Secretary of "Defense" Robert Gates but responding to the urgings of British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicholas Sarkozy, she advocated war. Why? Not for the reason advertised at the time. (Does this sound familiar?) Not because Gadhafy was preparing a massacre of the innocents in Benghazi, as had occurred in Rwanda in 1994. "


"What’s happening in Libya today is a crime: murder, rape, looting, chaos, a war of all against all. The perpetrator, the one key person who made all this possible, is a well known personage in American politics, a former Secretary of State and the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

What Hillary Clinton did to Libya is a crime on a scale rivaled only by the crimes of the Bush administration in Iraq – and there is a definite parallel in the methodology of the criminals."


This news isn't coming out now by happenstance.  It's all part of the political plan.  Larry Nichols, a former Clinton insider claimed that the email scandal was actually manufactured by the Clinton's and their associates to place Clinton in an underdog position instead of the overwhelming favorite (the anointed one) and to get it out of the way before the Republicans can use it in the General election.   He points out that the email scandal was broken by the NY Times which as he puts it "has never been anything but a PR firm for the Clintons"  He says, "there's no way the NY Times would break a story that could do damage to her." 

"They have used the email scandal to catapult them into the underdog status." 

It seems to be working out as planned, so far.

Truth, justice and the American way man.

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