Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Donald Trump disqualifed from U.S. Presidential Election

Sunday on the ruling class media program, CNN's "State of the Union", Donald Trump disqualified himself from the 2016 Presidential election. 

"On Sunday the 25th of October, Republican U.S. Presidential aspirant Donald Trump was interviewed on CNN’s “State of the Union” show, and was asked about Iraq. He said,
“I told you very early on, if we’re going to leave, take the oil.”

He then repeated this theme again, in this CNN interview:
“And I said, take the oil when we leave. But we shouldn’t have really left.”


Trump has said other things and done some things that should also disqualify him from the election but this time he's really crossed the line. 

Most people in this country know that the Iraq war was either a mistake (in their minds) or a war crime (absolutely) and NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED.   Most people know that over ONE MILLION people have died because of the crime/mistake that NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED.

To compound that mistake/crime that resulted in over ONE MILLION DEATHS by stealing their oil is beyond the pale even for Americans.  

Especially now when Tony Blair is getting close to being run down by the posse and returned to town for trial. 

"The Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn told BBC Newsnight that Blair could see a war crimes trial over the: “illegal Iraq invasion.”
www.arrestblair.org established by journalist George Monbiot: “offers a reward to people attempting a peaceful citizen’s arrest of the former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, for crimes against the peace.” So far five credible attempts have been made and around £13,000 paid out.
As events are unfolding there may soon be no more wriggle room for all those involved in the lies and cover ups. Their Nuremberg may yet await. It is owed to those who lost their lives for a pack of lies. For the people of Iraq it is a sacred accounting, a debt of ultimate honour and a woefully inadequate apology which might at least demand reparations."


Wouldn't that be something if they actually succeeded in putting Tony Blair on trial.  No way could he beat it and no way would the U.S. be able to not follow up with putting George W. Bush on trial for the same crimes. 

So Trump just disqualified himself from consideration as the President of the Empire because what he said is so egregious and inhumane that the American people will now see through his game. 

Just kidding!  Nothing anyone says or does disqualifies them for President of Manifest Destiny.  Look at Hillary Clinton, she's responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings and she's not disqualified.  George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama were both bonafide war criminal mass murderers when seeking reelections in 2004 and 2012 and they were reelected. 

So Trump is fine.  He can say whatever he wants.  The American people are very flexible in accepting their Empire's war crimes and nothing in the Constitution says you can't be a greedy, psychopathic bigot and still qualify for President.  As long as you're born here.  Or even somewhere else, it can be worked out. 

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