Thursday, October 15, 2015

Global People's Revolution

The left/right divide.  The racial divides.  Republicans versus Democrats.  The Class divide.  Religious divides.

We're divided as people, much of it engineered by the ruling class to maintain control. 

Their control keeps the people from coming together and challenging their power and rule.  Divide and Conquer.  It's as old as the hills. 

We're made to believe that those that are different from us are not good people, or bad people, inferior people, fanatic people, even savages.  We've all been conditioned in ways we don't even realize to accept stereotypes and false narratives.  The white Anglo Saxon Manifest Destiny approach to human civilization.

Study after study have shown how we're all the same humans with the same strengths and weaknesses and that most people are inherently good.

"A study by the Common Cause Foundation, due to be published next month, reveals two transformative findings. The first is that a large majority of the 1000 people they surveyed – 74% – identify more strongly with unselfish values than with selfish values. This means that they are more interested in helpfulness, honesty, forgiveness and justice than in money, fame, status and power. The second is that a similar majority – 78% – believes others to be more selfish than they really are. In other words, we have made a terrible mistake about other people’s minds.

The revelation that humanity’s dominant characteristic is, er, humanity will come as no surprise to those who have followed recent developments in behavioural and social sciences. People, these findings suggest, are basically and inherently nice."

It's time we get past these manufactured divides and challenge the power of the ruling class.  We can do it, we have the numbers, we have the inherent goodness and desire for truth and justice. But we can't do it without casting aside these divisions. 

It has to be a global people's revolution, we need to free all people.  Americans cannot be selfish in this, we have enabled those who control our country and government to murder their way across the planet, steal others resources, lives, cultures.  We the People need to lead the way out of this mess.  Remember the old "truth, justice and the American way" saying?  Well, it was brainwashing bullshit the way it was used to make us think our country was so fucking exceptional, but it is the way forward, especially the truth and justice part.

If the energy and money we spend on the fraudulent U.S. elections were spent on forming a global people's revolution against Rule by the Rich, we could walk into the United Nations building and present a petition with One Billion signatures on it that said,


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