Saturday, June 25, 2016

Propaganda Alert! "Russia, regime strikes 'kill 47 in east Syria"

That's the title of an article by the AFP going around the 90% corporate controlled mainstream media.  The source, of course, is the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights or SOHR. 

The SOHR, or the dude named Abdul, was outted a few years back as a MI6/CIA/Mossad generated propaganda source and has been used extensively by the U.S./NATO/Zionist controlled media to spread lies and fictitious narratives to the gullible public. 

Amazingly, even after being outted, Abdul continues to gain front page status of the mainstream media's propaganda outlets, even appearing on most alternative news and opinion sites and most progressive and conservative blogs. 

So we don't really know what's happened in Syria regarding possible air strikes.  We do know without a doubt that the source is the number one propaganda source for the U.S/NATO/Zionist attack on Syria. 

It makes me sad to see something like this in the mainstream media knowing that hardly anyone reading it will know the source is a fake.   I've found even when you tell people directly, most will still absorb the propaganda into their conditioned heads and believe it. 

Here's a link to an article I wrote last year detailing the situation.

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