Friday, June 10, 2016

The Problems with Third Parties

Many democrats, former democrats and/or former Bernie supporters are going to or are considering voting for the Green political party, specifically Jill Stein for President. Some might vote for Trump, some for Clinton, some might vote for another third party besides the Greens, and some might write in Bernie Sanders or maybe even Mickey Mouse.

I've been advocating for a Presidential election boycott for over a year. The reason is the choice between Trump and Clinton (originally it was Bush vs. Clinton) is absurd and unacceptable and I believe the people should reject the system which has produced such a travesty. I also believe unless we force a change to the system we cannot remove the power from the ruling elite. It can't be done by participating in the system, imo, and an organized and vociferous boycott might be a way to actually force a change.

I've been criticized for even bringing up such an option, called names and many simply can't understand how such a stupid and unproductive option could even be considered.

So I've reevaluated my position on an election boycott. I've decided I think we should damn well have one and we should damn well start now.

I'm just kidding, but not really. I have thought more about it. One thing I've thought about is what is the purpose of supporting a third party? What do those who intend to do so want? What's the goal, agenda, payoff? What's in it for ME!

This goes to what I feel is a critical problem we face. How to define what we want? Do we want incremental change accomplished through the current political system? Do we want to reform the current political system first? Do we want democracy of which the current political system does not and cannot provide? Do we want to continue to allow the criminals on top to control us, even rule over us, or do we want to take the power?

We talk about "issues" and people list their priorities. "Address climate change, End the wars, End poverty, Enact Socialism, End wealth inequality". All well and good but how are we going to do it? How do we make these changes to human civilization and the planet we live on? It should be fully evident by now that the politicians we elect are not going to do these things. It is the ultimate fool's gold turned to rust.

Let's take third parties. What would supporting a third party accomplish and how long would it take? What's the purpose of supporting a third party?

In a nutshell, in theory supporting a third political party means trying to elect politicians of that party to Congress/Senate to supposedly represent the supporters in a Congress dominated by the oligarchy's Republican and Democratic political parties.

Some might be voting third party as a protest vote against the duopoly knowing full well that electing third party national representatives is almost impossible. Those doing that seem to be hoping the protest votes somehow pressure the members of the oligarchy duopoly to "do the right thing".
The problem is that since WWII, there have been only nine third party politicians elected to the national Congress/Senate . Currently there are two and one is running as a duopoly candidate for President. Some feel the conditions are ripe for third party advancement but that's probably wishful thinking. Even if a sustained third party effort, of which efforts are being made as offshoots from both major parties, was made it would take 20-50 years to make an impact in the Congress/Senate we have now. There are 535 representatives. Only 9 total national third party representatives since WWII. This looks like a situation that simply cannot be resolved without a significant change in the political system, if not an entirely new one.
But many are totally aware of the odds and the obstacles and still believe it's an option that should be pursued. They believe eventually progress can be made in the halls of Congress if they can just elect the right politicians.

Come on man.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. While the crimes go on. While the illegal wars and murders and destruction of lives continues. While the ruling elite lie and manipulate and sacrifice anyone in their way. While they create conditions for goddam nuclear war, while they ignore the dangers of climate change, while they institute a global police and military state beyond what even Orwell imagined. While the children k e e p g e t t I n g k I l l e d. The 500,000 here and 300,000 there and 60,000 right in front of our fucking noses.

I can't do it. Third party ain't my thing. I'm too impatient, I need a quicker fix. I don't see how we can ever change the system with this option. Ya I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I know, some are going to obliquely deride my rant against the third party route with the $64,000 question, "what the do you propose there Sherlock?"

I propose we have a Revolution. If we could only agree on the definition.

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