Sunday, June 26, 2016

Why Can't U.S. Citizens Vote on a Referendum?

I need to flesh this and to the very few who might read this, sorry, it's really just some thoughts I just had.

I've written before about the possibility for a referendum process at the national level so citizens can vote directly on important issues.  Why can't U.S. citizens vote whether to go to war, or to legalize marijuana, or to institute a single payer health care system? 

We all saw what just happened in Britain where the citizens voted on an extremely important issue instead of having politicians decide for them.  They voted to leave the evil European Union.  That's direct democracy in action. 

Some have tried to get a referendum process established in this country but of course the ruling elite would not want that.  Anything they can do to prevent it they will.  But the people do have power if they want to use it. 

What is disgusting and disturbing is no one except a very few on the left proposes changes to our political system such as a referendum process.  It's all about the "issues", fifteen bucks an hour, single payer, etc., with only one way to implement them, trying to get our politicians to do it.  Congress. 

Screw that, this vote in Britain, however it turns out, should say one important thing to Americans and people all over the world.  We can decide. 

Not to say that's all we need to do.  As we're seeing and going to see with the vote of the Britain citizens, the powers that be still have powers that be. 

Really, we should just break the country up like the EU looks like it may be headed for.  If not we should replace the entire political system, the Supreme Court, Congress, Senate, President especially, all of it.   But the people should decide that so perhaps a referendum process is the first step.  Get the power to the people. 

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