Friday, June 10, 2016

Is it World War III?

For all intents and purposes, we really are in the midst of World War III. I haven't referred to the situation that way until recently, typically railing against imperialism. In some ways they're one and the same, imperialism and World War III. Imperialism is defined as:
-a policy or practice by which a country increases its power by gaining control over other areas of the world;
-the effect that a powerful country or group of countries has in changing or influencing the way people live in other, poorer countries.
There's no doubt this fits what the U.S. government is and has been doing on this planet. But maybe it's more than that.
War is defined as
-a state or period of fighting between countries or groups
-a situation in which people or groups compete with or fight against each other
-an organized effort by a government or other large organization to stop or defeat something that is viewed as dangerous or bad.
Right now in the year 2016 the United States has been at war, officially but not legally or morally, for almost 15 years straight. That's longer than any other United States Empire wars except the Indian Wars where the white people sought to exterminate the Indians because it was their Manifest Destiny. Now there are more conflicts due to the quest for the New World Order than ever and the "process" is in the end game. The end game IS the New World Order, it is complete subjugation and hegemony of all countries on earth by an elite group of psychopaths who control the U.S. government and some of it's primary allies. They are literally waging economic and military war on the rest of the earth. And they really don't care who gets hurt.
Just look at what's happening on this planet. Coups and regime changes in Latin America, again. AFRICOM, created in 2007 under the Bush adminstration has been wreaking havoc in Africa. Continued US aggression by the US against Russia via sanctions and demands to "give back" Crimea. Aggression against China in the South China Sea. The U.S. backed war in Yemen and the Gulf of Aden. The U.S. economic war against the European Union. The Global War of Terror in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and anywhere the U.S. damn well wants. The Afghanistan war, arming Vietnam, arming ISIS, arming Saudi Arabia, arming everybody. The U.S. government war against its own damn people.
Just read the headlines:
"America’s Wars of Aggression against Africa under the Disguise of the “War on Terrorism”
"Will Russia Succumb To Washington’s Economic Attack?"
"Thousands of Civilians in Danger as US-backed Forces Mount Offensives in Iraq and Syria"
“Color Revolution” in Macedonia? Towards a New Balkans War?"
"How the World Ends"
"Baiting Russia Is Not Good Policy"
"Evo Morales Urges 'Democratic Revolutions Against US Empire"
"Is Scarborough Shoal Worth a War?"
"Does Russia Have Reason to Fear?"
"The Greek Surrender, Finance As A New Means Of War"
"Geopolitics of the Balkans: China and Serbia Expanding Cooperation, Strategic and Economic Implications"
"Frack the European Union! Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia"
Hundreds more could be listed from nearly every corner of the earth. It's the 21st century, everybody's connected. More countries are involved in connected global conflict than during World Wars I and II combined. The planet is being flooded with military grade weapons at an astounding rate. Drones are everywhere now and can kill anyone anywhere. The western financial oligarchy and its central banks are strangling any country that dares to challenge the Empire.

Is that World War III? Should World War III only be declared when the United States goes to the United Nations and requests approval for World War III because there are WMDs in Russia and China? Or maybe only when the first nuclear bomb goes off? Or maybe when we're all dead?
Does it matter how its described? Imperialism, New World Order, World War III.

Maybe it's like that old joke, you can call me anything you want, just don't call me late to dinner. I guess in this case, we can call it anything we want, just don't be late to stop it.

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