Friday, June 10, 2016

"Sanders is an imperialist pig"

"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied: and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."
James Madison

Zing!! Glen Ford of the BlackAgendaReport says that in his latest article, "Sanders is an imperialist pig".

Well, that won't go over well in Peoria, or on C99, but I have to agree. Sanders might be progressive in certain areas but when it comes to U.S. imperialism, he is fully on board the U.S.S. Empire. Does that make him an "imperialist pig"? If the shoes fits as they say, all imperialists are pigs, just like all warmongers are war pigs. Imperialism is evil, that's a fact jack.

Sanders claims his foreign policy views are more like Obama's than Clinton's. That's his distinction. Um Bernie, Obama is a war criminal now. He also staked his claim to the Peace Train by emphasizing his No vote for the Iraq war. But he's fully proven his imperialist creds as POTUS in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Venezuela, Honduras, Ukraine, and wherever else the Full Spectrum Dominance military/intelligence war machine stretches it's tentacles. He's instituted the President Assassination program, expanded the hideous drone war, and has overseen the institutional solidification of the War OF Terror. If Bernie is more like Obama, that's not a good thing.

What the hell kind of world are we living in where Obama, who has continued the illegal and inhumane wars and global U.S. imperialism, has a Nobel Peace Prize? How can that be? And how can Bernie Sanders say his foreign policy approach, i.e., approach to U.S. imperialism, be more like Obama's? I must be living in an alternate universe, one where War is Peace and where Lies are Truth.
Here's Bernie talking about Obama putting boots on the ground, illegally, in Syria.
"I think what the president is talking about is having American troops training Muslim troops, helping to supply the military equipment they need, and I do support that effort. We need a broad coalition of Muslim troops on the ground. We have had some success in the last year or so putting ISIS on the defensive, we've got to continue that effort."
What Sanders is saying is that he would continue Obama’s policy of regime change, despite the “unintended consequences” and its clear illegality. He is no more “progressive” than Obama on foreign policy, and just as dishonest – a true Democrat."
The war on ISIS is a fraud just like the entire war OF terror is a fraud. It was all started by the neocons in the Bush administration after they got their "New Pearl Harbor" to begin the "New American Century". Falling in line behind the false narratives and lies in none other than Bernie Sanders.
"A distinction without a difference, as they say. Sanders opposes “regime change” except when it is perpetrated by a Democratic administration. He really doesn’t mind U.S. “boots on the ground” in other people’s countries, as long as they are arming and training people of native religions and races to kill others of their kind, and U.S. casualties are kept to a minimum.
Sanders is an imperialist pig. Although his self-image is that of a Scandinavian social democrat, Sanders is more like a French “socialist” who supports the maintenance of a safety net for his own people, but reserves the right to routinely commit mass murder in the former colonies in order to preserve the French “way of life” and “values.”
Here's Sanders on the President's "Kill List", the illegal assassination program used by democrat Obama and his democratic party administration.
"The New York Times revealed in 2012 that President Obama hosts a meeting every Tuesday at the White House where he decides which suspected terrorists will be added to a so-called “kill list.” Those on the list can then be targeted for killing, typically with an unmanned drone. 
“Do you think what’s being done now is constitutional and legal?” Hayes asked Sanders, noting the existence of “a list of people that the U.S. government wants to kill.”
“In general I do, yes,” Sanders replied."
Ford has been giving Sanders some credit for activating a large number of the younger generation into the political arena. He and BAR have been critical of his running with the Democratic party and first broke out the term "sheep dog" to describe his role in running for President with the Democratic party. Here's his take on what will happen next.
"Sanders consummates his “sheep dog” assignment, he will deflate to his original state: a small-town Democratic Party operative. Most of his supporters will acquiesce to Hillary’s nomination – just as most people everywhere acquiesce to everything most of the time. But, a significant proportion, numbering in the millions, and including the half of young African Americans that have rejected the Black Misleadership Class’s slavish allegiance to the Democratic Party hierarchy, will not. And, although Hillary Clinton will surely win victory in November with her “big tent” Democratic Party – flush with white suburbanites who, only yesterday, were Republicans – it will be a Party that is even more hostile to Blacks and progressives than before Donald Trump plunged the duopoly into crisis."
Ya, no doubt many republicans turned off by the fascist pig named Donald Trump are jumping ship over to the big tent. That's bound to leave a mark. But keep hope alive, there may be something to work with here.
"Millions of people, especially young folks, will be looking for an alternative to the Democrats and the Republicans – or to electoral politics, entirely. It’s up to the Left to give it to them."
I see many Bernie supporters still claim that Sanders is about peace, that Sanders will end the wars, that Sanders will go against the mighty Military Industrial Complex. The evidence is clear that would not be the case, by Sanders own words. Many hold dear to the claim that Sanders is the "last honest politician", that he tells the truth. Well, no he doesn't, not when it comes to U.S. imperialism. He's a politician that mixes the true with the false narratives and the lies. He comes out against regime changes on one hand and supports it with the other.

Would he be better than Clinton on "foreign policy"? Ya, he would. So would Satan at this point. But he'd be like Obama and that's something we can't have. It has to end, the killing has to end, the sacrifice of our young for the benefit of the ruling class has to end. But it will never end unless we confront the truth.

It is up to the left to carry on his so called revolution, outside the Democratic party as much as he might plead with his supporters otherwise. It cannot be done by electing more politicians, it just won't happen. Not a revolution. That might stop the gushing to a slow bleed but that's it. The ruling elite have too much power. The left needs to come to grips with the elephant in the room, U.S. imperialism. It can't be ignored any longer. It can't be obfuscated away with false hopes that what a politician says isn't really what he means or that said politician would not get elected if he told the truth. It can't be accepted because it's a democrat and not a republican. Lives depend on it. The very foundation of this country depends on it. The world depends on it.

There won't be a revolution without ending U.S. imperialism. All imperialism must be ended. The people of the world have to unite to end this insane quest by those in control for wealth and power. They kill people, they steal, they make us sacrifice our young in their wars. It's an old human tale that we've never been able to end.

The world made an attempt in the "roaring" twenties after the horrific ruling elite manufactured World War I. The atrocities of the war made all but the most sadistic call for an end to such madness forever. It culminated in the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928.

"The Kellogg–Briand Pact (or Pact of Paris, officially General Treaty for Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy) is a 1928 international agreement in which signatory states promised not to use war to resolve "disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them."

Those in control of never had any intention of honoring that Treaty. Just ask the American Indians about the white man's treaties. World War II soon followed and now the planet is engulfed in a permanent, forever war with the largest manufacturing industry all about more war, more weapons, more destruction and more deprivation of privacy and freedom.

The American people have to unite with the French people, the English people, the Iraq people, all people to end the madness of war and imperialism once and forever. We can never have Peace if we don't try to do that. Peace. Peace man, Peace out. Peace brother. The Hippies had it right. Everything is Peace. People like to say it, greet with it, give condolences with it. But look at the fucking planet. We're as far from Peace as we've ever been. We've let it go man and we have to get it back.

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