Monday, August 19, 2019

We the People

It never ends.  Epstein, Trump, right vs left, the next election, movie stars, fake news, Scaramucci, Antifa, recession, every day, every month, every year.

All while the rich and their corporations, banks, political parties ( i.e., the democratic and republican parties), think tanks, foundations, institutes, national and local media, continue to rape and pillage the planet to satisfy their lust and endless quest  for power, wealth and control.

It's disappointing reading the so called alternative media on the internet where the vast majority, no, almost all, of the blogs, news and political opinion sites focus on this day to day distraction from the only real goal, freedom.  It's more disappointing listening to most of them admit the situation is FUBAR, that we need something new, but they continue to "follow the bouncing red ball" according to the whims of the "great and powerful Oz".

What we should be doing, those of us who really want things to change and understand that electing "more and better" politicians to the ruling class political parties is not going to change a damn thing, is focus, daily, monthly and yearly on how to stop these fuckers.

Instead, those that are interested choose to discuss and debate who killed Epstein, Trump's latest tweet, and the poll numbers of their favorite politicians.

At least they're interested, right?  I mean, over half the country could care fucking less they're so in debt up to their eyeballs, or working three jobs, or struggling to buy new shoes for their kids for school, or too broke to go to the dentist, or on the other fucking hand, too busy because their hedge fund is bursting at the seams.

No, not really.  These are the enablers, those that help to legitimize and perpetuate our failed un-representative political system; those that continue to have faith in the latest politicians who they continue to foolishly believe can save all our asses from the tyranny of the rich and powerful, the Great Oz.  Or even if they don't believe that, they're the ones that get off on the fucking theater, the soap opera drama that our political system is. They're the ones who give enough attention to these fuckers and their media and political and economic systems to allow the bouncing red ball to continue to bounce.  They talk about Maddow, they talk about Carlson, they even have comedians now to keep them focused on the prize, their asses in chains. They're the ones who perpetuate the right vs. left, democratic vs republican, us vs them divide that infests our media, corporate and alternative. They're the ones who refuse to search for solutions, refuse to consider revolution and insist on baby steps, i.e., progressivism, as the only way to go.  Baby steps to chains is what it is.  Where's Richie Havens when we need him?

I don't know the answer, but I know what isn't the answer, this duopoly political system controlled by the Great Oz.  Perhaps if more of those that are interested would actually practice what they preach, We the People could actually live up to our reputation. It might actually catch on to a lot of those currently not interested.

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