Monday, August 12, 2019

Justice Democrat Progressives Pushing People Toward Trump

This is rich.

"Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel announced Friday that President Donald Trump raised $12 million at two separate fundraisers in the Hamptons.

“Thanks to the unhinged mob on the left, @realDonaldTrump raised $12M today, $2M more than originally expected,” McDaniel wrote in a tweet.

It's funny because I've had this feeling for awhile now about the democratic party.  Not the feeling about the democratic party before this current feeling, but a relatively new feeling, the one I get when I think of AOC and her "gang", Gabbard, Sanders, and the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Justice Democrats.  It's a sick feeling, one where I have begun to despise the party and the lying and hypocritical progressives trying to take it over. It's hard to explain, but it has to do with freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and democracy, don't forget about democracy.  They seem to have an agenda, intentional or not, that doesn't give much attention to those key issues.  .

Maybe I'm a racist, that's probably it.  I am a white male, the stereotypical, dreaded white male that needs to be put in his place, needs to experience a little of what "we" did to everyone else.  I can't remember when I did it, but it must have been something because these progressives are getting really pissed off at me.

Now if I'm being repulsed by these new hypocritical and lying self described progressives, someone who actually agrees with them on the issues more than the republicans, imagine those that aren't so sympatico on the issues.  It's like those that hate Trump and would vote for say, Hillary the Warmonger Clinton, to get him out of there.  Looks like at least as many people want nothing to do with the new not white except for who  really controls it party.  

Well, maybe it's all a good thing.  Maybe we have to hit rock bottom before we can save ourselves.  Although that doesn't always work. Sometimes you hit rock bottom and don't get up.

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