Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The NeverEnding Election Season and Those that Watch It

It's funny watching some people's reaction to "election season", particularly the more leftier of the progressives (because some of them wouldn't know left if it bit them in the ass), and especially many of those that "Demexited", i.e., supposedly left the democratic party because their favored democratic party candidate didn't make the cut.

Demexit is now a meme, according to the internet, with a definition:

DemExit is a social media campaign and political movement encouraging Bernie Sanders supporters to leave the Democratic Party in protest of Hillary Clinton's nomination in the 2016 United States presidential election.


On July 12th, 2016, 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders formally endorsed rival Hillary Clinton for president against Republican candidate Donald Trump in the upcoming general election. That day, political news blogger Harlan Hill published an article titled "The Death of a Revolution and #DemExit," noting that millions of Democrats would be considering leaving the political party to protest Clinton's candidacy.

"Millions of Democrats" were considering leaving because their candidate, Bernie Sanders, wasn't the one nominated and was in their view ripped off even though Sanders has never protested that as such. Kind of like Al Gore letting George Bush win, it's all in the cards, man. What the fuck do people think?  

Well, evidently a lot of those people who were fed up with the democratic party are at it again. This time not only with Bernie, but also with Tulsi Gabbard, their new not so progressive but maybe who knows, heroine with the red beret because she jumped into massive firefights in Iraq to rescue her fellow American heroes who had fallen victim to the evil terrorists, or radical Islamists, or fucking Muslims, whatever Tulsi Gabbard really believes, after she had strategically enlisted in the U.S Killing Machine's Reserves so she could use that when she ran for President of the Empire and because she wanted to get those fucking Al Qaeda radical Muslims who should be eradicated from the planet..

Granted, a lot of those that demexited are staying that way, some are even trying to start a new People's Party third party. Many are on the younger side, reports are the millenials are still staying away in droves.  Bernie is too fucking old and not everybody is as turned on by Gabbard as the older demexiter but probably not life long partisans who are largely back in the game, after repeatedly admitting that the entire system is corrupt, that the duopoly political system is kaput, and we'll never get what we the people really need and deserve through the democratic party.  The funny thing is, many state that they're not really in the game, they just want Bernie to get a fair shake and Tulsi to make it to the debates where she will change the entire political conversation of the United States of America to one of Peace and Goodwill to all Humans on Earth and Beyond.  

That's the allure and travesty of our unrepresentative political system.  It's no different on the so called right side of the aisle.  People tied to the republican party are the same way. For them now, it's Trump, not a damn thing they can do about it even if they wanted.  It's like with Obama in 2012.  He's the candidate so there is no debate, at least very little, be real.  Many Trump supporters are entirely to pretty much unhappy with his performance.  I've seen article after article complaining about how he didn't do this or that, he capitulated, he became Israel's whore, etc. But those tied to the system, those brainwashed to the point that this is the only game in town, those that refuse to believe there is another way, they will continue to play the game and support Trump no matter that he turned out to be the racist asshole conman everyone knew he was from the beginning.  All while understanding, at least the bottom 80% of so, that it doesn't fucking matter who is president, we're all serfs and either get over it and vote or shut the fuck up. 

Here's the real shame in it all.  Nearly half the country has checked out or are incapable of participating in democracy, at least now.  One goal of the revolution has to be to correct that or it's not real. But the shame is that most of those capable, via knowledge and interest, are caught up in the neverending election sham.  What a shame to be continually caught up in the sham.  Which is the goal of the oligarchy, that most of those same progressives profess to have knowledge of, but they still fucking fall for it anyway.  Still, even after I and many others have inserted the youtube video of The Who's "Don't Get Fooled Again" at the end of rant essays telling them to NOT GET FOOLED AGAIN!  Well you know, I guess that's why they wrote the song, it was only fifty years ago or so. 

Here's my prediction for the 2020 election.  

Someone will be elected or re-elected as president.  Either the democratic or the republican party will gain a majority advantage in Congress and the Senate. 

Nothing else will change except the rich will get more rich and our freedom will become less. 


  1. "Someone will be elected or re-elected as president. Either the democratic or the republican party will gain a majority advantage in Congress and the Senate."

    Correction: someone will be appointed or re-appointed. But everything else is spot on.

    I won't be fooled again, but the beat goes on, regardless.

    1. Despite being logged in, I'm forced to comment as Unknown. It's Deja from c99. Wendy said you got banned. Can't find a recent comment or interaction that would justify that, so came to see if you had mentioned it.
