Sunday, August 11, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard, The "Heart of a Soldier"? No, The Ulitimate Hypocrite

Here's Gabbard's new political ad.

"I will bring a soldier's heart to the White House, Putting service above self."

What a load of crap.  It's so blatantly self serving it's hard to describe the hypocrisy.  Here's a person who is saying she joined "after 9/11 to fight those who attacked us on 9/11" even though she didn't actually enlist in the reserves until late 2003 while she was serving as a politician in Hawaii.  Make no mistake, that was not a move to fight Al Qaeda as she says, joining the reserves was a self serving political move so she can do exactly what she's doing now, exalt the US military and herself for joining.  She joined for her political career and now she's duping people into buying it.

This woman is dangerous.

Btw, what is a Soldier's Heart?  One that kills children?

Now the news is out that Gabbard is going on her two week military reserve holiday to Indonesia.  Poor girl, what did she sign up for?  Some are very suspicious of the timing of it, believing the "establishment", which certainly their Tulsi cannot be, is doing this to ruin her chances to rule the world.  Of course, this has all been planned long before and she knew full well of her commitment.  It comes from the same people that are convinced Bernie Sanders was threatened with his life, or his wife's good arm, if he didn't endorse Clinton and be quiet about his supposedly getting shafted.  Ya, right.

Saw one tweet that had it right, but can't find it now.  The person wondered how her supposed anti-imperialist reputation is gonna survive engaging in actual imperialism. Then her supporters, who are now pro-military if they weren't before, got all over that person. How dare he or she criticize someone who has SERVED THEIR COUNTRY FOR SIXTEEN YEARS! But it's a good point although Gabbard is an imperialist, she is not anti-imperialism. She's like Obama, against bad wars and doesn't want to be the world's "policemen", the convenient obfuscating propaganda they all put out now when pretending to protest against wars, but not imperialism. However the exalting attitude toward her from progressives is just another example of how their cognitive dissonance regarding U.S. imperialism and militarism travels with the election cycle. They're calling someone antiwar who is in the active military reserves officer corps, has been for 16 fucking years, and is damn proud of it. Give me a break, she's an imperialist through and through. Those calling her antiwar ought to be ashamed of themselves.

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