Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Truth Shall Set Us Free

Is it possible to make any progress as Serfs if we don't confront the truth and nothing but the truth? Maybe it's like in a relationship, if it's based on lies there is no chance at success.

People talking about Bernie Sanders and now Jill Stein as the only "truth tellers" among the candidates and yet they're not REALLY telling the truth. And we're not REALLY discussing the truth. If we were really discussing the truth we'd be discussing what happened on 9/11.

9/11 was a False Flag event. It was the proverbial inside job. It was a well planned attack on the United States by elements of the Deep State, the CIA, the Neocons/Zionists, Israel and Saudi Arabia. It was blatantly predicted by the Neocon/Zionist Project for a New American Century think tank, including some of the very perpetrators, in their call for a "New Pearl Harbor" to galvanize support from the American public for a never ending war OF terror, i.e., to advance the agendas for a New World Order and a Greater Israel.

9/11 is the justification for the Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Global War on Terror wars being waged by the United States. It's the justification for the sub-war on ISIS, a creation of the same insidious elements. It's why we have the Patriot Act and the accompanying assault on our liberties, why we have the Department of Homeland Security which now permeates every aspect of county, state and federal law enforcement and security programs.

9/11 created the War OF Terror which now envelopes the planet.  9/11 literally changed everything.

But it's all based on lies. The official story of 9/11 that is used to justify all this is based on lies.

Does it really matter what Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders say if they don't say 9/11 is a lie?

It's the same with the Federal Reserve System, another Big Lie. And the murder of JFK. And the Gulf of Tonkin incident justifying the Vietnam war.  The fake killing of Osama bin Laden.  All lies. The list goes on and on.  We live our lives under incredible lies.

There are those who will say Jill Stein, Sanders, and their ilk can't talk about 9/11 because they wouldn't be taken seriously, they'd be labeled "truthers", tin foil conspiracy theorists.

That's the problem and that's on us. We won't let ourselves REALLY talk about the truth. We're humans capable of wondrous things and yet we won't allow ourselves to confront our demons.

Or rather, those that rule over us won't allow it.

Maybe until we can change that we cannot progress as a human race. Even worse, like that relationship built on lies, maybe we can't last.

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