Thursday, August 11, 2016

Scumbag Trump says Obama and Clinton "founded" ISIS

Quick one.  I wrote an essay and posted it on the blog Caucus 99 Percent, titled, "Scumbag Trump - Clinton Founded ISIS". 

I was quickly labeled a liar and scolded by the C99 partisans for Trump for calling him a scumbag. 

The gist of the essay was that I felt Trump wasn't really saying they, Obama and Clinton, actually founded/created ISIS as policy to use it as a regime change proxy army against Assad and Syria (and others) but that their failed policies fighting terrorism were to blame for ISIS' rise. 

Of course most of the partisan Trump supporters on C99 disagreed.  Trump is the shit you know, a truth teller, an agent against the status quo. 

So today there was a lead headline on CNN, "Trump - Obama Absolutely Founded ISIS".  Evidently Trump doubled down and said,

"Asked about them on CNBC, he doubled down and said "[Obama] was the founder of ISIS absolutely, the way he removed our troops. ..I call them co-founders."

Notice the kicker, "the way he removed our troops".  Clearly he is saying that because Obama supposedly removed "our" troops, i.e., a strategic policy mistake in the War OF Terror according to Scumbag Trump, that led to the rise of ISIS. 

He is absolutely not saying that Obama created ISIS to act as a proxy army, one that has been trained, armed, guided and protected while also acting as the latest boogeyman to keep the American sheeple in their beds.  If he was it wouldn't be headlined on CNN.

Naturally the partisan Trump supporters on C99 still wouldn't see it that way.  They think Trump is the truth teller in this circus we call an election. 

Imagine Democrats voting for a republican President and republicans voting for a democratic president.  Here we are folks.  What are we going to do about it?

I know, nothing. 

Anyway, to me it shows that Trump does adhere to the false narratives and lies about the War OF Terror because he's saying ISIS is an enemy that needs to be defeated, just like Obama and Clinton, when actually ISIS is a tool for U.S. imperialism.  Trump is not saying that.  Couple that with his statements about Muslims, building a fence and all that and it shows that Trump is no different when it comes to U.S. imperialism regarding the War OF Terror, the lie that keeps U.S. imperialism afloat.

The lesser evil voting strategy is alive and well.  

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