Friday, August 12, 2016

Status of the People's Revolution

So where are we at now with the People’s Revolution?

It appears we’re headed absolutely nowhere.  Some would disagree but I don’t see it.  What I see is the same old shit, different day (SSDD).  We have an election happening between Clinton and Trump, of all people, and nothing happening to challenge it.  Some are trying to support and advance “third” party representation but that’s not challenging a damn thing.  We’re still going to get either Clinton or Trump as President, a republican controlled Congress, democrat controlled Senate, and the oligarchy will roll on.  Then after the elections the third parties will go back to their rooms with their tails between their legs. 

Is there anything to build on?  Not much.  All this talk about “Bernie’s revolution” was nothing more than trying to “revitalize” the Democratic party by electing more and better Democrats.  On the republican side, it’s even worse.  They’ve got Trump and utter confusion.

There have been a few efforts to expand on Bernie’s revolution but those were the same thing, Democratic party oriented talkfests that ended with whimpers.  Maybe there will be some payoff for the Democratic party, but so what. That party is part of the oligarchy, the establishment, the opposition in the People's Revolution. 

There are some antiwar demonstrations scheduled for September in D.C. that are attracting hundreds.  Hundreds. 

It’s like going to Vegas and laying a two dollar bet at the craps table, the dealer will say, “no action”. 
Like I said, some will disagree but we’ll see that I’m right.   There is nothing on the table to challenge the oligarchy. 

Is there hope?  Sure, there’s always hope, sometimes that’s all we’ve got.  But it doesn’t appear likely very soon.  Possibly when either Clinton or Trump become President there will be activity to challenge their rule, but it won’t be any different than it was with Boy Bush or War Criminal Obama.
There is just no agreement on what to do to overtake the power.  There is no agreement on whether to even challenge the power, which is illustrated by the push for third parties and trying to participate in a political system not designed to provide democracy.  There is absolutely no push to challenge this representative political system.

It’s a sad thing.  I’ve got grandchildren who will live throughout this century, hopefully.  They’ve lived their entire lives so far in a country at war with the world.  A country in a fake permanent state of emergency.  A country controlled by the rich and governed by the rich.  We’re being ruled but very few want to challenge that, most simple want to ignore it or vote for the next rulers. 

Maybe that’s just the way humans roll, the way it was and will be.  Some say it will have to get far worse before people will rise up and demand change.  Maybe.  I look at humans in other countries, like Venezuela and Iraq and North Korea, and they sure have it far worse and yet can’t get out of their situations. 

Those ruling us have immense power.  Power over the institutions, over the government, over our daily lives.  We’re fucking ants to them.  They can kill a million of us and have zero second thoughts. 

I believe we could do something about it.  We could if we wanted to.  But we don’t want to, not REALLY.  Many think they want to, like voting for Jill Stein instead of Hillary Clinton.  What’s that going to do?  Send a statement?  Right, our rulers don’t give a shit about statements. 

I’ve been close to giving up the fight against the establishment.  It seems so useless.  Most people are so fucking brainwashed about this country and its political system they just can’t envision anything different.

Maybe that’s something we could riff from.  “Envision something different!” 

Ah, that won’t work either.  To envision something first you have to have vision.  I don’t see the vision. 

No, I can't give up.  Fuck these people who are waging wars, stealing money and wealth, killing people and causing human hardship for their benefit.  We have to stop them because they won't stop. The question is how to organize enough people to challenge the power outside the election system. 

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