Friday, December 18, 2015

Yesterday's Gone

What's a human supposed to do when there are no options? We live in this country and everybody talks about the democracy and the freedom and the home of the brave. We're taught that we're the greatest, strongest, bestest country that's ever existed, the land of a thousand shining lights and we, and only we, are the way forward for the human race. American exceptionalism and Manifest Destiny.

But it's all bullshit. What's funny is we Americans have been subjected to a lifetime of fantastic illusion and propaganda and we've been convinced it's the other humans who are the dupes. We're shown filmsclips/videos of the brainwashed citizens in other countries to prove that WE are different. We watch them salute their dear leaders, chant their nationalistic slogans and watch their military parades and wonder how they can be so ignorant and compliant. While we pledge allegiance to a flag and sing songs about how free and brave we are because of bombs bursting in the fucking air a couple hundred years ago. No way, "merikans" wouldn't take no shit from a dictator.

I'm just done with it. I'm supposed to vote, that's my civic duty, it's my way to participate in this wonderful democracy we live in. People died for my right to vote. If I don't vote, I have no right to complain about the actions our political representatives take. That's all bullshit too. People died for our right to vote because they mistakenly believed voting made a fucking difference. It doesn't, never did. The political system of this country is an oligarchy which is defined as a small group of people that make decisions for everyone else. Someone tell me what 535 politicians that make decisions for over 300 million people is if not an oligarchy. Then to top it off, the oligarchy is completely beholden to those with the most money and wealth, i.e., the plutocracy. So that's what our form of government really is, as set up by the founding father dudes, it's an oligarchy controlled by a plutocracy.

I'm not done with voting. When I'm "allowed" to vote for issues/actions directly such as initiatives or referendums for gay marriage or legalizing marijuana, I'll certainly do that. When I'm "allowed" to vote to raise or lower my property taxes or to raise the sales tax to fund new schools, I'll do that. But I'm done with voting for political representatives UNDER THIS SYSTEM.

I've read many writers in the last years state that we need major systemic change in our society to solve our problems. That has to start with the political system. There's nothing sacred about it and the U.S. Constitution is not some devine document from God that should remain the same forever and ever Amen. Some of the more astute "founding fathers" acknowledged that such a change would probably be necessary.

When I saw Clinton vs. Bush (or as it is now, Trump) coming I thought it would be a perfect time to make the move. Tell them to shove it, we aren't taking it anymore and we demand change. I figured there was enough people in this country fed up with these greater evil/lesser evil choices pushed down our throats that we could finally form into enough of a force to challenge the plutocracy. I still think it's possible, particularly after the kabuki with Bernie Sanders and the Democratic party is resolved and it's clear Clinton will be the nominee.

But it's not shaping up that way yet. The fly in the ointment could be when Sanders is defeated in the Democratic primary and it becomes moment of truth time for the left wing of the democratic party. Will they fall in line as instructed by Sheepdog Bernie to support Clinton because Trump and the republicans are batshit crazy? Or will they follow through with their "Bern or Bust" threat to not support the Democratic nominee unless it's Sanders?

It appears most will fall in line. Most are Democrats after all and Democrats, to the astounding tune of 80%, approve of Obama's job performance. The same warmonger Obama who has waged wars in seven countries, become Assassinator in Chief, and a literal treasonous traitor to the country for his role with the Trans Pacific Partnership. Since most of Sanders supporters are of this stripe, what else can we expect when the rubber meets the road other than a sudden turn right to the clutches of Evil Queen Hillary, the Wicked Witch of the West.

There has been speculation that ultimately Trump is in the race for Hillary Clinton, or the Clinton's to be exact. Bill was even questioned about it by Bill Maher on his show, asking Bill if

Funny thing about that. I was talking to my older sister the other day and when the discussion turned to Trump she also became beside herself. My sister is a full blooded liberal, not a Democrat, and is just as disgusted with our state of affairs as I am, almost. She said she hates the idea of the lesser evil thing, but she might do anything to keep Trump from office, the anything in this case being voting for Clinton. The way it's working out with the Trump factor on the right and the Evil Queen of the West on the left, the lesser evil approach to demockery is slowly becoming the only forseeable option for the 50% of the voting public that still participates in this fraud.

I told my sister to not do it, don't vote for Hillary Clinton under any circumstances, even if Trump is revealed to be the Antichrist.

History tells us that what we're seeing with Donald Trump is simply another example of the ruling class full on ascent to psychopathic madness, joining neverending war, blatant legalization of torture and assassination, a fascist police state, and trillion dollar bailouts to the banksters and an unabashed quest for world supremacy. He acts like an outlier but it's all in keeping with the same trajectory pattern. Presidential elections are controlled, that's a proven fact, and there's no reason to believe this one is different.

The world is as close to a nuclear World War III than at any time since the more serious segments of the original Cold War. Debt and man-made financial instruments of mass destruction are enveloping the planet along with massive poverty and an existential crisis of climate change human greed is preventing from being addressed. We KNOW it won't get better with either Trump or Clinton or any President. The trajectory is going the wrong way and it's accelerating.

Can we afford eight more years of this shit? Can we really settle for a lesser evil that is anything but while the world is falling apart before our own eyes? As my Uncle Dan used to say, "I've got any uneasy feeling about this shit".


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