Friday, December 18, 2015

Alms for the Poor, or Take this Inequality and Shove It

Recent reports have shown that nearly half the country is at or near the poverty level. Over half of Americans make less than $30,000 per year. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour! My stepdad, and this is true, made $7.50 per hour in 1970 as a brickmason.

Other reports have shown how much wealth is flowing to the top of the oligarchy. It's become obscene from all angles and the serfs display incredible cognitive dissonance about it by complaining about it while also supporting the systems, organizations and instititions that perpetuate the inequality.

I lived in West Germany for five years and visited a number of famous castles including the one Disneyland is modeled after, Neuschwanstein, and was amazed at the size and extravagance of King Ludwig's digs.

Today I saw a link for the top 15 houses of famous athletes. The one "owned" by Tom Brady, the quarterback for the New England Patriots, looked like a castle. That's what it is, a fucking castle. Then there's the hedge fund managers and the Wall Street bankers and corporate CEO's castles. Throughout history, the Kings and Queens and Dictators had the castles. Now it's an expected part of the top one percent. Thou shalt have castles.

We stayed at seven bucks and hour while they went from mansions to castles.

But the Serfs get to look, they can click on a link like I did and see for themselves. Take a little tour of the high life, then go back to their minimum wage job and minimum wage lives.

How can it be stopped? Can it even be slowed down? I saw an article recently that posed the question, "have we reached peak inequality"?

Hell no it hasn't peaked. I don't care about data and statistics when it comes to this. It can't stop, there's nothing to stop it. The people can't seem to stop it. The people don't seem to really care. Most people seem to accept class divisions as a normal way of life, just the way it is and always has been. Maybe that's it. Maybe it was meant to be.

Until it all comes crashing down.

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