Sunday, December 20, 2015

Donald Trump, Be Wary, Wary Afwaid

I wrote a previous article in which I mentioned a conversation I had with my sister about Donald Trump. She's a left wing liberal, non-democrat, that is so exasperated by the thought of a Trump presidency that she's considering something heretofore anathema to her, voting for Hillary Clinton as the lesser evil.

What? Hillary Clinton? Lesser Evil?

Well shoot, looks like my sister might be right.

"Appearing on The O’Reilly Factor, Trump spokesperson Katrina Pearson hammered at the other candidates while covering for her boss who, in a recent debate, was stumped when asked the country’s nuclear strike capability known as the "nuclear triad."

"What good does it do to have a good nuclear triad if you’re afraid to use it?" Pierson asked. "And that’s where we are today and we need to fix these problems. Not just complaining and name-calling about who started this and who started that."

Here's the video if you can take it.
 It's not just Trump, it's his people, his followers and supporters too. I've said the same thing about Clinton and Sanders supporters. This Pearson person is absolutely nuts and so are many, too many, of Trump's followers. These are the people who would support Trump as President, people that would have no qualms about barring entire religious groups from their country and would support using nuclear weapons on our ruling class "enemies".

Pearson btw is the same person who earlier said about Trump's proposal to ban all non-American Muslims from the country, "So what, they're Muslims?".

I've said the same things about Clinton and Sanders supporters, the vast majority of whom are democrats. Democrats in poll after poll, year after outrageous year, approve of Obama's job performance at the rate of 80%. A proven war criminal, warmonger, imperialist, corporatist, liar and deceiver like Obama maintains an 80% approval rating from Democrats for his actions. That would include the continuation of the Bush wars (War OF Terror, Afghanistan war, Iraq war), the illegal and inhumane bombing and destruction of Libya and the Obama led war against Syria. It would also include support and advocation for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), a travesty to all but the very rich.  

Clinton of course is an accomplice to Obama for the Libya and Syria wars making her a documented war criminal also.  Imagine that, a real life war criminal running for President of the United States.  And relative to Bernie's "revolution", it's primarily made up of people who support Obama and will vote for Clinton in the general election if she wins the Democratic primary.  What kind of revolution can it be with people who support wars and war crimes? 

But along comes Trump and his psychophants and supporters to up the ante to a higher level.

FUBAR man, it's all just FUBAR.

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