Sunday, November 15, 2015

War OF Terror Has to End or it's Over for All of Us

I'm seeing a lot of comments and articles indicating a feeling amongst those of us that KNOW (the truth), that the War OF Terror took a giant leap forward with the western/Zionist intelligence manufactured terrorist event in France. 

The prevailing sentiment is that now it really will never end, they've got us right where they want us. 

Even many of those against war, imperialism and militarism are again (like 9/11) afraid to even think that this event could be a false flag.  Many are so upset that others are labeling this a false flag they simply cannot hold back their venom at the people who would believe such things. 

While they believe the stories and words from the proven liars, the Obamas and Hollandes and all the rest of our rotten to the core political leaders who lie with such brazenness it's beyond adequate description.  Not to mention the ruling class media splashing it's lies, false narratives and social conditioning themes on every channel and website it owns, which is about 90% of the media.

I don't know, it's hard to have hope today.  The antiwar movement is almost dead and here we have the greatest need for an antiwar movement in the history of the human race. 

I can see only one hope, that all the people who are really against war and imperialism rise up now and join TOGETHER to demand truth, justice and an end to the war OF terror and imperialism lies.  If we don't come together, it just can't happen. 

It can't happen if they're fighting for fifteen bucks an hour.  There has to be one focus and it has to be soon.

I've said it many times, the ruling class psychopaths are not going to stop.


  1. Come together. Right now.

    Where and when, brother?

    Because, if we don't hang together, we shall surely hang apart.


  2. Hey dr, gawd I wish I could figure it out. I went over to Popular Resistance, some of the people who organized Occupy and tried to get a discussion going with them about an election boycott and no go. They had some kind of protest in D.C. this weekend that nobody heard about. I criticized them a bit for holding it in D.C. and not reaching out to those who can't attend protests there or anywhere for that matter. They considered it nonsense, saying that D.C. is where it's at.. I believe we're faced with a problem so immense it's going to take solutions just as immense and bold. Fighting for things like fifteen bucks an hour at this point is meaningless, it's going to happen anyway but on the ruling class terms. But in the end the main question is how to get the people together as you say. I've been wanting to comment at C99, but I'm so far away from anything connected to the Democratic party I feel I'd have to hold back, which I can't do on my own blog. But we'll see. I've been trying to turn the subject to solutions everywhere I comment now. Maybe we can turn the tide.
