Saturday, September 14, 2019

Progressives Proclaim Mention of Revolution by the 99% is Forbidden

Frequently those of us in the know have pointed out that the duopoly political system, or those behind it, works to stifle independent movements and third party participation. It's done many different ways first and foremost through the perpetual election cycle. No better example than the current democratic party presidential nomination process, which literally started even before Trump took office.

It's become so ingrained and the propaganda so successful that progressives have banned even mentioning the word revolution.

I got banned a couple weeks ago from a blog, Caucus99Percent, which masquerades as a non-partisan political blog, supposedly all for the 99%, even though the owner and most of his scared to shake the boat so the omnipotent owner doesn't ban them active members are certainly democratic party partisans and thus fully on board with the establishment, i.e., the 1%, as much as they bitch and moan about the democratic party leadership.  Hypocritical as hell. They are the perpetuators, the enablers, and supporters of the left that feed this bullshit political system so it never fucking ends.

I got banned because I have consistently called for revolution and/or an independent citizen's movement against the duopoly political system which keeps us divided.  I've called for boycotting the duopoly.  The owner finally got fed up and declared his blog a democratic party blog, one like it's mothership they like to complain about, the Daily Kos, focused on electing more and better democrats.  He directly stated that anything else was foolish and henceforth forbidden on his blog. Check the blog out now, nothing but democratic party all the time with some hasbara like distractions thrown out occasionally by the resident full blooded partisan essayist.

Hey, his choice, true colors and all. It's kind of funny that I could talk like I do for four years and then he decides it is now forbidden. As George Thorogood said, "now he funny too".

But it points out something. The blog owner and his sheeple are so ingrained into the system that they outright reject anything that seeks to overturn the current power structure.  The duopoly's efforts to keep the focus off challenging the oligarchy works so well that those infected readily jettison any who disagree with their support of the election system even while they pretend to be against the establishment. Even while they claim to understand the situation.  It's like they can't go all the way, something prevents them.  And not only that, they will actively work against those that want to - go all the way. Cognitive dissonance to the max.

Maybe they're scared, maybe that's what it's all about.  Scared little sheeple who want everyone to vote for their new favorite democratic party politician and not to start a "violent" revolution.  They don't want anyone to get hurt, not realizing that their assistance in perpetuating this system and voting for democratic war party politicians totally obliterates their rationale.

Like Trump would say,


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