Friday, September 20, 2019

No Compromise on U.S. Imperialism

Some things people are not going to agree on. It's going to require some to over power the opinions of others to get what they want. Call it democracy if you will. Take slavery for example. A whole lot of people, even to this day if you can believe it, didn't want slavery abolished. But it was abolished. 
As much as half the country didn't want Jim Crow and segregation ended, but it was anyway.

Many people don't want gay marriage, but we have that anyway. Many people don't want marijuana legalized, but we have that anyway. It's getting there anyway.

In the end, what does it boil down to?

It was the right thing to do. It got done regardless the opinions of those opposed because it was the right thing to do.

Did it take the 99% to accomplish it? Of course not, much of the 99% was opposed. So there wasn't solidarity amongst the 99%, but there was solidarity amongst those who were fighting for what was right.

How many does it take? Who knows, but it was a minority of people in each case that got it done. Maybe a majority of the public approved of the change, but a minority of the people did the work to get it done.

American cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead once said:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Much of the public is either in favor of U.S. imperialism or pragmatically accepting for various reasons or they don't even know what the damn word means.

But ending U.S. imperialism and Empire is the right thing to do. So it's going to get done. It has to get done.  And it's going to get done by a minority of the people, even a small group as Margaret Mead inferred.

It takes people that will not compromise on the issue to get it done. That's how it works. There was no compromise for many on slavery, civil rights for blacks, gay marriage, and marijuana legalization. There can't be compromise or it won't get done. It will take people who will not acquiesce to the duopoly political system and who understand that it has to be done outside the system, by people unwaveringly demanding it AND ACCEPTING NOTHING LESS, not by electing more and better politicians, and continually pretending that THIS ONE will be the one who will be their fucking savior.

We must end U.S. imperialism.  It is crucial to this country and the world.  There can be no compromise on that.  

The Democratic party won't end it.  Donald Trump won't end it.  Bernie Sanders won't end it.  Tulsi "Council on Foreign Relations" Gabbard won't end it. Our political representatives WILL NOT END IT.  So why the fuck is anyone who says they are against imperialism, and the outright the KILLING OF INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS IT ENTAILS, still supporting in any way either of the two political parties and ANY of their politicians?  How fucking hypocritical is that?  It's chickenshit is what it is. 

Only those with the courage can end it and all the killing. 


  1. See, I used to be able to post this kind of thing on Caucus99Percent, the democratic party blog that pretends to be for the 99% instead of what it is, a democratic party blog. I think it took people like me to make the owner and others involved realize that they really weren't non-partisan after all. In fact, I posted this on C99 in 2015 shortly after it opened. Funny huh.

    1. WOW! I got a comment! Things are looking up, man.
